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No matter how cynical I get, I just can't keep up.

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(That is a Lily Tomlin line BTW)

I'm talking about this news story:



What kind of woman, I ask, would have s#x with a child and send photos of it to a stranger on the internet to get a date? And not one lone fool: several.


Just when you think you have heard it all.....

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What kind of woman, I ask, would have s#x with a child and send photos of it to a stranger on the internet to get a date? And not one lone fool: several.


Just when you think you have heard it all.....


Not just a child but HER OWN child??!!

Wow. What an awful story.

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That is ludicrous. I cannot fathom that this man could find, not just one but several, women messed up in the head enough that they could be "talked" into such horrible things. :001_huh: I just do not believe that normal, healthy, well adjusted women could be talked into such acts. There must have been something wrong with them. And evil does not begin to describe the depravity of that man. :glare:

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That is ludicrous. I cannot fathom that this man could find, not just one but several, women messed up in the head enough that they could be "talked" into such horrible things. :001_huh: I just do not believe that normal, healthy, well adjusted women could be talked into such acts. There must have been something wrong with them. And evil does not begin to describe the depravity of that man. :glare:



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Unfortunately, because we live in Michigan, this was in our local news this morning. I was checking the local weather report and saw the headline. It made me want to take a shower and use a brass brush.


Seriously, most days I am very happy to live in a country with a justice system based on investigation, duly elected local judges, checks and balances to centralized legal authority, trial by jury, etc. But, occasionally, just occasionally, a story like this comes to the forefront and my heart yearns a bit for the "wild west" when the town could just bad together and "hang 'em" in the back forty because they were too evil to house in the local jail while waiting for the circuit riding judge to come to town! I know, I know....not very civilized of me and especially someone who loves the constitution as much as I do. But, the mamma bear can exercise a certain overBEARing quality once in a while.


Evil and depraved are words that do not begin to reach to the abyss that is their souls.


I need to go read my Bible and re-read the fruits of the spirit so my head doesn't explode!



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Yuck, yuck, yuck. Some people are incredibly gulllible. The poor children who were victimized in these sickening incidents.


I would not be surprised if he gave advice to other child molesters and it's happened/happening elsewhere. Child predators often communicate and live together, sometimes like clans. In Chicago near Clark and Division Streets, there used to be an apartment building full of childhood predators. I'm not sure if they're still there but blech.

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What kind of woman, I ask, would have s#x with a child and send photos of it to a stranger on the internet


(Topping the untoppable in cynicism ....) The answer is the kind of woman who has done this sort of thing before, but for less specious reasons.

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He said he was a professional. I wonder what sort of issues they thought their kids had. Part of me think that some of the blames resides at the feet of those that make 'professionals' the grand high pubas, making 'normal' people feel like lost morons that don't know anything about anything except whatever they specialize in. It would sure seem like raping your own child would be obviously wrong. So does a lot of the 'attachment therapy' stuff that I hear about. Or parents that punish with tobasco sauce. Or not ever punishing your child. Or letting your children wear clothes that advertise their bodies.


I don't know anymore. This is depraved, sick, wrong. I agree that hanging these people in the back forty sounds like an excellent idea. At the same time... I'm not overly surprised that there are people out there that would do depraved things, because they think a professional told them to.

"Steve has expressed a lot of remorse," said Timothy Dinan, his attorney. "He's very sorry for this, and it's a shame that he couldn't ask for help."


Emphasis mine. Anyone see where this is going? That poor man, if only he could've felt safe enough to reach out for help.

sarcasm off

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This story is so yucky because you see the absolute WORST of humanity - pure evil and pure stupidity.


Seriously? People are having sex with their kids and webcamming it because a "psychologist" on a singles website told them too? When the mothers were done molesting their kids, did they then send their bank account number to the king of Mogadishu so he could safely deposit 59 million British pounds??


I sometimes think we should just turn the internt off until a lot more people get a LOT smarter.


Like a clinical psychologist is just hanging around at match.com hoping someone will come in so he can help them... Good grief. :glare:

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