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So do people really wash sheets & "fine undergarments" in the same load?

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Forget it. I was venting & mourning the loss of a much needed item of clothing & some people just want to argue. Thanks to those of you who couldn't relate but gave me some grace in my venting. Thank you to those of you who commiserated or at least had empathy. For those of you who couldn't relate, I'm glad. Seriously. I have no problem with any of your posts.

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I guess it depends on what are fine undergarments


I have been known to wash sheets, underwear, and bras in the same load without harm.


If everything is washed on cold then it isn't a problem. My $$bra should not be washed on hot with the sheets simply because they're both white.

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We sort by color - reds, darks, lights, whites, jeans, towels, sheets, and everything gets washed in warm (esp since hubby broke my water temp control). If I wash sheets with smaller things, the smaller things often end up balled up inside the sheets, so I don't do it often.


We haven't ever had problems.


I do wash critter things separately or fur will get on everything.


Really gross stuff gets hosed outside first if it's going to be washed, then might be separate.

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Good grief, yes! I used to separate it into different piles according to colors and types of uses. But then the waves of babies arrived and it was, "GET IT DONE or they'll all be walking around bare!"


We have clean laundry. It's not the whitest or brightest. But it doesn't stink.


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Good grief, yes! I used to separate it into different piles according to colors and types of uses. But then the waves of babies arrived and it was, "GET IT DONE or they'll all be walking around bare!"


We have clean laundry. It's not the whitest or brightest. But it doesn't stink.





Nothing really gets sorted here. We don't own any clothing that requires 'hand washing' or any special treatments - I just won't buy that stuff. No time, no patience. :p


We sort by color - reds, darks, lights, whites, jeans, towels, sheets, and everything gets washed in warm (esp since hubby broke my water temp control). If I wash sheets with smaller things, the smaller things often end up balled up inside the sheets, so I don't do it often.


We haven't ever had problems.


I do wash critter things separately or fur will get on everything.


Really gross stuff gets hosed outside first if it's going to be washed, then might be separate.


Just wanted to respond that I'm not talking about cleanliness or hygiene - just protecting my delicate items. I only have a couple delicate items & they are a necessity for me that I would definitely do without if I could but I haven't found a way to do that without my BooKs at my waist or popping out at my neck. If you have washed delicates in hot water without damage then kuddos to you. It doesn't work here.

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Really? This is a legitimate way to do the laundry?


This kind of help I really don't need.


Sorry, just needed to vent.


ETA: When I first wrote this I assumed that everyone washed in different temperatures based on load. I know everyone doesn't but lost my head while mourning my bestest undergarment.


Just wanted to respond that I'm not talking about cleanliness or hygiene - just protecting my delicate items. I only have a couple delicate items & they are a necessity for me that I would definitely do without if I could but I haven't found a way to do that without my BooKs at my waist or popping out at my neck. If you have washed delicates in hot water without damage then kuddos to you. It doesn't work here.


I'm sorry that you lost an item of clothing (any chance it can be mended/fixed or something?) ~ was someone trying to help you by doing your laundry? As you can see by this thread, not everyone deals with items that could get hurt by washing & drying -- so perhaps the person* trying to do you a favour also wasn't aware.


I'm not quite sure why you sound annoyed at people HERE though... nobody has said that you shouldn't have those items or such. I'd suggest maybe keeping them very separated from any other laundry so that nobody can accidentally wash them?


*was it your husband, by any chance? :p

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First - I feel your pain on the $$$ undergarments. They don't carry my size in any store that isn't way nicer than I would normally visit. As I get closer to having this baby I'm already dreading having to special order my nursing bras. Small ribcage + giant circus BooKs = pain in the rear.


Having said that, I still wash my bras with most of the rest of my clothing - on hot/warm. The elastic has stayed just fine and most of them are at least 3 - 4 years old.



Did they get messed up, or are you just worried that they WILL be?


Commiserating hugs :grouphug:

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I'm not quite sure why you sound annoyed at people HERE though... nobody has said that you shouldn't have those items or such. I'd suggest maybe keeping them very separated from any other laundry so that nobody can accidentally wash them?


*was it your husband, by any chance? :p


I'm not annoyed with the responders at all. I'm trying to explain to people who don't have this problem why its a problem for me. I'm trying to avoid sounding like a picky laundry-er. I'm not. I wouldn't have cared one bit if other clothing items were ruined. My necessary intimates are not easy to find nor are they cheap.


I'm also not looking for advice on how to avoid this problem, that is a bit annoying. No, it wasn't my husband, it was his mother who picked-up my laundry from my bathroom without asking.

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First - I feel your pain on the $$$ undergarments. They don't carry my size in any store that isn't way nicer than I would normally visit. As I get closer to having this baby I'm already dreading having to special order my nursing bras. Small ribcage + giant circus BooKs = pain in the rear.


Having said that, I still wash my bras with most of the rest of my clothing - on hot/warm. The elastic has stayed just fine and most of them are at least 3 - 4 years old.



Did they get messed up, or are you just worried that they WILL be?


Commiserating hugs :grouphug:


Thanks for the hugs & commiseration. Interestingly, I never had this problem with more granny-types (not saying that's what you have, just what I had when I was smaller than now but still huge). Those were at times washed on hot with OK results. They lasted longer, too. Alas, this one is ruined. I will get out the sewing machine & see if it can be salvaged...

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Dd16 does her own laundry. I do the rest. Dh used to "help" with it but there were too many ruined clothes, and clothes ending up in the wrong person's closets (i.e. disappearing). He's banned from the laundry room now.


I sympathize, though my husband has only made one spectacular error, very early in our relationship. I had been searching for a long time for a white silk blouse and finally found it:hurray:. This was a big indulgence for me at the time.


I wore it once, then came home to find he had washed the whites (sheets, towels, underwear, white shirts, socks, anything white)----using a lot of bleach so they'd get really clean.:( My beautiful shirt (which had been on clearance even, so I couldn't find another in my size), looked like it had been attacked by moths with blowtorches.

Edited by KarenNC
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I sympathize, though my husband has only made one spectacular error, very early in our relationship. I had been searching for a long time for a white silk blouse and finally found it. I wore it once, then came home to find he had washed the whites----using bleach so they'd get really clean.:( My beautiful shirt (which had been on clearance even, so I couldn't find another in my size), looked like it had been attacked by moths with blowtorches.


Oh no! I've made too many errors myself with bleach, I no longer use in unless necessary.

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I'm sorry. That wasn't directed at you.


No worries.

Sometimes this board is like a man. You offer up a problem in search of commiseration or a simple hug but what you get instead are 'solutions' and advice.


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I'm not quite sure why you sound annoyed at people HERE though... nobody has said that you shouldn't have those items or such. I'd suggest maybe keeping them very separated from any other laundry so that nobody can accidentally wash them?


*was it your husband, by any chance? :p


I'm not annoyed with the responders at all. I'm trying to explain to people who don't have this problem why its a problem for me. I'm trying to avoid sounding like a picky laundry-er. I'm not. I wouldn't have cared one bit if other clothing items were ruined. My necessary intimates are not easy to find nor are they cheap.


I'm also not looking for advice on how to avoid this problem, that is a bit annoying. No, it wasn't my husband, it was his mother who picked-up my laundry from my bathroom without asking.


You were upset that something was damaged; I suggested a way to prevent it in the future. That's all. No harm meant! :)


Can it be repaired? Mended or anything? I hope it can ~ I may not have "delicate" clothing, but I have things that would cause sadness if they were broken/etc.



edit: just saw this...


I will get out the sewing machine & see if it can be salvaged


I hope it can! :thumbup:

Edited by LidiyaDawn
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Before children, I was very particular and always sorted everything. Now, after kids, anything goes. It just all gets shoved in the washer. :D


Before children, I didn't even own a washing machine. Everything got tossed into the bathtub, shower run, swished around. Sometimes I'd get in there and stomp on it. Hey, we had like... no money. :laugh:

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:grouphug: The offender, assuming it is someone who should know better and earns a salary, should be in charge of buying you a new one. Or at least writing 'I will separate sheets and delicates' on the chalkboard 25 times!


This is why I do all the laundry -- no one else in this house would know how to do it right! I wouldn't worry about being considered a 'picky' launderer -- picky is just another word for having discriminating taste. :)

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I mix things all the time, but I'm the only one who does the wash. I don't own expensive undergarments (I buy Target lingerie).


I prefer to do all of the wash because that way, I'm the only one to blame if I forget something (which I've done). I've forgotten to remove sweaters before that shouldn't be dried, for example. It annoys me, but it happens.

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My bOOkshelves have underwire and if they are dried they wear out so much faster. I'm constantly trying to restitch the wire into place. Soooo, I keep all my "fine undergarments" completely separate or they get destroyed which makes me VERY grumpy. I hate shopping for that stuff so having it fall apart due to not following proper washing instructions is irritating. :grouphug:

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