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Two chemos left. Yeah!

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Hi everyone, I've been sitting here thinking that I only have two chemos left. I am so excited. I am doing fine so far. I just keep praying that my counts do not drop too low. If my hemoglobin can stay where it is at maybe I can skip out on another transfusion. My heart is beating a little bit faster but nothing like in times past.


I just want to be back to normal. I'll never be normal again. I guess it will be a new normal.


I'm stressing over whether or not I should send my kiddos to school next year. My oldest would be a freshmen. Perhaps the education would be good but I worry about the culture and the education that would come with that.



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I'm stressing over whether or not I should send my kiddos to school next year. My oldest would be a freshmen. Perhaps the education would be good but I worry about the culture and the education that would come with that.



:hurray: Only two chemos left! I am cheering you on and lifting you up!


I also want to encourage you in your tough decision about sending kids back to school, especially your oldest. Of my three dd's, one graduated from homeschool, one returned to ps as a junior, and one chose to go to a boarding arts academy for high school:ohmy::scared:. For each of my three dd's, she remained basically the same person that she was before high school, without regard for which way she went through high school (for better or worse.) Ironically my oldest, who homeschooled all the way through, had the most negative cultural education of the three. In other words, do what seems right for your family--God will hide your children under His wings. He's big enough to do that for real. ;)



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Just get through these next 2 chemos and recoop a little!!! The ps will take the kids anytime so you can make a last minute decision if you need to depending on how you feel. I put my kids in ps when I went through chemo etc. Th following year, my ds went back to home school, but my dd continued on in ps middle school. Thoughts & prayers for kicking cancer's butt!

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Thinking of you and hoping that your new normal brings you a richness of life you never imagined....


I will pray this too, Christine. You're coming to the end and you've made it through so courageously!

My sister says that breast cancer is the best thing that ever happened to her. For her, it was her relationship with God that changed from going through it all. She wouldn't trade it for anything as it DID bring a new richness to her life. It's such an awful thing to go through that it feels weird just to say that, but those were her exact words. She had a terrible time with her chemo and a 2 year old at home in the middle of all her sickness. That was 30 years ago.

Edited by BeckyFL
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happy you only have two more to go! Yay for you! YOU ARE A SURVIVOR! Trust God with your schooling decision. He's in control of it all. I, for one, have been so glad to have my children here with me while walking through my cancer journey. I wouldn't trade it for anything. I've just been so glad to have time with them that I would've lost if we had entered PS. They have done great with their school work. One is in 11th, one in 8th and one in college this year.


Prayers and hugs,



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:hurray: Only two chemos left! I am cheering you on and lifting you up!


I also want to encourage you in your tough decision about sending kids back to school, especially your oldest. Of my three dd's, one graduated from homeschool, one returned to ps as a junior, and one chose to go to a boarding arts academy for high school:ohmy::scared:. For each of my three dd's, she remained basically the same person that she was before high school, without regard for which way she went through high school (for better or worse.) Ironically my oldest, who homeschooled all the way through, had the most negative cultural education of the three. In other words, do what seems right for your family--God will hide your children under His wings. He's big enough to do that for real. ;)




Yes!! I agree. Mine so far have all stayed the homeschool course, but that has been what was best for them.


I am praying for you and yours.



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