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Ear infection and sinus infection natural cures?

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DD6 just had an ear infection 2 weeks ago. Now the infection is coming back. I am searching for natural cures for ear infection. I came across something on the internet saying Colloidal Silver and Grapefruit seed Extract works on ear infection. And they said Colloidal Silver works on sinus infection also. Does anybody have any experience with those?

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heaps of garlic.

My sister use to have regular ear aches from age 3-5. my mum tried everything, and a very old lady told her garlic. my sister ate so much garlic that her breath was so strong it would knock you over. she had lots of fun chasing all her older siblings around and breathing on us. It fixed her ear infections.

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I've had good results with this product and I always make sure I have it on hand for earaches/infections:




I also give Tylenol at night if they have ear pain. I usually only have to give 2-3 doses total of this before my kids ears are better.


I personally have had real success with using Colloidal silver, although I only use it when I am really sick and I can't kick it any other way. I usually only have to take it for 2 days. All the people that turned blue with it were taking it for a long period of time. This is the product I use. Note it has other minerals in it that may be part of why it works so well, although I have used other colloidal silver products in the past and thought they worked.


With a child though, you should be able to use other things if you want to avoid it. For one, buy some Emergen-C and give it to your dc throughout the day for a day or two. You know to back off if they have any stomach upset. You could get some herbal Goldenseal and Ecchinacea that is for kids as well.


Make sure your dc is getting 2-3 times daily doses of probiotic to replace what she lost while on the antibiotic. Her immune system needs it.


I hope she feels better.

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I found this recipe a few years ago and it worked after a few applications:


1 ounce olive oil

1 small garlic clove, minced


Stir in garlic and heat on low for 10 minutes. Bring to room temp. Put 3 drops in affected ear and stay horizontal for half hour. Repeat 3X's daily.

Oil may be stored in fridge for several days.


Kinda goes without saying, but don't put a chunk o' garlic in an ear. Just the infused oil. ;)

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Going dairy-free would probably clear these problems up.


Thats what i was going to say. But it might not clear up this particular infection in time- but if this is a susceptibility- and the sinus infection is a giveaway- then dairy should be cut out altogether indefinitely.


I would try all those things people have suggested but I must admit I will try anything but depending on how bad it gets, I have resorted to antibiotics. Ds had an ear infection recently- the first since the only other one he had when he was about 4- caused by local river water- and he was in pain but also he couldn't stay awake- he kept falling asleep in the middle of the day with it- so I didn't muck around and got him antibiotics. Ears are too close to the brain to muck around with.


I dont like antibiotics either but sometimes I am grateful for them.

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A couple of drops of onion juice in the ear would help it. Take a chunk of onion and microwave or boil it for a few minutes, and then squeeze a couple of drops of the onion water in her ear. The garlic suggestion is a great one as well.

Going dairy free and gluten free and staying away from sugar.


If she is having drainage issues from her sinuses and middle ear, then a visit to the chiropractor would not only help boost her immune system but also help with getting her sinus cavities starting to drain.

hope she feels better soon.




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I would get anti's & probiotics now, but in the future you could keep some olive oil & garlic on hand. Every fall, I mix up some olive oil & glarlic cloves and let it soak in a mason jar for a few days. Then I discard the garlic, and put the olive oil in the fridge for the rest of the winter months. This is just in case my kid's ears bother them if they were to get sick. I slightly warm the oil on the stove, and soak a cotton pad with it and drip some down in their ears while they lay on their side. It's soooooooo comforting when those ears are kind of achy.


We've had a really healthy winter this season, but last year we did have the Swine Flu and a tough time all season. It was great having this on hand for me and the kid's. We survived without going to the Dr.:)

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Thank you, thank you! I thought my daughter would need to go to the ER last night, but she slept through the night! I gave her garlic oil in the ear and homeopathy (pulsatilla, which is one ingredient in the Hyland Earache tablets). And that was all I had in the house late at night. This morning she felt much better.


All your suggestions are very interesting. I will check into them. I know she is more prone to ear infections. I will be more prepared next time.

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Haven't read through -- Use a Neti pot or squeeze bottle filled with NeilMed Sinus Rinse with a single drop of tea-tree oil. This was the only thing that killed my chronic sinus infection after 3 courses of different antibiotics.


This is what my family uses to keep away the sinus infections. We have also started using vinegar for ear infections. It has helped me twice in the past year. It works faster than antibiotics.

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I get chronic ear infections doe to shorter than normal Eustacian tubes.


What my ENT finally helped me with is a cup of water boiled and then a cup of ACV. Put it in the fridge and chill it down.


The longest this has taken is 24 hours to fix it.


When I was REALLY desperate, I put ACV straight in my ear.


Supposedly, the ACV helps the bacteria balance out correctly in that it's acidic but it doesn't wipe out everything like abx do.

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