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P90X - Can't do push/pull ups!

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I did day one of P90X - It seems like I am wasting my time since I can't do push/pull ups! I have NEVER been able to do them - not even when I was young, thin and in shape. Any P90X-ers in similar boat - or should I look at something else? (like old lady strolling LOL!)

Edited by 5KidzRUs
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You can do this (unless you are injured). Just do the push ups on your knees. Go only half way if necessary.


Pull ups...can't do those suckers either. I use the bands. It's allowed and you see the men using them.


It really doesn't matter how crappy you are or how little reps you can belt out. Do what YOU can do to the best of your ability.

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Dont worry about your numbers!


You can do push-ups standing against the wall, but before you do that, try and do as many as you can from your knees. Even if you can only do 3 in the 60 seconds, then do them standing for the next round.


The bands are good, but are an alternative to pull-ups, not a exercise building you to pull-ups. If you have a pull-up bar - use it! And dont be afraid to use a chair! Supplement your arm strength with your leg strength, you will build the right muscles eventually! A good trick is to start in the up position and lower yourself as slow as possible. Even if you only get 4 in, you are still building muscle.


And don't get discouraged with plyos tomorrow, it's tough! My advice is to not stop moving because you will never want to start again!:tongue_smilie: That doesnt mean go all out, but instead of doing 25 reps, do a couple/few and then march in place, or something like that.

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How do you use bands instead of the pull up bar? I thought the pull up bar was absolutely mandatory for P90X, and it's already terrifying both me and our homeowner. If I could use bands instead, that would be GREAT.



I recommend the Beachbody ones. DH got some from the local sports store and they weren't as good.


The band has a sort of loop/strap. You place that at the top of the door jam (door closed to lock it in place) and voila!


I'll see if I can post some pics of it later today. Check on my Facebook page for the pics (if you have an account).


Click on my beachbody link to have a look see at the bands.

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A good trick is to start in the up position and lower yourself as slow as possible. Even if you only get 4 in, you are still building muscle.


:iagree: Those are how I learned to do pull-ups. They're called "negative pull-ups". If you do those regularly enough, eventually you'll be able to do the real thing.


If you're interested in a methold, I followed the Twenty Pull-Up Challenge when I wanted to learn to do them. I only got up to three, but considering I could do none before, I was very happy with that! (btw, site linked to is free - it's just an outline of a training schedule to teach yourself to do pull-ups.)

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:iagree: Those are how I learned to do pull-ups. They're called "negative pull-ups". If you do those regularly enough, eventually you'll be able to do the real thing.


If you're interested in a methold, I followed the Twenty Pull-Up Challenge when I wanted to learn to do them. I only got up to three, but considering I could do none before, I was very happy with that! (btw, site linked to is free - it's just an outline of a training schedule to teach yourself to do pull-ups.)


That's my next challenge. Bands are helpful for getting a work out in but I would like to go full macho and do unassisted pull ups one day.

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My Dh started doing it last week before I could join him so I will be joining on Thurday when he starts the rotation again. I am hypermobile and cannot do pull ups (or those chair dip things) because my arms will just pop out of the sockets, so I was glad to see the bands and will use them when I start.


He was really surprised that it is the Yoga that is kicking his @$$. He is really not the most flexible guy.

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Just use a chair or ladder (that's what I use since our pull up bar is mounted to a ceiling beam) to help you with your pull ups. Believe me, after a month or so of doing this, you WILL be able to do a real pull up! If I can, anyone can...good luck! Same with push ups, I couldn't do a real one when I started, but by the second month, I could crank some out :)

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DO YOUR BEST, AND FORGET THE REST! (my 5 yr old says this now!!)


Yes, I have to (STILL) go to my knees on the chest/back/tricep for the very last of the pushup sets (I'm on my 2nd 90 days of P90X)...But I still do them to get the reps in.


And I'm a dude...I used to be able to do a set of 50 military presses when I was younger, so it took my ego a little adjusting to resort to doing 'girl' pushups, but I'm over that...(no offense to the ladies!)


Knees, hands on a chair with feet on the floor, feet on a chair while pulling up, whatever you gotta do, just do it.


maximum, maximum, MAXIMUM reps! :tongue_smilie:

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The part I found hard when teaching women to do pullups was that you are engaging your back. It's a back exercise. Reverse grip chinups do use more of your biceps though but you still need to focus on engaging your back muscles. I used to could do 3 sets of 10 pull-ups...oh about 15yrs ago and BK (before kids). I started w/ doing 1 and then having someone pull up slightly on my feet. I did that everyday. That's what it took along w/ other exercises to strengthen my back and lats. Now I use the chair. I do one full pullup and then the chair. I'm on day 1 of Round 2. You do what you can do!!!! What little you can do is better than doing NOTHING! And you will be SHOCKED where you are in 90days!


OP - I started w/ P90X lean program and it was a good start for me. It's more cardio and one less weight training workout but it allowed a smooth transition to P90X classic/doubles in block 3.


At the end of Back and Biceps, TOny's shows you how to use the bands so that you will be able to do pullups. He doesn't explain this in any other video and it's not until the 2nd round on Back and Biceps.



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You know what I find hard about push ups? My hands get rug burns! It HURTS!


I remember trying to do those things where you go from standing to hands on the ground, then legs out, push up, and then back up.....after a few times my hands are killing me.



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The part I found hard when teaching women to do pullups was that you are engaging your back. It's a back exercise. Reverse grip chinups do use more of your biceps though but you still need to focus on engaging your back muscles. I used to could do 3 sets of 10 pull-ups...oh about 15yrs ago and BK (before kids). I started w/ doing 1 and then having someone pull up slightly on my feet. I did that everyday. That's what it took along w/ other exercises to strengthen my back and lats. Now I use the chair. I do one full pullup and then the chair. I'm on day 1 of Round 2. You do what you can do!!!! What little you can do is better than doing NOTHING! And you will be SHOCKED where you are in 90days!


OP - I started w/ P90X lean program and it was a good start for me. It's more cardio and one less weight training workout but it allowed a smooth transition to P90X classic/doubles in block 3.


At the end of Back and Biceps, TOny's shows you how to use the bands so that you will be able to do pullups. He doesn't explain this in any other video and it's not until the 2nd round on Back and Biceps.





DANG! :blink:

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:lol: Believe me when I say it took some hard core workouts. I lifted weights daily for an hour and then did intense cardio for an hour. My body fat was so low. I could easily have consumed 2500 calories/day and still lose weight. I'm afraid my hormones are really affecting me now. I'm finding I still need to cut some calories, even doing Classic/doubles!

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  • 5 months later...
Guest drlenlopez

Modified pull-ups work the same pulling muscles that free standing pull-ups do, which is really great for women. You might try the Work Horse Fitness Trainer. The best thing about it is that you can continue to do P90X in front of your TV or computer, you don't have to run to your closet or garage to knock out a set of pull ups.

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I've never liked doing push-ups on the ground ~ they hurt my back. I've always done them on the wall and I know it works because of the arm muscle I have developed.


I hate pull-ups but just start small. You will probably eventually be able to do several. I consider myself quite out of shape but was able to work up to 5 at a time. I'm still 40 lbs overweight but my arms look good.:D

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More encouragement for you! I did P90x and couldn't do many pushups and no pullups, I just did as many as I could and then to my knees, rest when needed. When I did p90x before I just did negatives on the pullups or you can practice hanging as well, practice different grips also. I do have a few bands now and I really like them better, that way you can do the full range of motion. Once your able to do them it comes a lot faster when you can actually practice them. When I did p90x towards the end I could just do a few reg pullups. Then I got pregnant, afterwards I started training again w/ bands and worked back up to doing a few again in just a month or so. Right now I haven't been able to practice as we took down my bar(redoing the basement). Before I would go down there whenever I thought of it and do as much as I could.


I'm doing the hundredpushupsaday.com right now.

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I am not doing p90x person just dont' like his style but I do CHalean and when I started I barely could do girl pushup. I am now able to do the military/boy pushups about 12 at a time.


I have never in my life even as a child been able to do the guy pushup.

I feel so strong at 41.


I have been doing Chalean for 3 months.

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BTW, you can get a pull up assist strap to help build you up to real pull ups. I am thinking about getting one because I have a fantasy of being a real bad @ss one day and that fantasy includes doing unassisted pull ups. :tongue_smilie:


The bands I have are used like that, they come in varying resistance so you can work your way up to the real thing. It is a bit of an art to figure them out though and the first few times.

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