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S/O Americans are Going to Face TOUGH Times...........

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I intend to read every single comment that goes on my blog -- I am going to somehow plan a giveaway around this -- I will announce those details later -- perhaps a $50. Amex Gift Card -- that would buy a fair amount of canned goods - and no, I am not being snarky.

PLEASE bump this here so this doesn't get buried, but please do not comment here. Please comment here:







I will announce winner on the blog on Tuesday night, February 22, 2011 and provide contact instructions for them. Thanks and good luck!



Please include how much $$$$$ you think one needs to have on hand (good question, Chuckie!)



PLEASE think about this and respond if you have an opinion about it: Do you think that any/some/all of the press/attention that this topic is receiving on the links some have published, is really subject to 'regional interest' (i.e., Texas)? I'm curious. Living a handful of miles outside of D.C., the concern here is focused on a very different aspect of this issue.



Please comment on my blog - and thanks!:)



According to my dh (who never gets up in arms about anything) the threat is very real and it has to do with the budget that many think will not be passed -- I think he said something about a three month time frame from now.


He read my blog with the 'tough times' header and he actually agreed that I was not over-reacting and it was a good read. I was stunned.


He says that in about three months time the stage 'might' be set for folks to see price increases in staples -- he said that a 300% price increase in some items would not be out of the question. He agreed that it would be wise to be stockpiling some staples - surprising b/c while he is cautious, he doesn't usually recommend this kind of thing except in cases of immediate weather events -- you know, batteries, flashlights, the like.


THAT BEING SAID, he and I have always thought that one should be prepared ALL THE TIME -- we have made it a point not to buy into hysteria of any sort: either from a wedding planner or a doomsday prophet (and I am not calling the folks who are talking about the likelihood of an upcoming economic event doomsday prophets).


I think that one should be reasonable, logical, prayerful, and should assess the situation and choose the areas where they can make a positive impact in their lives in light of current events.


If you are so inclined, please read and comment here: www.pleasedonteatthedaiseis-mariann.blogspot.com

Edited by MariannNOVA
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You know if we don't reply here *at all,* this will disappear. So I put the substance of my reply there, & this is a bump.


Btw, I copied your email address to my email acct, & when I get over to the other computer w/ dh's res, I do plan to email you. I didn't want you to think I was ignoring you. :001_smile:

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You know if we don't reply here *at all,* this will disappear. So I put the substance of my reply there, & this is a bump.


Btw, I copied your email address to my email acct, & when I get over to the other computer w/ dh's res, I do plan to email you. I didn't want you to think I was ignoring you. :001_smile:


Excellent point -- you are SO smart.


I didn't think you were ignoring me -- why would anyone ignore me? huh? :001_huh: I know it will get there --:)

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I went to your blog.


Two things:


I can't think about hard times when I see your stove...it's so cheery and awesome.


OMG!!!! THAT is so funny -- that never occured to me. My stove IS awesome -- you are right. I wonder if it fits in the Hummer --- probably does. I could always leave one of the kids behind.:lol:



I didn't realize you started the TV Free thread. I just read your blog story and I liked it. :)

Thank you!


Yeah, it was me -- and you did give me food for thought -- I mean, we DO have a TV -- just no 'service' -- so it does become rather interesting -- yes, we have a TV, but unless you have a DVD, you can forget about watching anything on it.


I am so over my head with Odyssey of the Mind, my blog has fallen by the wayside until this whole 'OMH, I need to be stocking up on toilet paper or something and not buying a new outfit to wear to brunch on Sunday.'

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Fwiw, I'm not sure paying off debt should be the absolute #1 priority:


1. If the gov't collapses, debt goes away.


2. If the dollar collapses, debt becomes much easier to pay off.


I'm also not sure about having cash on hand. If the gov't/dollar collapses, what use is that? If those are fine, though, & you just can't get to the bank/use a check/use a cc, well, then I guess it would be good to have some cash on hand. But...I guess that also doesn't seem like a #1 concern.


Maybe I'm naive, though. :D


It does seem to me that really bad events are never as bad as imagined when worrying about them & planning for them often creates more stress than the situation itself AND the really big problems are the ones you didn't count on anyway.


Not saying not to plan, just saying...don't forget to breathe? My dad used to always tell me that.

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It's an interesting thought, Aubrey. If the gov collapses, the bank will have to take my house, because it's not paid for. How many empty houses do banks want? ;)


OTOH, if everything collapses, all my relatives will be living in tents on my property since I am the one with the chickens and gardens and fruit trees. Of course, none of us will have jobs, so it's not like we could pool financial resources...the banks have collapsed, right? Nobody has money.


Wheeee!!!!!!! Fun. :auto:

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It's an interesting thought, Aubrey. If the gov collapses, the bank will have to take my house, because it's not paid for. How many empty houses do banks want? ;)


OTOH, if everything collapses, all my relatives will be living in tents on my property since I am the one with the chickens and gardens and fruit trees. Of course, none of us will have jobs, so it's not like we could pool financial resources...the banks have collapsed, right? Nobody has money.


Wheeee!!!!!!! Fun. :auto:


In red, I make this statement to folks ALL the time:


Banks are not in the business of owning houses.


LL -- you are absolutely right.:iagree::auto:

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It's an interesting thought, Aubrey. If the gov collapses, the bank will have to take my house, because it's not paid for. How many empty houses do banks want? ;)


OTOH, if everything collapses, all my relatives will be living in tents on my property since I am the one with the chickens and gardens and fruit trees. Of course, none of us will have jobs, so it's not like we could pool financial resources...the banks have collapsed, right? Nobody has money.


Wheeee!!!!!!! Fun. :auto:


You're assuming that if the gov't collapses, there will still be banks. I think most businesses would fail, too. Nobody would own your mtg. The very idea of "ownership" is based in the gov't system that honors/protects it.


Of course, instead "groups" would likely form & there would be war lord/vigilante situations, but that would effect you the same whether you "owned" your house or not.

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You're assuming that if the gov't collapses, there will still be banks. I think most businesses would fail, too. Nobody would own your mtg. The very idea of "ownership" is based in the gov't system that honors/protects it.


Of course, instead "groups" would likely form & there would be war lord/vigilante situations, but that would effect you the same whether you "owned" your house or not.


Okey-dokey -- I think we just need a little fairy dust from that fairy on the mountaintop -- I think your tank needs to be topped off:





Better now?

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Fwiw, I'm not sure paying off debt should be the absolute #1 priority:


1. If the gov't collapses, debt goes away.


2. If the dollar collapses, debt becomes much easier to pay off.


I'm also not sure about having cash on hand. If the gov't/dollar collapses, what use is that? If those are fine, though, & you just can't get to the bank/use a check/use a cc, well, then I guess it would be good to have some cash on hand. But...I guess that also doesn't seem like a #1 concern.



:iagree: Exactly. That's basically the gist of what I posted on the blog, and why I'm buying silver since precious metals are gaining value and will always be usable currency.

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That's some good fairy dust.




That would be the day (not) I take a gun to protect a house and canned goods from anything. If it hits, I will leave my porch light on (if there is electricity), the door open, and a giant welcome banner for the vigilante/warlords. I'll go live in the sewer system with the other have-nots & hippies.

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That's some good fairy dust.




That would be the day (not) I take a gun to protect a house and canned goods from anything. If it hits, I will leave my porch light on (if there is electricity), the door open, and a giant welcome banner for the vigilante/warlords. I'll go live in the sewer system with the other have-nots & hippies.


I'll see you there. I'll be the one in the jeans and grey hoodie.

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Okey-dokey -- I think we just need a little fairy dust from that fairy on the mountaintop -- I think your tank needs to be topped off:





Better now?


I think you're calling me a pessimist? :D Dh says I should be a secret gov't weapon of mass despair.


But, fwiw, she's not that kind of fairy. Unfortunately. She's the kind who puts words in my mouth, so that when I start ranting, dh withers under the obscenity of the descriptions that fly off the tip of my tongue. The only one I can remember off hand is "sewer fart." What can I say? The place smelled bad. :tongue_smilie:


But I'm quite prim & proper in front of everybody else, so I can grin & tell him no one will believe him if he tattles. And it's true: he used to try. :D

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I think you're calling me a pessimist? :D Dh says I should be a secret gov't weapon of mass despair.


But, fwiw, she's not that kind of fairy. Unfortunately. She's the kind who puts words in my mouth, so that when I start ranting, dh withers under the obscenity of the descriptions that fly off the tip of my tongue. The only one I can remember off hand is "sewer fart." What can I say? The place smelled bad. :tongue_smilie:


But I'm quite prim & proper in front of everybody else, so I can grin & tell him no one will believe him if he tattles. And it's true: he used to try. :D


Trust me on this: my dh is the not-so-secret gov't weapon of mass despair -- really!:glare:


Nah, I didn't think you were being a pessimist --you were just going down a road where I don't usually find you.


And, I am okay with all of this because Audrey called it as she sees it and I am ALWAYS in favor of that. So, I am going to go buy a new outfit for Sunday.:001_tt2: And, my family will be the family in the sewer in the rattiest Princeton sweatshirts anyone has ever seen. Be there, ALOHA!

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I wanted to comment on the idea of a local crisis instead of a national one.


Our old neighborhood flooded, and the power was off, and the buisnesses were closed. Dh had his wallet stolen by the teenagers across the street when we had 4 feet of water in our house.


It was such a pain in the patooie.


I keep $1000 cash in the house for situations like that. I don't think is going to really help if our entire country has a crisis, but a local one seems even more likely to me.

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I commented on your blog, but I've also been thinking. Realistically I think it is practical for everyone to prepare for conditions that could strike their area, earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, floods. It it no where near unreasonable to prepare to be isolated for a period of time, ie: not being able to run to Walmart for milk and pizza.


If it all goes to Hades with a nice handmade decorated basket with a bow I'm not really going to be concerned about my mortgage. I'd be concerned about day to day survival. If there is no internet to pay my bills online or no mail service to carry my payment who is going to oversee the banks.


I'm glad my dh knows how to negotiate and barter. I'm glad he has some useful skills and that my parents, who live nearby, have enough stuff to burn for years or to make any McGeyver type very content.


I also think about schooling. If pushed I could educate my son for the remainder of his schooling on what I already own, and provide a decent education to boot.


If nothing else I think America is over consumerised (not a word, I'm sure) and we could all handle some realigning of what "necessities of life" truly are.

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I commented on your blog, but I've also been thinking. Realistically I think it is practical for everyone to prepare for conditions that could strike their area, earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, floods. It it no where near unreasonable to prepare to be isolated for a period of time, ie: not being able to run to Walmart for milk and pizza.


If it all goes to Hades with a nice handmade decorated basket with a bow I'm not really going to be concerned about my mortgage. I'd be concerned about day to day survival. If there is no internet to pay my bills online or no mail service to carry my payment who is going to oversee the banks.


I'm glad my dh knows how to negotiate and barter. I'm glad he has some useful skills and that my parents, who live nearby, have enough stuff to burn for years or to make any McGeyver type very content.


I also think about schooling. If pushed I could educate my son for the remainder of his schooling on what I already own, and provide a decent education to boot.


If nothing else I think America is over consumerised (not a word, I'm sure) and we could all handle some realigning of what "necessities of life" truly are.


First of all -- I LOVE your avatar -- I wanted to tell you that last night on another thread, but didn't get the chance.


Second of all -- I totally agree with everything you wrote. I used to work at a University and one of the instructors used to tell me all the time (we are going back 35 years) that I was a 'consumer' and that would be a problem for me if I didn't change my ways. I agree with him.


Third of all -- I am totally all for what you wrote above -- preparing on a day to day basis in a reasonable, non-hysterical, manageable, logical, orderly, fashion for 'whatever.' I totally agree with that. My dh calls me 'the sentinel.' I am always on guard for 'contingencies.'


Fourth of all -- and most of all: THANK YOU FOR COMMENTING ON MY BLOG!:)

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First of all -- I LOVE your avatar -- I wanted to tell you that last night on another thread, but didn't get the chance.


Second of all -- I totally agree with everything you wrote. I used to work at a University and one of the instructors used to tell me all the time (we are going back 35 years) that I was a 'consumer' and that would be a problem for me if I didn't change my ways. I agree with him.


Third of all -- I am totally all for what you wrote above -- preparing on a day to day basis in a reasonable, non-hysterical, manageable, logical, orderly, fashion for 'whatever.' I totally agree with that. My dh calls me 'the sentinel.' I am always on guard for 'contingencies.'


Fourth of all -- and most of all: THANK YOU FOR COMMENTING ON MY BLOG!:)



Thank you and you're welcome. :D We've been watching Michael Palin's Himalaya and we started Sahara. It's been great to see how blessed (or burdened) we are with choice versus other parts of the world.

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