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We found a house!

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It isn't a bad place - a little small and a little expensive, but doable.


The yard is an acre, so that is *really* good. The area is good and safe. It is laid out well. There is a wired workshop in the back (12x16) and a very large deck off of the back. We get to keep the dogs. It is 3 miles from a friend's house where dh can drive and then ride into work with him. Library is *very* close by.


Not so great things - 1200 square feet.:tongue_smilie: A little more than we wanted to pay. Not so great elementary school - it is considered a "Priority School" because less than 50% are at grade level (36% reading, 55% math, 13% science.:001_huh:)


We decided to go with it because we hadn't seen many other options that would rent to us (or that we wanted to rent!) So, dh says we can make it work for a year and then we will reassess (and have a better idea of alternatives by then.)


We're moving March 11th.:D

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I'm so happy to hear of how you're being blessed. So happy for all of you!!!


I was going to suggest waiting another month or two, spring is when the market REALLY opens up. Is that a possibility? I'm SURE there will be more to choose from then.


I don't think things will "open up" for us much due to the circumstances. There possibly would be more rentals after the students graduate in May. We might be able to get a co-signer that would open up other possibilities.


However, we cannot wait hoping that will work out - the place we are in is for sale and will most likely sell quickly. Dh cannot stay where he is for very long. His salary isn't large enough to pay $400 or so a month for a room for him and pay the rent here.


I said all along that the timing of this job was really bad - I didn't plan to move until the first of June. Things have a way of happening, though.:tongue_smilie:

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Durham, NC - not my first choice (or second, third, etc.:tongue_smilie:) but it is growing on me.;) Dh got a job there and left last week.


OK, now I know I've been living under a rock. I should have noticed this. You're moving into my neck of the woods. But if you want to be close to his office in Durham, I can't help with hardly anything. I don't know Durham at all except for how to get to the Bulls stadium. :tongue_smilie: Oh and Southpoint (that' a mall, btw).

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I'm so glad you found a house. I was looking around some too (on the local property management company websites) and the pickings were pretty slim! My husband drives around all day and hasn't seen anything either. Congratulations!

We are in a subdivision off Hope Valley Rd. Is your new house anywhere near us?

Let me know if you need any local help!

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I knew you were looking to move and glad to hear it's happening.

Are you still in Florida?

I always like to know where people are when I communicate with them! :lol:

Ahh, never mind, just read you are in NC.


I'll be on a moving adventure some time this spring. I'll be PM you for all

your packing tips.

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OK, now I know I've been living under a rock. I should have noticed this. You're moving into my neck of the woods. But if you want to be close to his office in Durham, I can't help with hardly anything. I don't know Durham at all except for how to get to the Bulls stadium. :tongue_smilie: Oh and Southpoint (that' a mall, btw).


Well, maybe we'll have to meet at the B & N at Southpoint sometime.:D


I'm so glad you found a house. I was looking around some too (on the local property management company websites) and the pickings were pretty slim! My husband drives around all day and hasn't seen anything either. Congratulations!

We are in a subdivision off Hope Valley Rd. Is your new house anywhere near us?

Let me know if you need any local help!


We're in North Durham near Carrington. Thanks for looking! We found this place when dh told people at his new job that he was looking - the house is owned by a friend of the guy training him. We just weren't having any luck with the offerings online.


Fire up those engines and get the heck out of there. :auto: Whoo-hoo!!!


:D Just so you know - the sign guy made him a vinyl sign for his truck that says, "Living the Dream". That was his going away present.:lol: He said he wants to come back for the race in July, but is happy that he is *not* waslking those grandstands every night this week.

Edited by Renee in FL
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