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The Would Have to Pick the Coldest Night of the Year!

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DH went to the barn at 9:00 pm for his last check of the does and found two very cold kids. Brought them home - heating pads, blow drying, drenching, navels dipped, shots, bottle feeding - the whole works. At 4:00 a.m. I finally decide they are warm and well enough to go back to mama and send DH back to the barn with them. He comes home with two more! This time, they're not quite so cold so two hours later, back they go. Guess what? TWO MORE! I've not been to bed yet and my arm is sore from blow drying kids. But as of now, they are all doing well. I guess tomorrow, when it's going to be in the 40's with an overnight low in the 20s would have been too easy! They had to do it tonight, when it's THREE degees out! Pictures on my blog!


(It's 6:30 a.m. here, time is wrong on the post.)

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When we kept sheep, there were two things I could count on. One was that they would lamb on the coldest night of the year, every. single. year. And secondly, when they looked like a trashcan with legs and ready to burst, then they had about a month to go. When they reached the point where they looked normal and we wondered whether they had really been bred in the first place, they would lamb within 24 hours.:confused:


Good luck!

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The two lambs living in a huge furnace box in my family room were born at night when the temp was -2 and the windchill was -10. They are part of a set of triplets - we've lost one of the triplets and it was touch and go with the Oreo, but she and her sister Truffles are going to make it.


I don't know why ewes and does are so STUPID! Yesterday, I had to force a ewe into the barn with her new lamb. She had been too lazy to leave the round bale in the sheep fold and decided, "Hey, I think I'll just stand here, eat, drop my lamb in the snow, and keep eating." So, the poor thing was laying in a heap of snow being sniffed and cleaned up by Sheba - the old mother hen ewe of the flock that would adopt every single lamb in the bunch and try to nurse them all!


Stupid, stupid animals. Honestly, inside their end of the barn which is open for them to come and go at will during the day, we have lovely nesting areas with deep straw and heat lamps up and running. But, noooooooo, she gave birth outdoors in 2 degrees with a windchill of -5. Poor baby. Thankfully, with a good rub down, time spend under the heat lamp, and the owner and I tackling her mother and dragging her into a stall so she'd be confined with her lamb, they managed to bond and baby appeared to be okay.


I don't know how smart goats are. I have determined that sheep rank only slightly more intelligent than rocks. So for all you Christians out there, here is a point to ponder, when God calls us His sheep, it probably is not a compliment! LOL



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when they looked like a trashcan with legs and ready to burst, then they had about a month to go. When they reached the point where they looked normal and we wondered whether they had really been bred in the first place, they would lamb within 24 hours.:confused:


Good luck!



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The two lambs living in a huge furnace box in my family room were born at night when the temp was -2 and the windchill was -10. They are part of a set of triplets - we've lost one of the triplets and it was touch and go with the Oreo, but she and her sister Truffles are going to make it.


I don't know why ewes and does are so STUPID! Yesterday, I had to force a ewe into the barn with her new lamb. She had been too lazy to leave the round bale in the sheep fold and decided, "Hey, I think I'll just stand here, eat, drop my lamb in the snow, and keep eating." So, the poor thing was laying in a heap of snow being sniffed and cleaned up by Sheba - the old mother hen ewe of the flock that would adopt every single lamb in the bunch and try to nurse them all!


Stupid, stupid animals. Honestly, inside their end of the barn which is open for them to come and go at will during the day, we have lovely nesting areas with deep straw and heat lamps up and running. But, noooooooo, she gave birth outdoors in 2 degrees with a windchill of -5. Poor baby. Thankfully, with a good rub down, time spend under the heat lamp, and the owner and I tackling her mother and dragging her into a stall so she'd be confined with her lamb, they managed to bond and baby appeared to be okay.


I don't know how smart goats are. I have determined that sheep rank only slightly more intelligent than rocks. So for all you Christians out there, here is a point to ponder, when God calls us His sheep, it probably is not a compliment! LOL




So glad your lambs are going to make it. We lost a set of twins already this year. Cracked me up about the Lord's sheep! :lol:

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