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Anyone else have Friday Night Family Nights?

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Every single Friday night, for 22 years, we have had pizza or Chinese take-out, watched a move as a family, and/or played Scrabble and other games. We do this even on vacation, down to eating inside the hotel or condo where ever we are. We don't go out on Friday nights. The food doesn't vary. We have invited teen friends of the children, and their friends know if it's Friday, it's Pizza or Chinese at the Smiths (not our real name.)

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Guest momofmany

We do Sunday nights instead. Tried Friday nights, but found it hard to be consistent so we switched about 12 years ago and it has worked out great.

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My 5yo learned his days of the week because he LIVES for Friday night hotdog night!

They are allowed to eat in the TV room and get soda and popcorn. Very fun for them!! Sometimes I get a movie, sometimes we watch our own or do ON DEMAND.


I get a night to watch the shows I missed thoughout the week (on hulu).



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Yes! We used to have Friday night date nights, and after we had the kids, it turned into family fun night. :)


Usually we have a "picnic", which just means we do not eat at the table, we eat in front of the TV or the fire. ;) Now that it is winter, we'll have a fire on family night and make s'mores and sometimes even make part of dinner in the fire. We have one of those cast iron pie irons, so we can make lots of yummy things.


The kids' favorite thing to do is watch the movie in the basement. We have a pull-out sofabed, and we grab lots of blankets and pillows and snuggle while watching the movie. Usually 1 or 2 or all of us fall asleep. :001_smile:

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We do a family movie on Sat. night and a board game on Sun. although the boys are getting bored with the board games and we need to have a meeting about that. Dd is the one driving the game night.



Banagrams is a wonderful game for a range of ages. It's quick (you can play several times in short period of time, so it's not boring). If one has little who do not spell, you can play in teams.


Another game that works for a variety of ages is Cadoo. It's a little too easy for the olders, but it's so much fun, people are laughing too much to care.

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We used to. We did homemade pizzas and a movie, put the younger child to be (there was only 1 then) and played a board game with the older two.


My husband works nights, but used to have Friday's off. Now he works on Friday night. We've been trying to reschedule this, but with basically a one day weekend with Dad, things have been crazy.

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Jewish here, too, so we're guaranteed "special family time" on Friday nights! Growing up, though my family wasn't religious, Friday night supper was sacred. We could do whatever we want later on, but supper was always together first. We were allowed to bring friends; it was very nice... the one time nobody was screaming, basically. :-)

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We started making this a regular thing last year when we realized we were "together" a lot, but not really together.


We've done lots of fun things, but the old stand-by is fun dinner, fun dessert, and a movie.


So, tonight - "Make Your Own Calzones," sundaes, and Rex Harrison's Dr. Doolittle.


What about you?



Yes, but our Family Day is Sunday. We like to go snowboarding this time of year, or something else outdoorsy. Sometimes we go to the movie theatre in town, or we rent some movies and we do the fun supper thing. Thursdays is game night. We're big board game fans.

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We do Breakfast for Dinner (cheap and everyone's favorite) and then family game night every Friday. I started it because the kids have SO many board games and we just weren't playing them enough with them and they're young so they didn't necessarily know how to do them on their own. It is their favorite night of the week!

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We also have family movie night every Friday night, and we're even having homemade calzones for dinner tonight. :001_smile: Every once in a while we spread out on the floor in the living room to eat picnic style. We try to have something new on hand to watch on Netflix streaming or dvds. The kids look forward to it every week, even though my youngest sometimes toddles off in the middle of the movie to crawl into her bed.

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