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My dr suggested new med to help with HOT FLASHES...Venlafaxine (Effexor)?

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Have any of you tried Venlafaxine (Effexor) in the treatment for hot flashes? Like most meds, this med "treats" many different issues. It's considered an anti-depressant, but it's use is varied. In my case, it would be used to help with my hot flashes as prescribed by the dr.


I'm freezing my dh and dd out of the house. :glare: Winter is such a wonderful time for me :D but not them as we don't use much heat. Why on earth would I use ALOT, only enough to take the chill barely off the air, right!! :lol: And, in the summer I keep the a.c. on COLD, but that's expensive.


So, I'm hoping some of you will answer if you've used this med and PLEASE TELL ME IT'S HELPED YOU, PLEASE!!!! Pros/cons?


Sheryl <><

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Hi Dot!


Yes, I researched it and found those symptoms, but they range on a scale and NOT everyone experiences the side effects. They "have" to list all of them so the patient is aware that "maybe" 1 or more side effects may arise.


Some of those symptoms, I believe, were associated with the reason "why" the med is used. So, if someone has an underlying desposition to a certain "issue" then the med may aggrevate or worsen that issue.


In my search, I found that black cohosh is NOT all that safe. Please do the research on that. If you need a reference, lmk and I will try to find it. I believe in natural: we grow organic veggies, buy alot of organic food which is expensive and so on, but this is promoted as being a safe drug, and it is supposedly helpful although not as much as the "hormone therapy" which I am not willing to use.


Alot of "natural" supplements carry with it "bio identicals" meaning it may be natural, but from a cellular standpoint it can have adverse effects just as chemical meds. (creme). This came into the spotlight when Suzanne Somers (actress) battled against some of the medical establishment on what is safe. Both sides have different opinions.


Research bio-identicals though for more info.


Anyone else care to share? :bigear:

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I've decided that I'm just going to live through it without medication. After watching Food Matters on Netflix last night, I am glad I made the decision. The documentary talks about the medical establishment using medications for everything and what they are really doing to our bodies. Better to be hot IMO.

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I've been suffering from intense hot flashes for over a year now so I completely understand your desperation, BUT I was on Effexor for depression about 8-9 years ago and it is a terrible drug for me. I once ran out and couldn't get my prescription until that night when dh got home and I was sooooo sick. Throwing up, head spinning, chills. I called my best friend crying and begged her to go to the pharmacy for me b/c I was violently ill. When the Dr. took me off, it took about 6 weeks of slowly reducing the dose and even then I had terrible dizziness. I wouldn't recommend it unless you're beyond desperate. :grouphug:

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Yes, some doctors may over prescribe. However, if we were not giving our dd neurological meds right now, she'd be a vegetable or dead....so there is a place for meds. Meds are necessary...otherwise more people would be dead. :glare:


This is considered one of the safer drugs. It's been awhile with no known problems.


Thanks for the responses. Has anyone used it with a success story? I hope so, but given the number of people on this forum in "hot flash" country, perhaps no one has tried it.



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I have had a couple family members who have taken Effexor for anxiety, and I wouldn't touch the stuff. They start to have horrible withdrawal symptoms, flu like symptoms and what they call "brain zaps" which I don't quite understand, if they are even a couple hours late with their dose. Weaning off the meds for them was far more difficult than anything I've seen with any other psychiatric medication. I'm not afraid of meds, and have taken meds for depression, anxiety and ADHD myself, and have put one of my kids on ADHD meds, but I would not personally recommend Effexor to anyone.

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Withdrawal from Effexor is AWFUL!! I was crazy upset, vomiting, dizzy, headachy. You need a doctor's supervision and months to wean off that stuff. I'd look elsewhere. Spoken as someone who is always hot but not having Hot Flashes. I'm not going out with a bang, but with a whimper. Personally, I can't wait for menopause so I won't be so hot all the time. I think I'd look into bioidentical hormone replacement first. Just a thought.

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Don't y'all think it's "what" the med is being used for that may determine how one reacts to it and is weaned from it?


I've had serious flashes for maybe 8 years now. Each woman is different and for me I'm HOT! It bothers me mostly at night and again, we're sleeping with the heat OFF in the winter. I prefer to sleep in a cooler room anyway, but this gets quite cool and is unfair to my dh and dd.


I appreciate your replies, but am still :bigear:


Again, this is NOT for depression eventhough it's touted as such. It's for hot flashes. Believe me, when you've had them as long as I have, you'll be looking for alternatives. That's assuming you even get them. Not every woman even has them.

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HOw about some of the other anti-depressants? My dd is on Lexapro for hormonal issues and it is like a miracle drug for her. First it took away her seven month long headache and now an increased dose took away PMDD.


I don't know if other drugs work as well though I do think that several weeks ago I read that Prozac helps with hot flashes. I was really glad to read that since if I get that problem (haven't had it yet), I will not be able to do hormones. Anti-depressants will be the only choice for me.

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I just wanted to add my .02 -- I've read that vegetarians don't generally experience hot flashes. Or that it's drastically reduced.


I was thrilled to hear this because I'm in perimen. and have been vegetarian for 20 yrs.


Anyway, I just wanted to throw it out there as something possibly worth trying.


Good luck,



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Hi, Sheryl --


I took Effexor for depression WHILE I was going through menopause and I don't think I had but two or three hot flashes that I remember. I do know that my family practice doc told me when she prescribed it for me that she was taking it for hot flashes and I might find that to be an added benefit.


As for coming off of effexor XR -- I have come off it twice -- each time without incident. I was weaned off it carefully and specifically and it took about three-four weeks each time. I did not have a single side effect when I was weaned off it. The most recent time was in October of last year when I was weaned off it and onto Zoloft -- which I did not take for long, as I am now taking something else.


I would have to say that I was fortunate as I have read horror stories that folks have written about with Effexor XR -- I, however, have not had any negative experience with it -- well, once, when I didn't get the prescription refilled in time and I went four days without it but that was my own fault.:glare:


You can pm me if you want.

Edited by MariannNOVA
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Don't y'all think it's "what" the med is being used for that may determine how one reacts to it and is weaned from it?



I don't think that's the issue with the stories I hear about Effexor. It can be hard to wean from any psychiatric medication, but most don't involve the level of non-mood related symptoms that I've heard with regards to Effexor. Vomiting and aches and pains aren't symptoms of anxiety, so I don't think it was my relatives' anxiety that caused the severe symptoms from simply missing one dose of the med. The issues I've had with stopping psychiatric meds abruptly have always been a recurrence of the symptoms or other mood related issues.


Now, maybe for hot flashes they give you much lower doses. Maybe there'd be less trouble weaning. I still wouldn't chance it, having seen what I've seen.

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Don't y'all think it's "what" the med is being used for that may determine how one reacts to it and is weaned from it?
No. Some SNRI/SSRIs are harder than others to discontinue, regardless of why you're taking it.


I haven't taken Effexor, but have taken several others (not for hot flashes, but for anxiety). I had terrible side effects with one of them, and withdrawal was very unpleasant. I am now on Prozac, and much prefer it. Side effects tend to be fewer and it's much easier to stop. I have no symptoms if I miss a dose. I had terrible brain zaps if I was even a few hours late with the previous one.


I wouldn't hesitate to use an antidepressant for perimenopausal symptoms if they are really bothering you. But I would STRONGLY recommend that you consult a psychiatrist-- not a family doctor or internest or gyn-- for prescribing and following you. They know so much more about the medications and side effects.

Edited by Perry
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Don't y'all think it's "what" the med is being used for that may determine how one reacts to it and is weaned from it?



No, I don't. Your body is going to use the medication in the same way, no matter why you are taking it. It is an SNRI, or serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor. It affects the serotonin and norepinephrine in your body by altering how much your body absorbs of it.


If you take it and then go off of it....you body has to readjust back to what your body was doing naturally....this process is the same no matter why your doctor prescribes it to you.


I wouldn't take it unless I was clinically depressed and even then, it wouldn't be my first choice. There are many other medications that are used for hot flashes, that don't have the horrible side effects/withdrawl that Effexor (velafaxine) does.





Think of it this way. If you eat a whole cheesecake each day because you are depressed or If you eat a whole cheesecake each day because you just really love cheesecake....It really doesn't matter to your fat cells, you will gain the same weight either way. Your body chemistry, is still your body chemistry no matter WHY you put the cheesecake in your mouth.

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I took Effexor for depression for 6 months, and did not have any nasty side-effects, apart from the first week or so, which were pretty bad. I was exhausted and had some creepy "out of body" type experiences - where my mind felt separate from my body, and I was thinking very unrational things very rationally. (I remember driving and being so tired, and I could hear myself thinking "If I just drove into a lamp pole, I wouldn't be sleepy anymore." - I didn't want to, and I was always in control of myself, but the thought was decidely unnerving.)


Coming off Effexor has to be done very, very slowly. I think I was weaned off over 8 weeks on a complicated schedule (every second week involved alternating days of current dose and a lower lose). Doing it that way I had no side-effects.


This doesn't really answer your question, of course, but does (somewhat) counteract the negative views about Effexor posted by others. In my experience, it was very effective for what I needed, and once my body adjusted to the medication I had no problems, but I would caution that the first couple of weeks might be rough and you might need extra support (e.g. if you are as sleepy as I was, it is hard to function at normal levels).


I wonder if you could wean yourself onto the medicine as you wean yourself off it? Might be worth asking your doctor.



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Lexapro for hormonal issues my dd took Lexapro...it was terrible for her. We pulled her from it. However, that is a child and it may work differently for me.


I don't know if other drugs work as well though I do think that several weeks ago I read that Prozac helps with hot flashes. I was really glad to read that since if I get that problem (haven't had it yet), I will not be able to do hormones. Anti-depressants will be the only choice for me.

I may check into this and other meds. Thanks.


Another thing to watch for with Effexor is loss of libido. If that's an issue at all for you, I would proceed with great caution.
Well, wouldn't that be an issue for most of us! ;)


I just wanted to add my .02 -- I've read that vegetarians don't generally experience hot flashes. Or that it's drastically reduced.


I was thrilled to hear this because I'm in perimen. and have been vegetarian for 20 yrs.


Anyway, I just wanted to throw it out there as something possibly worth trying.


Good luck,




Yep, Alley, good point. It seems like I may have known this or I may be thinking of something different. But, caffeine does not help "M". Exercise does. I drink only 5 oz. of reg coffee a day...I was weaned, but it pulled me back. :tongue_smilie: I exercise regular....aerobic and strength/resistance training. Lastly, vit e is great for "M". I may check into increasing my daily max. IU's. Thanks for the prompting.


Hi, Sheryl --


I took Effexor for depression WHILE I was going through menopause and I don't think I had but two or three hot flashes that I remember. I do know that my family practice doc told me when she prescribed it for me that she was taking it for hot flashes and I might find that to be an added benefit. :hurray::hurray: Now, that's what I want to hear. :D


As for coming off of effexor XR -- I have come off it twice -- each time without incident. I was weaned off it carefully and specifically and it took about three-four weeks each time. I did not have a single side effect when I was weaned off it. The most recent time was in October of last year when I was weaned off it and onto Zoloft -- which I did not take for long, as I am now taking something else. Is XR more/less risk than reg effexor?


I would have to say that I was fortunate as I have read horror stories that folks have written about with Effexor XR -- I, however, have not had any negative experience with it -- well, once, when I didn't get the prescription refilled in time and I went four days without it but that was my own fault.:glare:


You can pm me if you want.

Yes, you can bet I'll be pm'ing you again in the next few days when I find a moment. Be looking for me!! Thanks! TTYS.


I don't think that's the issue with the stories I hear about Effexor. It can be hard to wean from any psychiatric medication, but most don't involve the level of non-mood related symptoms that I've heard with regards to Effexor. Vomiting and aches and pains aren't symptoms of anxiety, so I don't think it was my relatives' anxiety that caused the severe symptoms from simply missing one dose of the med. The issues I've had with stopping psychiatric meds abruptly have always been a recurrence of the symptoms or other mood related issues.


Now, maybe for hot flashes they give you much lower doses. Maybe there'd be less trouble weaning. I still wouldn't chance it, having seen what I've seen.

Well, I was wondering about the lower dose myself. Thanks.


No. Some SNRI/SSRIs are harder than others to discontinue, regardless of why you're taking it.


I haven't taken Effexor, but have taken several others (not for hot flashes, but for anxiety). I had terrible side effects with one of them, and withdrawal was very unpleasant. I am now on Prozac, and much prefer it. Side effects tend to be fewer and it's much easier to stop. I have no symptoms if I miss a dose. I had terrible brain zaps if I was even a few hours late with the previous one.


I wouldn't hesitate to use an antidepressant for perimenopausal symptoms if they are really bothering you. But I would STRONGLY recommend that you consult a psychiatrist-- not a family doctor or internest or gyn-- for prescribing and following you. They know so much more about the medications and side effects.

I'll consider that. Thanks!!


No, I don't. Your body is going to use the medication in the same way, no matter why you are taking it. It is an SNRI, or serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor. It affects the serotonin and norepinephrine in your body by altering how much your body absorbs of it.


If you take it and then go off of it....you body has to readjust back to what your body was doing naturally....this process is the same no matter why your doctor prescribes it to you.


I wouldn't take it unless I was clinically depressed and even then, it wouldn't be my first choice. There are many other medications that are used for hot flashes, that don't have the horrible side effects/withdrawl that Effexor (velafaxine) does. Please enlighten me Tap... what they would be. :bigear:




I took Effexor for depression for 6 months, and did not have any nasty side-effects, apart from the first week or so, which were pretty bad. I was exhausted and had some creepy "out of body" type experiences - where my mind felt separate from my body, and I was thinking very unrational things very rationally. (I remember driving and being so tired, and I could hear myself thinking "If I just drove into a lamp pole, I wouldn't be sleepy anymore." - I didn't want to, and I was always in control of myself, but the thought was decidely unnerving.)


Coming off Effexor has to be done very, very slowly. I think I was weaned off over 8 weeks on a complicated schedule (every second week involved alternating days of current dose and a lower lose). Doing it that way I had no side-effects.


This doesn't really answer your question, of course, but does (somewhat) counteract the negative views about Effexor posted by others. In my experience, it was very effective for what I needed, and once my body adjusted to the medication I had no problems, but I would caution that the first couple of weeks might be rough and you might need extra support (e.g. if you are as sleepy as I was, it is hard to function at normal levels).


I wonder if you could wean yourself onto the medicine as you wean yourself off it? Might be worth asking your doctor.




Thanks for letting me know that. I'm glad that you found success with it like MarianneNOVA. Weaning onto is very wise and I'll check into that as well. Thanks.




Thanks everyone for your input. The med I'm seeking needs to help alleviate hot flashes and is not due from me suffering from depression. I'll check into these suggestions. Thanks to all! :001_smile:

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The med I'm seeking needs to help alleviate hot flashes and is not due from me suffering from depression.


Other SSRI/SNRIs may also alleviate the hot flashes, and Effexor tends to have more side effects than some of the others. Personally, I'd want to at least try something a little milder (like Prozac, which also helps with hot flashes) before jumping right to Effexor. If it doesn't help, you can always change. But if it does, you may be saving yourself a lot of hassles.


I haven't had many symptoms with menopause, but if I had to be treated with something, I'd definitely do an SSRI before doing HRT.

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This was taken from a website. Still doing more research...


Venlafaxine (Effexor®), paroxetine (Paxil®), and desvenlafaxine (Pristiq®) were developed to treat depression, but studies show that they are an effective treatment for hot flashes.


You should not take paroxetine (Paxil®) if you have breast cancer and are taking tamoxifen. The concern is that paroxetine can interfere with tamoxifen and make it less effective.


Fluoxetine (Prozac®) and citalopram (Celexa®) are also effective, but might not work as well as venlafaxine, paroxetine, or desvenlafaxine.


Sertraline (Zoloft®) is not helpful for treating hot flashes.

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I haven't tried that for hot flashes, but if I don't find any relief with the natural route I will be trying it, or something similar. I would probably try Prozac first, since I know I can tolerate it well. I never listen to medicine horror stories, especially with these types of meds. What was horrible for one person can be great for another person. After so many years of not finding relief, I wouldn't even hesitate to try it! As far as getting off of Effexor, I never follow most doctors timetables for getting off a medicine like that. I had one dr. weaning me off of an SSRI over 2 weeks! I go much slower!

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Wow... you have already battled hot flashes for 8 long years. Have you had any other troublesome symptoms (ie. vaginal dryness or irritation, moodiness, crawly skin, insomnia)? I know my stepmom had hot flashes for about 10 years, but then they finally went away. You seem like you could be so close to the hot flashes tapering off. If you don't have any of the other troubles I mentioned above (except maybe trouble sleeping occasionally due to those exciting hot flashes/night sweats), then I think I would just check out strategies to have you be able to sleep in as cool an environment as you need. You could check out www.hystersisters.com as they sell something you stick around your neck to cool you off at night, plus they have all kinds of testimonials there for how to deal with hot flashes (plus more stories about using Effexor).


Blessings and hugs :grouphug:,



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I am on Effexor XR. But not for hot flashes. For depression/anxiety.


This is a very potent drug. Not one I would take just for hot flashes.


It has made me gain about 30 pounds, and one time I withdrew from it it was horrible. But after a few months of NOT being on it, I felt worse and went back on.


I have been on it now for almost 3 years.


Not a drug I would recommend for what you are experiencing.


ETA: I did NOT have many of those side effects someone listed. Only weight gain, and at first, loss of orga**(but quickly went away :0) ).....

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Am I not getting it? I'm trying to understand why y'all say to watch Food Matters? Please tell me so I'll know.


For those who are advising me not to take V med, are you totally against ALL meds for any person/any reason?


See, my s.n. dd MUST have chemicals aka neurological meds. If she didn't she might not be here. I can not even stand to think such a thought.


Do you NOT take meds for any reason? I'm trying to understand this....because a chemical is a chemical and it doesn't matter if it's tylenol or this V med.


Thanks. S <><

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I haven't seen anyone tell you not to take any drugs for any reason, just not to take this drug for this reason. Effexor worked wonders for me despite the side effects. It really helped me get past the depression I was experiencing. I was on it for 1.5 years and it worked wonders. I would not have taken it but for the fact that I had 2 babies in my care 24/7 and I felt like I was drowning and barely functioning. BUT I would not recommend it for someone who is not having serious life threatening depression. If you were debilitated by depression I would recommend it but this is not the case.


Ultimately you have to make the decision for yourself and you seem bent on trying it. I think everyone here is just trying to warn you that this is a VERY powerful drug with great potential for serious side effects and to take seriously warnings offered here.

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Am I not getting it? I'm trying to understand why y'all say to watch Food Matters? Please tell me so I'll know.


For those who are advising me not to take V med, are you totally against ALL meds for any person/any reason?


See, my s.n. dd MUST have chemicals aka neurological meds. If she didn't she might not be here. I can not even stand to think such a thought.


Do you NOT take meds for any reason? I'm trying to understand this....because a chemical is a chemical and it doesn't matter if it's tylenol or this V med.


Thanks. S <><


I am definietly FOR pharmacuticals, but the right med for the right aliment is imparative. For your daughter, your doctor is prescribing medication that is proper and necessary. It is not voluntary, it is not optional.


You are considering taking an optional medication for a problem that while uncomfortable, doesn't Require medical intervention.


You are choosing to medicate the symptoms away. That is okay. Many, many people do it and no one is saying you should just tough it out. But, which medication you use is very important. While Effexor is used for hot flashes, it has some pretty severe side effects for some people and harsh withdrawl. Only you can decide if those risks are worth it.....but do realize that you medicating away your hotflashes is not comparable to medication a chronic life threatening medical condition in your daughter.

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There are also natural remedies for treating depression and/or anxiety. Let me know if you'd like me to share.

If it were me, I would do my utmost to avoid meds. I see meds as a last resort. I'd much prefer to eat healthy (or at least try to ;)) and just live a healthy lifestyle. I know it sounds simple and possibly a bit idealistic, but side effects would worry me. Again, not ruling them out completely, but I definitely see them as a truly last resort.

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Lexapro definitely helps alleviate hot flashes. I didn't go on it when my doctor first suggested it, but a year later they were so bad I gave in. Even then, I wasn't sure if it was the drug or nature so I slowly weaned myself off of it; the hot flashes came back with a vengeance. I slowly increased my dose back and they went away again.

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I don't think the withdrawel issues would change based on what you take the drug for. The withdrawel issues are caused by the action of the drug in your body. They are not mental health side effects but physical side effects.


Withdrawel issues were so severe for me, I am unable to get off the medication.


Please beware....

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I don't think the withdrawel issues would change based on what you take the drug for. The withdrawel issues are caused by the action of the drug in your body. They are not mental health side effects but physical side effects.


Withdrawel issues were so severe for me, I am unable to get off the medication.


Please beware....



Me too. Tried several times, even trying to wean VERY slowly. Withdrawal just too severe. I feel like a drug addict:sad:



I am going to try again in the spring with the help of a psychiatrist. Just trying to get through the winter first . . .




ETA: I had been on Effexor for several years and it worked very well for my depression without side-effects. But after losing my insurance I tried to get off because it was so expensive (even the generic is $100+ a month). It was then that I realized for the first time how difficult it is to wean from. It doesn't matter your reason for taking it - it's a physical addiction. The withdrawal symptoms for me are flu like, to the point of not being able to crawl out of bed. The worst, though, were the funky "brain zaps"/disorientation/dizziness. I can't describe them but they are scary. Just knowing I'm physically addicted to this med makes me more determined to get off, even if an alternative is not as effective. I also think that the pharmaceutical company is not being forthright (surprise, surprise) about the addictive qualities.


I understand you wanting relief from your symptoms, and all meds have potential side-effects. As with anything, it risks vs. benefit. Good luck to you.



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