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S/O from "does your homeschool have a motto?" - does your husband have a motto?

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My dh's motto is : I'm awesome! :lol::lol::lol:




My dd's friend told my dd one day that she thought dh was awesome. It stuck. :glare: Now every time the girl calls, dh says...tell her: I'm awesome. Or he'll yell in the background: "Hey Mal, I'm AWESOME!" Thankfully the girl has a sense of humor.


It's been said enough that I've contemplated getting him a t-shirt.

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My husband's motto would be: "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!! for marrying me and staying with me and loving me and by the way, did I say Thank you today?" He's a wonderful man...but after 22 years of hearing this I'm beginning to wonder what kind of freak he is.


Just kidding..... he's a wonderful freak! ....... and I love him. :D

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How wonderful!


I have to comment on your chipmunk in your avatar. We were working on "ch" sounds with my 6 year old. The picture was of a chipmunk....but he has never seen one and didn't know what it was. He was quite confused and finally said, "A chasquirrel!" :lol:


My husband's motto would be: "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!! for marrying me and staying with me and loving me and by the way, did I say Thank you today?" He's a wonderful man...but after 22 years of hearing this I'm beginning to wonder what kind of freak he is.


Just kidding..... he's a wonderful freak! ....... and I love him. :D

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The man has said, "I'm tired" EVERY SINGLE DAY of our married life (18 years.) I've been asking him to stop saying it. Seriously. It's getting old.


Yes, he has a cpap, so it's not untreated sleep apnea. It's the fact that he won't go to bed at a decent hour. There were two glorious weeks at about the 9 year mark of marriage, where I convinced him to get a full 8 hours of sleep and he wasn't tired for those two weeks.


But for the remaining 17 years and 50 weeks, the man has been "tired."



He tells me that he'll stop saying "I'm tired," when I stop saying, "I'm cold." :tongue_smilie:

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I have mottos for myself.

Remember in Eat, Pray, Love in Italy everyone had to pick a word that expresses them? Mine was 'responsible'.


My mottos are "Kindness and Truth" and "Do what's right."


My basic outlook is:


1. Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.

2. Most people are really nice.

3. Done is good.


My most foundational belief is that God loves us all and is both trustworthy and in charge.

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