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Downton Abbey on PBS

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I'm going to have to catch it later since I missed it the first two episodes, but I am looking forward to seeing it. I didn't remember to watch the replay on PBS.com, and I think they only keep them up for the current week - I'll have to go search this afternoon while the boys are all doing their sci-fi geekness with the introduction of Forbidden Planet - great film classic that it is LOL

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I'm going to have to catch it later since I missed it the first two episodes, but I am looking forward to seeing it. I didn't remember to watch the replay on PBS.com, and I think they only keep them up for the current week - I'll have to go search this afternoon while the boys are all doing their sci-fi geekness with the introduction of Forbidden Planet - great film classic that it is LOL


You can still watch online. They aren't taking them down right away like they used to for Masterpiece episodes.

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Yes! I am squirreling everyone off to bed early so I can watch without interruption!


Am I the only one who had to squint hard and then look at the cast list to find that Lord Grantham was not played by Colin Firth (with terrific makeup and padded wardrobe)? That actor's voice was *just* like Mr. Darcy's!

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We're enjoying it, too. The DVR, for whatever reason, didn't record the primetime showing of it on our PBS station, so we may have stayed up till 1:30 a.m. to catch the late-night showing rather than wait till next Friday.


I feel so awful for poor Daisy, and I can't decide on a favorite character. They're all so wonderful!

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I love Mr. Bates and Cora.


I didn't like Mary at all at first and said to DH, "she needs to be brought down a notch"...right after I said that, she was brought down a notch (with the Turkish fellow dying). LOL. Now, I can stand her a little better.


I cannot stand Thomas or the lady's mistress...can't remember her name. Last night, I said to DH, "they need to go, I can't stand them" and he reminded me that than we wouldn't have that "love to hate" feature to the story line.

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I caught the first episode on accident, just surfing and nothing else looked better. I was hooked. Last week I was so sick that dh was wanting me to go to the ER but no, I convinced him I could sit up and watch the show instead LOL.


I can't stand Thomas, but as good as the story is, I think he will get his eventually. Sylvia is quickly becoming a favorite character for me. I feel sorry for Edith.

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I cannot stand Thomas or the lady's mistress...can't remember her name. Last night, I said to DH, "they need to go, I can't stand them" and he reminded me that than we wouldn't have that "love to hate" feature to the story line.


O'Brien. I can't stand her, either. And I was so sad that Mrs. Hughes turned down the proposal! I hope the farmer comes back.

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We just finished watching the first episode on pbs.org.


I really liked it EXCEPT for the kissing between Thomas and what's his name the duke! Aaaack! I wish someone would have mentioned that. Why do they have to put that in the story line? sigh


Because indiscretions sometimes have a way of coming back and biting you in the butt.

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I love the show too. But I don't know anyone else who is watching it, so I am glad to have you all to discuss it with me. :001_smile:


I like Cora too, but I keep looking at Elizabeth McGovern and wondering, when did she get so old? I guess it is because I haven't seen her in any movies for a long time.


I'm hoping that Mr. Crowley gives up on Mary, and marries Sybil instead.

Edited by Mom2boys
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Dobela, don't feel sorry for Edith. She's a snake.

Oh, I know. For me it is a nurture v. nature kind of a thing. Would she have to be such a snake if she was given more value by the mom and Mary? I can hardly wait to see what is in that letter to the Turkish Embassy she wrote.

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I love the show too. But I don't know anyone else who is watching it, so I am glad to have you all to discuss it with me. :001_smile:


I like Cora too, but I keep looking at Elizabeth McGovern and wondering, when did she get so old? I guess it is because I haven't seen her in any movies for a long time.


I'm hoping that Mr. Crowley gives up on Mary, and marries Sylvie instead.


But Elizabeth McGovern is still so beautiful!


Do you gals think all those Edwardian ladies were really that pencil thin?

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But Elizabeth McGovern is still so beautiful!



My DH even commented how lovely she is...and there are very few celebrities he comments on.


If you want to see some beautiful period clothing, check out Enchanted Serenity's most recent blog post...


I am actually liking Mary for some reason. I feel very sorry for her. I liked Edith at first, but my affections have flipped.


I had to laugh at Lady Cora's comment about wishing she'd been warned about raising daughters, how they were always at each other's throats. A universal constant, I see! :lol:

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What's in the letter to the Turkish Embassy? Exactly what you'd think would be there.icon12.gif


I wonder if Matthew and Sylvia are going to spend more time together in Season 2. Remember the way she looked at him after he rescued her? He needs someone who appreciates him and isn't too proud and opinionated to show it.

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What's in the letter to the Turkish Embassy? Exactly what you'd think would be there.icon12.gif


I wonder if Matthew and Sylvia are going to spend more time together in Season 2. Remember the way she looked at him after he rescued her? He needs someone who appreciates him and isn't too proud and opinionated to show it.


I hope Matthew holds out for Mary. Her character is evolving, and I think his nature is to be loyal until she becomes a woman who can appreciate him.


What a time to live in, what a set of circumstances. Tremendous social changes, set against some of the most monumental events in history. How can our characters not change with such changes in the world around them?


Wishing our library waitlist for season 1 DVDs weren't already 57 patrons long. I'm having trouble waiting for the next episode!

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Yes, I'm very glad I pre-ordered the DVD so I could watch the whole thing in two days. I've watched it several times since, and my husband stayed up till midnight the other night watching it.


The last episode has some juicy surprises in it.


Did anyone notice how the Flower Show scene came straight out of the film "Mrs. Miniver?" The Garden Party in the last episode reminds me strongly of another movie that we've all seen; I'm wondering if anyone else here will pick up on that.

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I am so glad this gets discussed on here, as I can't find anyone IRL that watches this, and I just LOVE it!!!


My favorite character is Anna. Second would be Sybil. I think Anna just has the most perfect personality; she is so nice and fair and devoted and a hard worker and honest and loyal. She is hard to beat.


Sybil is just what we would expect of the 'modern thinker' teenager, LOL. She is just too cute for words. I don't think Matthew likes her the way he likes Mary, but more like a brother.


I do think Matthew and Mary belong together, but......ok, I have the DVDs and if I say any more of what I think it will be a spoiler.


I am going back and re-watching them all staring today. How long do we have to wait for the Series II???? This is worse than when my kids were waiting for the new Harry Potter, LOL.

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You can still watch online. They aren't taking them down right away like they used to for Masterpiece episodes.


They're up through 2/22, I think. I started watching online because of this thread, and I love it! I stayed up waaaay too late last night watching episodes 2 and 3.


I love Anna and Mr. Bates too. And of course, Matthew. He's such a good guy! I really feel sorry for William, and I really hope Thomas gets what's coming to him!!! O'Brian too, for that matter. She's so nasty!

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You know, Brendan Coyle (Mr. Bates) is becoming one of 'those' voices for me...my hubby, Sean Connery, Patrick Stewart, Anthony Hopkins...the kind of voice that can read me a telephone book and I'll be entranced? LOL




Now see, I think Mr. Carlton (Carlson? you know, the butler) has that kind of voice.

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Until you watch the last episode, you don't realize how truly horrible O'Brien can be.....and I don't think even she knows until she does it......but I honestly think because of these circumstances, we will see a total change/turn-about in her character. At least, I really hope so. I predict she will become the most loyal and devoted servant to the family, never leaving them even if they can't pay her (because of the war or whatever), and carry her misdeed to her grave.


That wasn't too much of a spoiler, was it?? :D

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Until you watch the last episode, you don't realize how truly horrible O'Brien can be.....and I don't think even she knows until she does it......but I honestly think because of these circumstances, we will see a total change/turn-about in her character. At least, I really hope so. I predict she will become the most loyal and devoted servant to the family, never leaving them even if they can't pay her (because of the war or whatever), and carry her misdeed to her grave.


That wasn't too much of a spoiler, was it?? :D


No, it was just MEAN to tease those of us who have to wait to see the next episode!!

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