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Can snow make you mad?

Guest RecumbentHeart

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Guest RecumbentHeart

We don't see snow too frequently where I am but this week was the second lot we've had this winter. Just a few inches and coated with ice.


I'm always tense (haven't figured out how to solve that problem yet but my shoulders and neck and upper arms usually always feel like rocks) and I'm one of those sorts that would stay in my own quiet little hole, only to come out and socialize when I felt up for it but instead I share my not quiet, rather small hole with 4 young children. This week DH was supposed to go out of town Monday and be back Wednesday but due to the weather he didn't leave until Wednesday and will be back this evening. I have not consciously been thinking "I'm stressed" .. at least not in the first half of the week .. but still the tension has been building to the point of pain and I'm on edge about to pop at the slightest irritation despite my efforts to not do that (praying, stretching, breathing, etc).


While I was out getting firewood yesterday I realized I recognized I was irritated by the ice - especially when I began to realize the ice coat is preventing the snow from clearing up as fast as it would otherwise so I started smashing it which I found incredibly satisfying so I got to wondering -- and this might be a stretch but I really have no idea what I'm freaking out about so I'm grasping at straws here -- but could the increased tension be somehow related to the winter weather? I know there are secondary effects like the children not being able to go outside to play since we just don't have clothes for this weather due to it's infrequency and the ice makes it very slippery out there but the children haven't been acting any crazier than normal and still giving me quiet time through the day at naps when DS would usually go out. It's really just me that's exhibiting craziness.


There may be something else I'm repressing but, like I said, I'm grasping at straws so figured I'd ask about the possibility. :tongue_smilie:

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I am fine with dry conditions, whatever the temp, or hard freeze conditions. Mud season makes me a raving lunatic.


Words can not express, though I have spent many a colorful moment trying, the depths of my dislike of mud. We live in an old farmhouse and have to go to the barn daily to feed, so there seems to be no way to avoid getting it in the house.


During mud season:

-I have to wear black rubber muck boots with my church clothes, just to make it to the car. I have to change footwear in the church parking lot and deal with the muddy boots.

-many of the unpaved roads in my area (one of which we live on) can actually become so soft that they become impassible.

-my dd can't help with feeding the livestock unless I am willing to do extra laundry. She gets stuck in the knee deep mud around the barn and inevitably falls in and then I have to scrape her off with a squeegee and wash her clothes.

The list goes on and on.


So, no, snow and ice don't really bother me like mud does. Dangerous, restrictive, uncomfortable, but at least they're clean!

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They can label it what they want, seasonal depression, cabin fever...It can and does drive many us a little nuts. :grouphug:


I hope y'all melt...soon.:grouphug:


Tammy...Not lovin my winter wonder land...except when it actually is snowing...That part is beautiful...as long as it isn't a blizzard or ice. We aren't melting here anytime soon.:tongue_smilie:Today is a balmy 1' degree.

Edited by Tammyla
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Last year... I was going crazy with all of that snow. It was just too much for this CA girl, who moved to GA and FL. Snow was something to be appreciated from afar for me :D


I appreciate a bit of snow in the winter... a nice soft blanket of snow for a day or two, something the kids can play in, build a snowman from -- and then it's time for the snow to leave. Last year, every chance of snow seemed to turn into a 1-foot pile-up. I remember thinking that if I wanted to live with this much snow, I would live in MN!!!


This year, I don't think we've had more than a dusting, although on Tuesday, we did have ice issues that kept us in. I miss having a bit of snow each year, but too much is just that. Too much.

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I believe it can, in both senses of the word (mad = angry, mad = crazy).


I feel like a pent up animal, because I don't tolerate the cold very well. I feel claustrophobic and stressed.


I feel irritated because the laundry load quadruples with all of us layering up and the kids having extra snow-play clothes.


I feel pressured to provide more options for my kids because they can't do their typical outside things.


I feel like evrything is covered in a layer of salt grime that will persist through March if not into April. The garage is a dirty, nonfunctional

mess (and I am too cold to go out there and organize it).


The Christmas lights are still up and though no longer lit, that really bugs me. It makes me feel bogged down in the old year when I really need to be making strides in the new one.


Can you tell I just hate it? Fresh fallen snow is beautiful. It's the days after that do me in.

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Guest RecumbentHeart
Yes, and it can also drive you insane. Have you seen this? :D





By the time I got to this bit, I was in tears :lol::


December 22

Bob was right about a white Christmas because 13 more inches of the white crap fell today, and it's so cold it probably won't melt till August. Took me 45 minutes to get all dressed up to go out to shovel and then I had to poop. By the time I got undressed, pooped and dressed again, I was too tired to shovel. Tried to hire Bob who has a plow on his truck for the rest of the winter; but he says he's too busy. I think the jerk is lying.



I may have to rethink my desire to move to the Oregon/Washington area. I used to be bad about overcast conditions as well but have been fine with that the last couple of years although I never thought about the mud that would result from extended periods of rain, nor about winter weather such as this hardly compares. I probably need to just except my limitations and set my eyes towards the south if I go anywhere.


Thanks for the support, ladies!

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Guest RecumbentHeart
I believe it can, in both senses of the word (mad = angry, mad = crazy).


I feel like a pent up animal, because I don't tolerate the cold very well. I feel claustrophobic and stressed.


I feel irritated because the laundry load quadruples with all of us layering up and the kids having extra snow-play clothes.


I feel pressured to provide more options for my kids because they can't do their typical outside things.


I feel like evrything is covered in a layer of salt grime that will persist through March if not into April. The garage is a dirty, nonfunctional

mess (and I am too cold to go out there and organize it).


The Christmas lights are still up and though no longer lit, that really bugs me. It makes me feel bogged down in the old year when I really need to be making strides in the new one.


Can you tell I just hate it? Fresh fallen snow is beautiful. It's the days after that do me in.


Yes! All of this!


If it wasn't so cold I would go out there and smash all the ice .. except I can see every place the dog has pooped and peed and it looks nasty and I fear slipping on the ice and falling in it.


I tried talking to the children about being cooperative today to help me out with this but now they know I'm weak and for some incoherent reason have decided it would be fun to take up playing with my last nerve.


Pray for me! lol

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The thought of trying to drive in snow gives me major anxiety, even with the high end snow tires dh put on my van. I would much rather stay home than try to go anywhere, even if it is walking. My anxiety about winter is even higher after my accident 3 years ago. I was walking to the mailbox, slipped on the $&@&@&$ ice and broke my elbow. I was 18 weeks pregnant at the time and also messed up my lower back. Thankfully, my baby was fine. It was awful to have a broken elbow and sore back with four young kids, though.


I grew up in sunny SoCal. Snow is ok to visit, but I absolutely detest living with it. Hate is not a strong enough word to describe how I feel about snow and ice. :glare:

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Guest RecumbentHeart
The thought of trying to drive in snow gives me major anxiety, even with the high end snow tires dh put on my van. I would much rather stay home than try to go anywhere, even if it is walking. My anxiety about winter is even higher after my accident 3 years ago. I was walking to the mailbox, slipped on the $&@&@&$ ice and broke my elbow. I was 18 weeks pregnant at the time and also messed up my lower back. Thankfully, my baby was fine. It was awful to have a broken elbow and sore back with four young kids, though.


I grew up in sunny SoCal. Snow is ok to visit, but I absolutely detest living with it. Hate is not a strong enough word to describe how I feel about snow and ice. :glare:


Oh my, I cannot even imagine! I am in awe of you and your children having made it through that period.


I have a certain relative that will call to make sure the children have been taken out to play in the snow (because said relative presumes we deprive them in general and they need said relative's intervention to have a good childhood) and I do let them out - the first day and with DH present - but if said relative pushes beyond that I will hit said relative up for the cost of proper snow clothes/boots and put said relative to work on the laundry and nursing any sick children back to health.:glare:

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Yes, I hate being "trapped" with winter too.


January and February are my worst months. I started sewing! Oh my, my house is a mess too. I am on vacation. School is all over every table along with needles and pins. The kitchen is "pet" central so that everyone does not eat the homework. I just go "hmph" and let it all ride. I am such a summer person, but then I grew up in Charleston. Bring on the heat!

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I think that it might have something to do with pressure front. My dogs have been acting totally nuts for three days now. They are inside dogs and still spending the same out of time outside as before but the are acting stir crazy. Nothing in actually inside environment has changed so all I can figure is that it has something to do with barometric pressure.

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Guest RecumbentHeart
I think that it might have something to do with pressure front. My dogs have been acting totally nuts for three days now. They are inside dogs and still spending the same out of time outside as before but the are acting stir crazy. Nothing in actually inside environment has changed so all I can figure is that it has something to do with barometric pressure.


See, this is something I never would have considered. Thank-you for sharing that thought!

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Yep. The snow and the cold and the dark days. So irritating and gets old fast!


:iagree: Especially the dark part. It is dark here a little after 4pm. Makes for a very long evening. I am ready for bed by 6pm. I just have a really hard time in the winter with energy level.


We are all snowed in now, and I'm sure it won't be melting anytime soon. Seems like winter is at least 4 long months here.

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I wish I could have some of your weather! Here it's warmed up enough that the weeds have decided it's spring and my hayfever went crazy yesterday. Plus at work they keep the store so warm I actually broke out in a heat rash this week. Even sitting in the office I'm usually sweating (it's even warmer in there than out on the floor). I blame THAT on someone in Arkansas setting the environmental controls.


It hasn't snowed in this area since sometime in the 80's...sigh.

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I hate winter, too...maybe it is a touch of seasonal affective disorder but I don't feel as yucky if there isn't snow on the ground. We haven't had the huge snows like we had last year but just enough snow at just the right time to cancel things that need to then be rescheduled when my schedule is busy enough the first time around.


I don't mind so much if we get enough snow that everything is completely cancelled but I hate when it snows enough that I have to wonder whether I should try to go out or "wimp out" and stay in.


Not to mention the salt yuck on my cars when it is too cold to wash it off, the constant pile of snow clothing drying on a rack in my bathroom, and having to wear big clumpy boots all the time.

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I hesitate to post....but I love winter. I love the cold and the snow. I guess I am just genetically programmed for the north. I love the dark. I love to eat lots of carbs and take long naps. I even like to shovel snow. I love to go outside in the dark and the snow and look up at the stars. My house is a mess from hauling in firewood in wet boots, but I don't care. I bake a lot, and drink a lot of hot chocolate, and curl up on the couch with trashy novels. The only thing I don't like is that it is too cold in my bathroom to enjoy taking a long hot bath because the water heater is ancient and can't make enough hot water to keep it from cooling off quickly.


It is summer and sunlight that I hate. I have NO tolerance for heat, none. I have very fair skin that gets sunburned walking out to the car. I have already had skin cancer a couple times, and I get big yellow ucky bubbles on my sunburns. Bright sunlight gives me a migraine. I can't cook or bake because the extra heat makes me lightheaded, I can't go out in direct sunlight, I can't go swimming or to the playground for very long because I will get a headache and a sunburn even in the shade. I have to wear long sleeves and long pants or skirts because I get a sunburn just sitting in the car. I hate bugs, too, and they like the heat. Ugh.

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I lived in Michigan for 38 years. That's 38 long, dark, bitter, snow-and-ice-covered winters. I NEVER got used to it. I hated it with a passion that cannot be described.


Now I live in a place where it is 85 degrees with 12 hours of sun every single day of the year.


I am a MUCH happier person. :D


That's it, rub it in.....! Actually, I am going to show my dh your post!

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