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Teachers Lounge 1-11-11

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The Teachers' Lounge is open early today as I may not be able to most during lunch time.


What's for breakfast or lunch? Me: Frosted Mini-wheats and some (necessarily) strong tea!


What's new in your kids' life today? Me: My 12 yo Aspie dd has volunteered to entertain and teach a small group of 4 and 5 year olds today during a Homemakers By Choice meeting at a gal's house. :001_smile:


Did you start a new exercise program for the new year? Me: both dd and I have returned to ballet after a year's hiatus. SO glad to be back! I've also added a Performance Dance class to my schedule. So excited! But lest you think I'm some sweet, skinny young thing, think again! I'll be 42 in March and am taking these classes because I need the exercise and this type of exercise is fun. :D


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Breakfast?? Graham crackers and milk for me and the boy (no milk for him though). The girls had poptarts. Lunch?? Haven't decided yet. I'm watching my 1yr old niece today too, so maybe mac & cheese for everybody but DS?!?


What's new? Watching my niece and well.....we're doing some major prep for DD's 4th birthday party this weekend.


New exercise program? No. But, I do intend to start C25K again. I've started twice now.

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Coffee for breakfast. Leftover pasta and meatballs for lunch. Looking at a slice of toast with peanut butter for a snack later thanks to reading this thread, lol!


Ds has a tummy ache and doesn't want to do school. No vomiting or diarrhea or fever, so I'm thinking he's going to have to do it anyway. It should be a fun day.


No new exercise program here, but I already had one - martial arts. I am trying to pick up extra cardio classes at the dojo to help fight the battle of the bulge. :D

Edited by Truscifi
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What's for breakfast? French toast with strawberries.


What's new in your kids' life today? He is 12! It's a happy birthday kind of day here.


Did you start a new exercise program for the new year? No. I started a new program (couch to 5k) a few months ago. Still going...

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What's for breakfast or lunch?


What's new in your kids' life today?


Did you start a new exercise program for the new year?


Breakfast was 1 egg - fried in a small amount of olive oil - with 1 slice of American cheese on a piece of sourdough toast. This keeps me satisfied until lunch and is something that I eat several times/wk. Lunch was Lentil Soup, from AllRecipes. I had never had lentils until I made this soup yesterday - sooooo good! (If you do make it, be sure to read the reviews that suggested doubling the veggies and adding in more crushed tomatoes!)


Nothing exciting in my DDs lives today, but we are trying a new approach to get us caught up (we got behind at Christmas). I have everything not Sonlight laid out in a simple lesson-plan-type spreadsheet. Week 1, Day 1; Week 1, Day 2 kind of stuff. I started with the subject we were most behind in (math) and devoted double-time to that today. Not all at once, but let's just say that it's 4:28 PM and DD#1 is just now finishing :glare: We will do double-time in math until we are caught up and then move on to the next subject. I guess I am kind of the Dave Ramsey of homeschool moms today, LOL! Either that or maybe I am trying to be more Chinese-like in my approach!


No new exercise, yet, but I joined a fitness challenge yesterday & plan to start on our WiiFit (the one I begged for two years ago and never use) tomorrow!

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hi, all: (me sticking my head in the door as I fly out of the building)



Breakfast: Apple Streudel Bread from MOM's (My Organic Market) -- YUMMMMM!!!!!!!!


Going to the mall to buy a new cell phone (mine got fried about a month ago) - with my mom having surgery and me driving all over the place, I do need to replace it.


We will be at Odyssey of the Mind all day -- at least until the sign of the first snowflake -- then back home.


Black eyed pea soup will not get cooked today -- I will drain beans and try again tomorrow.


I am going to offer to buy pizza for the Odyssey of the Mind group so my kids don't have to make themselves sandwiches before we leave - which is like in three minutes.


I vote for Early Dismissal - kids cannot concentrate when they know snow is coming -- I've been able to get mine to do Math and Caesar's English and I'm thrilled with that.


See you later.

Edited by MariannNOVA
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Breakfast? chips and dip LOL. The kids asked for that and are eating it with bowls full of snow. I neer have chips or dip in the house but bought these for last Sunday night's youth devo that ended up being cancelled..


Lunch - leftovers. They will have the choice of leftover taco soup or leftover hotdogs. I'll cook a good dinner tonight.


What's new? Well, not much. We did have snow Sunday and a friend of ds was at our house until this morning. They had fun, but I am glad he is not here now. I am ready for peace and just us. I wanted to just veg on the couch with those chips but the winds knocked out out satellite service. They can't come until Friday around noon. So I am vegging out at the computer with my chips LOL.


Exercise? Didn't commit to anything but expect for today's lapse I have been eating much healthier and taking my vitamins. I feel better at least.

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Breakfast - scrambled eggs with spinach


Lunch? Can't think that far ahead.


New in kid's life - well, I did post in another thread that ds' mustache is getting more noticeable!


Exercise - I walk 40 min. a day but we've been doing that for a couple of months now. I want to add some strength training to the mix next week.

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Breakfast was applesauce and yogurt for the kids. I went for applesauce, cheese, and crackers. Right now I'm enjoying a nice glass of hot pregnancy tea. Kids are at the table with me doing their schoolwork. Toddler is down for a nap and preschooler is in the living room reading a book. I'm dealing with a lot right now. I need to get up and clean for our house blessing in a few days, but I don't feel like it...found out a friend is about to go through a divorce and my stepmama passed away last night. I can't be there for my sisters (several states away). All I can do is pray and talk to them on the phone :( Tomorrow there are two dental appts and Thursday I have an OB appt.

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I'm at a hotel today, and I slept through breakfast so I snacked on an apple and cup of tea available down in the lobby LOL.


For lunch, my colleagues and I are going where the locals go ~ I have no idea yet where that is, but I'm assured I'll love it. We're in a place known for its steaks. I'm a vegetarian. I'll have to snag an extra apple from the lobby on our way out!


New in my kids' lives ... next week the youngest will go skiing for the first time. My oldest wants to try snowboarding. I hope they have fun; I'll be in the lodge drinking hot chocolate, reading a trashy book, and keeping my hiney warm. And dry.


I'm philosophically opposed to exercise :D I did a few butt crunches just now to make up for the fact that I'm still in bed and slogging around on the internet. Hope that counts for something. Effort, if nothing else!

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What's for breakfast or lunch? Me - 2 pieces of wheat toast with peanut butter and milk - kids same but no milk!

What's new in your kids' life today? They are upstairs listening to music and working with legos. I just don't have the heart to drag them to the table to do school. Internal conflict because life is not all playtime but I also feel like there is something to be said for siblings enjoying each others company enough to spend time together.

Did you start a new exercise program for the new year? I am trying to do my prenatal yoga video at least 4 times a week. I would love to get out and walk but the snow has come and it's not leaving for a while! Maybe I need snow shoes?


Why does my dog hate the mail lady sooooo much? It's the same woman every day! :rolleyes:

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For breakfast I had half of a cup of coffee.


I had an early lunch, because I was starving. Leftover shepherd's pie, well, what of it the baby didn't eat.


The three bigger kids all have runny noses.


School is slow going today. Everyone keeps wandering off on me.


The good news is the baby is napping. He hasn't been wanting to nap for me lately. He's in bed with Dad.


I'm trying to figure out what to make for dinner while the older two write their spelling words. Grandma is picking up the three oldest after dinner because I have oral surgery in the morning. This will make it much easier for me to get out of the house in the morning. I LOVE my Mom!

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Breakfast was 3 eggs fried in olive oil and served on top of spicy pinto beans. Lunch will be spinach and avocado salad.


Nothing new today aside from the latest storm front -- the snow is just starting here. And Inception came in the mail yesterday, so I'll finally get to see it.


My thyroid meds are seriously off, so no exercise routine at all until I get those back on track and stop popping Advil every few hours -- I see the doctor tomorrow. I switched from desk chair to sitting on my Swiss ball a couple of weeks ago -- does that count as exercise? My back feels a ton better since I made the switch!

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The Teachers' Lounge is open early today as I may not be able to most during lunch time.


What's for breakfast or lunch? breakfast was oatmeal with soy milk, walnuts, dried cherries, and maple syrup.


What's new in your kids' life today? Electronics class. It was actually new last week but the new hasn't worn off yet!


Did you start a new exercise program for the new year? We actually started in December but due to illness didn't run/wkout last week and haven't returned to it this week. I think we'll be back at it tomorrow depending on sleep and how my girl is feeling.

Talk to me! :bigear:



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Breakfast was a green smoothie, followed by 2 slices of Canadian bacon for me. The kids had "shakes" (frozen bananas, frozen strawberries and organic milk in the blender), Canadian bacon, watermelon chunks.


Lunch for me will be a spinach salad with green onions, cucumbers, tomatoes, falafel and tzatziki. For the kids, turkey sandwiches, leftover rice and broccoli.


New: DS2 starts a Hip Hop Dance and Tumble class this evening. I think he will love it.


Did not start an exercise regime. That is another thing that has gone down hill since Thanksgiving. I'm going to try to get back to my regular walks, and maybe do some exercise videos down the basement. I schedule exercise into our school day, and it's kids choice, so today we played dodgeball in the living room with a small beach ball. I really need a bigger basement or something!

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Breakfast was yogurt with frozen raspberries and a mug of chai. Lunch is leftover pasta with broccoli, edamame and walnuts, or black bean burgers: diner's choice. I'm thinking we'll make a curry for dinner. Dh will be in town until late at a church meeting.


We're on our normal schedule. Snow is not noteworthy around here. Our Town Level MCT came this morning, though. We're excited about that. And multi-digit multiplication is going better than I thought it would, though I should bite my tongue.


I'm finally able to snowshoe, and so I'm mostly maintaining my normal exercise program. We have yoga on roku now, though! w00t! I may also try hooping on bad days...today it was five degrees outside when I got up. The kids play out in the warmer afternoon, so they're OK.

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Lunch: Mashed fresh avocados with white corn tortilla chips. And Pepsi. It's a Pepsi kind of day.


What are my kids doing: Snow day, technically, so I'm giving them latitude. The teen boys just went off to shovel an older family member's driveway after 6-8 inches of snowfall, the girls are breaking out the theater makeup for a show. Later everyone MUST do a math lesson.


New exercise program: I'll be spending a lot of time in the water doing physical therapy with dd. I'd also like to start couch to 5K and some strength training. I have an immediate goal to lose 15 pounds.

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Breakfast: Oatmeal with butter and brown sugar, 1/2 banana, and, of course, coffee.


Lunch: 1/2 a ham sandwich, a cup of soup, an apple, and a string cheese


New for my kids: It has finally decided to snow here and the kids are super excited to get out and play!


Exercise: I started up yesterday with a new exercise routine and diet. Nothing too fancy -- just aerobic exercises and counting calories.

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Breakfast: Shredded wheat and bran with milk. Tea always. DD had multiple breakfast burritos. I think she's growing.


Lunch: Nothing yet, I'm starving, and I hope my girl saves me some leftovers.


New: She had to schedule out some science reading for herself for the first time, and get it in her planner. It was rougher than it should've been. She's also starting back up with her 4H Shooting Club tonight, and it seems all she can think about is what earrings to wear on the first night. :confused:


Exercise: Focusing on balance and strength training right now. I have also been punching on my heavyweight bag. If any of that makes me sound fit, I'm not. I'm just picking things I like to do for right now!

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"What's for breakfast or lunch?"


I don't usually eat breakfast. I did make some steal cut oats over the weekend and they were super yummy! I had them with cinnamon, brown sugar, and almond milk. I ate cheese enchiladas at lunch today, along with cheese dip and chips....


"What's new in your kids' life today?"


We've had more snow this year than I think I've seen since I was a little girl. Even my son didn't want to go out of the house for soccer tonight and since I don't know what the very wet and slushy roads are going to be like after dark, I've elected to forego attempting to get there. I'm waiting to find out if everything is going to be cancelled for tomorrow, too.... At least we'll be able to catch up on our reading this week, LOL!


"Did you start a new exercise program for the new year?"


Absolutely not! But I am dreaming more and more about getting back into yoga. I love the work it does of stretching and balance. I really miss it. I used to do it for a while along with my older son. I've mentioned it to the younger, but he doesn't seem interested.....

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