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Teachers Lounge! 1-10-2011

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What's for lunch today? Water and a mini bbq chicken slider with the crockpot bbq chicken I made Saturday.


What's new in your world today? We started Megawords today. And I'm getting a pig.


What's your favorite thing you're learning about with your kiddos right now? Raising pigs. :D

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What's for lunch today? 1/2 an almond butter and cranberry/blueberry sandwich, a Mug of berries :drool: b/c I loooooove berries: blue and black, 1/2 square of chocolate, cup of milk.


What's new in your world today? It's the first day of having a stocked pantry instead of the week's groceries. I LOVE THIS!


What's your favorite thing you're learning about with your kiddos right now? We're launching into the period b/t the American Revolution and the Civil War. This is a period I don't know much about. I am particularly interested in how our economic system evolved.


Talk to me!:bigear:


Mmmmm, now off to my delicious lunch!

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What's for lunch today? Me: pb&j, raisin medley, Pepsi.


What's new in your world today? Me: Resumed homeschooling today! :hurray:


What's your favorite thing you're learning about with your kiddos right now?

Me: no idea! It's all fascinating to me!


Talk to me!:bigear:

I'm waiting for math to end so I can go to the store and get lunch :glare:


More snow :glare:


The Charge of the Light Brigade... moving stuff

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We had delicious sandwiches from the Commissary today. With a side of Cheetos Puffs, and milk to drink. :)


New for me today was that I joined a fitness challenge at the gym (FWIW I ordered my sandwich sans mayo & only ate 3 Cheetos Puffs)!


Favorite thing we are doing in school right now is reading The Whipping Boy - such a good book!

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The kids had soup, I had spaghetti.


Nothing new today. We skipped school so they could build snowmen with the neighborhood kids. I'm watching the clock, waiting to skype with my bff :)


We're just getting back into the swing of things after our 6 week vacation so right now we're just reviewing.

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What's for lunch today? Leftover ham & beans... yum yum!


What's new in your world today? It's SNOWING for the first time this season, and I'm mad because gosh darn it, it hasn't snowed enough to get DD out of school!


What's your favorite thing you're learning about with your kiddos right now? Ummmmm, writing dialogue has been fun, and today DS got a paper full of math patterns (2, 4, 6, 8, what's next, fill in the blanks) to do, and those were new to him. I had no idea how much a subtraction pattern would throw him... clearly we need to do some more of these :lol: Tomorrow we're doing measuring and graphing, then Wednesday is talking about similar and congruent shapes, Thursday is playing with a calendar and a clock (time word problems), and Friday is reading and interpreteing graphs and charts. Fun with math this week!

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What's for lunch today? Leftover turkey pot pie

What's new in your world today? Nothing new...

What's your favorite thing you're learning about with your kiddos right now? Earth Science. When I had geology in science, the teacher spoke in a monotone voice, and all the assumptions based on uniformitarianism drove me nuts. It's great to finally get a new perspective in a much more fun way.

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Lunch today: I have brie sitting on the counter coming to room temp, need to decide what kind of fruit to have with it. I have duck and cabbage soup in the crockpot and the smell is really distracting!


New today: We started back to school, and just getting everything moving smoothly has been a bit jarring for all of us.


Favorite thing I'm learning with the kiddos: DS is becoming such a confident reader, and it's so fun to watch him devour a book he's enjoying!

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What's for lunch today? frozen pizza, and maybe a litlte bit of turkey also

What's new in your world today? We started back to school today from the holidays

What's your favorite thing you're learning about with your kiddos right now?

Latin - enjoying learning something new - history is always a favorite for me.


A good first day back so far, and now for quiet time!

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Lunch - banana nut bread, Mexicali salad (romaine, tomatoes, scallions, corn, pinto beans), water


New: Dd9's doll Samantha came to join us for school today. I am "Mrs. Smith". I'm discovering that Mrs. Smith is a lot more professional and nicer than I am!


Learning: Rediscovering "To Kill a Mockingbird" with ds13


Doing plant experiments with dd9.

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What's for lunch today? Kids are having, uhm nuked burritos, top raman and hot tea (it's still cold, hey I'm in California, where is the sun??)

Me, hamburger patties reheated with ketchup, low carb again! :D


What's new in your world today? Me: back to school today and using write reflections with all 4, and it worked!? I have been fretting about it all Christmas break!

We also begin a Nuts and Bolts of Formatting to use MS Word 2007 this afternoon. I am so hoping it is a good thing. New to us curriculum.


What's your favorite thing you're learning about with your kiddos right now?

The patience the have with me is beyond comprehension to my head.


Long evening ahead of me organizing our schedule that we tweaked as we went to day, and to get that together.

bit stressed as my part time job goes on back burner til tomorrow in order to get HS in order...thankful my boss is a homeschooler too and totally understands.

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We had a rice based casserole with sauted broccoli and mushrooms, a little ground beef, and some parmesan. I was very light on herbs. Dh and oldest ds are having a lot of sinus drainage feel kind of "stomach yucky" as a result. It was a big hit with the sickies and those of us that are well, were pretty pleased too.


We didn't go to church yesterday because Dh and Ds had laryngitis and felt horrible. Of course, this is the time when a little controversy popped up and dh is in a leadership position that required his personal knowledge and he wasn't there. UGH! So, now he's supposed to go to a meeting tonight despite his cold. I'm trying to be supportive. We only did very light schoolwork today and I wish he could have had a lighter work day but it's been hectic. Though we both fly well "by the seat of our pants", I can honestly say we are both unhappy about this meeting.


Their creativity knows no bounds. Ds is writing a maze game in visual basic that has scenery, little robots, and a goofy narrator's voice that says silly things. It's really cute. Middle Ds is busy writing more short stories, very funny and well done too, about his new turtle "Errol". Youngest ds is alternating between reading a Dilbert's comic book and getting all of the computer jokes but NOT getting the "elbonian" mail order wife jokes and so he's making up his own reasons why these frames are funny, and his explanations are hilarious. Sometimes I wonder if I was ever that creative.



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What's for lunch today? Tuna fish salad (lots of fresh stuff- gr. pepper, celery and apple) on healthy bread.


What's new in your world today? Took down the Christmas tree. Maybe my allergies will back off!


What's your favorite thing you're learning about with your kiddos right now? Hmmm....we'd rather read than work ;), but that's old news...

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Lunch: A bowl of chicken garden soup & some fresh pineapple with vanilla yogurt on top.


New today: I started my exercise/diet routine today! I actually got up early to workout (after hitting snooze a couple times).


Favorite thing I'm learning with my dc right now: With ds - Robin Hood; with dd - reading, I love teaching how to read, the daily progress amazes me!

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Lunch: Pasta with homemade spinach pesto

Fruit smoothie, also with spinach in it

Hot tea


New in my world: Figuring out how to get any school done while watching our 2yo grandchild. (How do you people do it??)


Favorite thing I'm learning with my girl: Ancient Greek history. Gives us an excuse to read Bernard Evslin's Monsters of Mythology books. Today it was The Minotaur. I love the art; she loves the gore. Also, I am headed off to dig out some old black and white photographs taken by my dad when he was stationed on the island of Crete in 1957. I wish he was here to explain the photos to her, but he's not, so I will be trying my best to recall everything he used to tell me about those photos when I was a little girl. Schooling doesn't get much better than that!

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Good day to you!


"What's for lunch today?" We ate at Smash Burger today and I think it's my new favorite place!


"What's new in your world today?" (See above)


"What's your favorite thing you're learning about with your kiddos right now?"

We are back on Colonial America and I really like studying that time period. We are reviewing some things we did and saw on trips in the fall and moving into some memory work for the period. Because we're reading about Benj. Franklin this week, he's also going to be doing some work related to electricity in science....

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What's for lunch today? Me: pb&j, raisin medley, Pepsi.


What's new in your world today? Me: Resumed homeschooling today! :hurray:


What's your favorite thing you're learning about with your kiddos right now?

Me: no idea! It's all fascinating to me!


Talk to me!:bigear:


First time to play along with this.....so, Hi! I'm Heather, mom to 3 boys (13, 10, almost 6), hs'ing since 2001, using Sonlight all along, and currently living in tropical Brazil. (for 3+ years so far).


Now - the questions you asked ; )


Lunch today -- probably will be potato soup


What's new? -- quilting! I'm working on 1 project and cutting fabric today for a 2nd. I plan to (hope to) work on both all this year so that both tops at least are done by the end of the year. ha! we'll see....


Favorite thing I'm learning right now with the kiddos? -- well, I just learned yesterday what, exactly, the diaphragm is in the human body. I never really knew before! Now I do, and I find it fascinating. (it's a "dome shaped sheet of muscle" -- that's the part I didn't know -- "dividing the abdominal cavity from the chest cavity")

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