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Have you beaten Seasonal Affective Disorder?

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If so, how?


I'm tired. So very tired. All. the. time. I sleep in late, barely dragging my rear out of bed by 8:30am. It takes until 10am-11am before I'm showered and dressed, but I'm still so tired I can't think. I just looked at the dishes I need to wash but instead came here to sit on the couch, because I don't have the energy to stand there and wash them. I need to do school with the kids but my brain is tired. Thinking takes energy I just don't have.


I go through this every winter. It usually takes several weeks before I realize I'm tired because it's winter. Until I figure it out, I'm making deals with myself..."I'll wake up early tomorrow and get started and get stuff done" only it never happens.


It's been too cold to get out much (30s and 40s) or rainy or cloudy. Even outside it's dim/dark/dreary. We don't have the proper clothing to spend time out in that kind of weather.


When we moved in, I replaced almost all of the light bulbs with Reveal full spectrum light bulbs. I prefer the color but they don't help up my energy.


Other than moving south or spending money I don't have (can't buy a light box), is there a solution?

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We are in a 4 season state, and the dark winter weather gets to me too. I've adjusted by going to bed earlier, eat well, and get out any day the sun shines. Today is 22' and sunny...I've bundled up twice and been out, and I may go out again for a nice walk.


I do keep the lights on and the temperature inside warm. That along with the extra sleep and knowing seems to help some.:grouphug:

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Dh read me something yesterday about a study that showed cold showers were as effective as anti-depressants for some patients. I think it was a three-minute cold shower twice a day? (And they mentioned spending a couple of minutes in the shower working the temp down before they started the three-minute clock.)


It sounds crazy, and it might not work for SAD, but it's cheap and so might be worth a try.

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I haven't beaten the feeling I get every winter but I have realized that I can appreciate the spring so much more because of the winter. The smells, colors and feelings of spring are what I'm waiting for this year. I can't wait.


I also find that decluttering in the winter helps me because I feel less like the walls are closing in on me.



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Have you had your Vit. D checked? When I have low D (which I almost always have) I am tired and more depressed. I have to take a D3 supplement. Might want to try that. I struggle with depression all year but it is worse during the winter months. Lower energy, lower motivation, more tired, etc. :grouphug:

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Dh read me something yesterday about a study that showed cold showers were as effective as anti-depressants for some patients. I think it was a three-minute cold shower twice a day? (And they mentioned spending a couple of minutes in the shower working the temp down before they started the three-minute clock.)


It sounds crazy, and it might not work for SAD, but it's cheap and so might be worth a try.


Brrr!!! The thought of it makes me want to crawl back in bed and get warm.:001_smile:

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Guest CarolineUK
Dh read me something yesterday about a study that showed cold showers were as effective as anti-depressants for some patients. I think it was a three-minute cold shower twice a day? (And they mentioned spending a couple of minutes in the shower working the temp down before they started the three-minute clock.)


:w00t: Oh my word, I think I'd rather be depressed.

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I am not depressed. I know what that feels like, though it sounds like all the same symptoms. Tired all the time, lack of energy, can't think, lack of motivation, don't even want to do things I enjoy...all sounds like depression. However, this is all energy-related, there's no emotional aspect to it. I don't feel depressed, and I have a long history of depression so I know what that feels like. I'm not sad in any way. Just tired.


The last time my vitamin D levels were checked, it was January a couple of years ago and they were 50. My midwife checked them. She was pretty shocked at how different I was when the sun came out that spring. I walked in for my first appointment after a week or two of spring sunshine and was so different, she bluntly asked, "What happened?" I simply said, "It's summer," and explained I'm always happy, bouncy, energetic, etc. during the summer. I can go, go, go all summer long.

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My brother made a light box for my SIL, it has helped her a lot. It cost around 1/10 the cost of buying one to make one. My brother is not a super handyman, either, so it can't be too hard. He made it about 5 or 10 years ago and it is still going. He just Googled how to make it and bought the right type of light bulbs and the other stuff to make it at Lowes or Home Depot. My parents were so amazed, they told me all the details about 10 times!!

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I am not depressed. I know what that feels like, though it sounds like all the same symptoms. Tired all the time, lack of energy, can't think, lack of motivation, don't even want to do things I enjoy...all sounds like depression. However, this is all energy-related, there's no emotional aspect to it. I don't feel depressed, and I have a long history of depression so I know what that feels like. I'm not sad in any way. Just tired.


The last time my vitamin D levels were checked, it was January a couple of years ago and they were 50. My midwife checked them. She was pretty shocked at how different I was when the sun came out that spring. I walked in for my first appointment after a week or two of spring sunshine and was so different, she bluntly asked, "What happened?" I simply said, "It's summer," and explained I'm always happy, bouncy, energetic, etc. during the summer. I can go, go, go all summer long.


This is me. I was diagnosed with SAD about 20 years ago. I hibernate in winter and in summer I am almost bi-polar I'm so hyper. I actually have to be vigilant in both winter and summer to keep things under control. Even my diet changes between seasons, craving serotonin friendly food in winter and more veggies and the sort in summer. The doctors at NIH warned me never to move further north than where I was at the time (the DC area). So what did I do? Move to Seattle a few years ago. That was the worst winter of my life. We now live in Texas and life is much easier.


The only things that work for me in winter is a light box (don't need it much in sunny Texas), keeping the house warm, and cutting myself a break.


In summer I have to stay out of the sun (at least here), wear sunglasses when I'm out, and try not to get so hyper that I don't sleep for 3 days.


I've read that most people "grow out of " SAD in their 50s, so I'm just crossing my fingers that in a decade or so I'll be out of this.


It stinks.

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My folks live near you and they now have a 5th wheel and spend 4 months every winter in a RV park in AZ. It is very cheap! Of course, it would be crazy with that many small people no matter how big of a 5th wheel you got. They really enjoy it, and are better friends with their trailer park neighbors they see 4 months out of the year then the neighbors the see most of the year!

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My brother made a light box for my SIL, it has helped her a lot. It cost around 1/10 the cost of buying one to make one. My brother is not a super handyman, either, so it can't be too hard. He made it about 5 or 10 years ago and it is still going. He just Googled how to make it and bought the right type of light bulbs and the other stuff to make it at Lowes or Home Depot. My parents were so amazed, they told me all the details about 10 times!!


My first light box was homemade and wonderful. Just a wood frame with 6 or 8 fluorescent lights. It worked and once I learned how close to get and how long to sit in front of it I was much better.


Can you get some warm clothes at a thrift store and spend a little time outside every day? It was 22 degrees and snowing, but the boys wanted to go outside and have a snowball fight, so even though I just felt like collapsing on the couch, I went out with them, and that picked up my energy.


Even if it's cloudy, get outside. There is sun, even if you can't see it directly. And it helps. Just stay warm. It saved me in Seattle - even when it was cloudy and rainy just getting outside for a little bit helped.

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This is the first winter in the 16+ years I've had SAD that it has NOT effected me. It stopped as soon as I started taking 5000 IUs of D3 per day. I own a Happy Light light box and in years past used it religiously with hardly any effect. I cannot even BEGIN to tell you how taking the D3 has changed my life. For around $6 for a 60 day supply it has been worth every single one of those beautiful pennies! :hurray:

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I have been taking 4,000 to 10,000 IU of Vit D3 for several winters now and I feel dramatically different, even tho my levels are still very low.

I live in West Michigan where we can go weeks without any significant sunlight. However, I felt like I had SAD when I lived in Minnesota too.

Vit D3 is a place to start for sure.

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We got a light box this year mostly for dd, but all of us have been taking turns. It is a lifesaver. I wish I had gotten one sooner. I also keep the house really warm and sleep more. I just tell the family I am hibernating like the bears.




You know, I only just learned what triggers hibernation the other day. I was very excited.



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Save up and buy some warm clothes at the thrift store. You really don't need anything special, just layers.


Go outside at least once every day - preferably around noon - but really, just getting outside every day helps.


Exercise every day.


Vitamin D.





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I'm extra tired in the winter, too. No depression. I think I'm the third person to tell you that a light box did not work, but Vitamin D did.


Also Kyo-green... I used the powder for years, but find the tablets work, too.


It's tough, isn't it? Even with the help I've gotten, the months between Christmas and Spring are very frustrating.


Here is the Vitamin D that works for me:


NSI – Nutraceutical Sciences Institute



I use 5-6 drops this time of year instead of 1. (Should get my levels checked again. I started out at 13 which is VERY low.) I still felt poorly at 55. I think naturopathic doctors suggest 80 as a "feel good" level for many of us.

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Joann!!! maybe this is my problem too! i've been dragging something FIERCE!


So same problem here but i do feel better when i drag my sorry butt outside, exercise is good but even just playing outside with the kids, or watching them play, is helpful. i agree with the layers thing too.


I'm going to try the vitamin d. I buy a really yummy liquid kind for kids, at costco, 2 big bottles for $15 but i'm sure tablets would be cheaper... will be following this thread!

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On my way out the door, but this caught my eye! Will try to read through the posts and answer more when I get home, but I suffer GREATLY from SAD. I wasn't Dx until I moved to Germany, but the Dx really helped me make sense of all of the years and years that came before!


At any rate, I "hate" to tell you, but my light box has saved me this winter. It is worth every stinkin' penny ;)

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