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sciatica!!! Oh my - need advice

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Mine usually flares up when I sit in chairs/sofas that don't support my back like they should. I take ibuprofen for that.


Mine got so bad that I ended up at a PT. They told me that after having 5 children that I would never have ligaments that worked like they should so they tried to strengthen the muscles in my lower back. After a month of PT and then continuing the exercises and changing my workout routine (that was aggravating it tremendously) I hardly ever have the pain...except when I sit and knit in the same spot on my sofa (like I did last yesterday :D )

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I developed sciatica after lots of sitting while I was typing at the computer (I write articles and can sit for hours. . .).


The stretching really helped me. It got worse once after I was in a plane for 5 hrs. too.


I finally bought a very expensive desk chair and that made all the difference.


But I don't sit for hours anymore.


Good luck to you,



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Ice. Heat can make it worse, but ice will give a decent amount of temporary relief. Then do those exercises.


:iagree: Yeah, no heat. Use ice up to 20 minutes every hour. Ice the lower back and buttock. I take 3 ibuprofen every 6 hours round the clock during an attack. I have a Dr. friend who's had success with McKenzie stretches. (me too) Long term helps: daily stretches and core strenthening for the rest of your life, lose weight (if applicable), Learn to engage the abs when ever you leave vertical. (I can expain this if you need me to.)


Pelvic tilt stretch works wonders for me.

Lay on the floor with knees bent, arms on the floor above your head straight, tild the pelvis so your lumbar back is against the floor, imagine a string running along your spinal column, now, pull the string from both ends using your back muscles. From the pelvis area, pull downward, from the upper back and shoulder area, pull upward. Hold for 30 sec. then rest and repeat. The point is to stretch the spine out so there is room for the disc to move back into place. I LOVE this exercise and have even had sciatica when I lay down to do it and not when I got up.


ps. I don't use chiropractors.

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Mine usually flares up when I sit in chairs/sofas that don't support my back like they should. I take ibuprofen for that.


Mine got so bad that I ended up at a PT. They told me that after having 5 children that I would never have ligaments that worked like they should so they tried to strengthen the muscles in my lower back. After a month of PT and then continuing the exercises and changing my workout routine (that was aggravating it tremendously) I hardly ever have the pain...except when I sit and knit in the same spot on my sofa (like I did last yesterday :D )


My story is similar. IF I do the exercises faithfully (not lately) and not do any workout routines that I know aggravate it (which I did) and not sit on something not supportive (which I did yesterday), THEN, I'm okay. Let's not talk about the holiday weight gain, change in normal routine, high heels for Christmas parties, etc.


Actually, my whole back is tight and sore all over. Well, no more, it is a new year! Back to moving toward better health. I plan to be pain free and weigh less by the end of the month!

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