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So...what are you doing for Holiday fun this week??


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Over the next couple of weeks: A couple of ornament crafts, Polar Express at the Imax theater, Christmas program at another church, driving and looking at Christmas lights, lots of baking. :001_smile:


There are a couple of other things we'd like to do, but I'm not sure yet if we'll have the extra money. I love the service project ideas . . . have to think that over and see if I can come up with something!

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We are on break until January, but I hope to get some holiday fun squeezed in. (Hard to do when my mind is off school stuff!)

I pulled out our kirigami kit and plan to work with DS on his paper cutting skills. :tongue_smilie: I also hope to get some baking done. Tuesday, we are going to an annual holiday train exhibit with friends.

We will continue reading Christmas books and bird watching.

DS is working hard on some Christmas music and we have plans to tape him this week so we can send the music to grandparents.

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My ds kept asking for one of those gingerbread house kits so I bought one today. We will do it one day this week.


Something we did last year was go get lunch at a fast food restaurant drive-through and pay for the person behind us in line. It was so much fun that I want to do it again this year.


Some things we've already done is go caroling with my son's singing group, be in a live nativity at our church, watch some holiday favorite movies together, and go see special Christmas lights while we were in Charleston, SC.


All our plans have changed and we are going to have our family Christmas this coming Friday night and leave town on Saturday morning for family get-togethers. I have a lot to do to get ready so early, so I won't be able to do as much this week as I would have liked. We will be at my in-laws all of next week so we might make and decorate cookies there as well as see what else we can come up with.

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Monday we'll be making cookies with my mom at her house. Friday we'll be caroling with some people from our park day at a senior center. Tuesday we'll be celebrating at Disneyland. :tongue_smilie: Sometime this week we'll be passing our fliers for a coat drive that my DD's GS troop is having for a local charity (she's very excited about this one).

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We're still doing school work this week. The kids have Wednesday off because I'll be in London picking my mom up from the airport, but our official Christmas break starts on Saturday. We've put off all our Christmas celebrating until after Mom arrives, so Saturday will be the day to buy a tree and decorate, Monday will be a shopping day for Mom and me. Oh, yea, and Friday night we'll have dinner out, drive around looking at lights, then watch White Christmas at the local community cinema. Then we'll be busy next week with Christmas cookies, hopefully a gingerbread house, and preparing for Christmas dinner.

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It seems all our groups and clubs had their parties already and our church has already caroled and had their cantata. I swear this stuff gets earlier every year. I hope this week to cut some snowflakes from this sire we use every year. We've yet to decorate, get a tree or make our gingerbread house so we'll hopefully do that this week. We're doing school up until the 22nd and will return on the 27th so no long break.

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This week, we are:


- writing cards for ds and dd's extracurricular activity teachers

- baking cookies and printing out recipe cards for Cookie Exchange Party

- going to Cookie Exchange Party

- going to our first homeschool graduation party

- dd's first ballet recital (She's Suzy Snowflake)

- buy and wrap gifts for Daddy

- write and send cards to family members

- read Nativity and other Christmas stories

- do the free Living Books Curriculum's Holiday Helper

- ds is reading Best Christmas Pageant Ever (after seeing the play at the local high school)

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I plan on baking Thursday when little man is at my mom's and out of the way. I have DH printing up several lapbook/craft things at work tomorrow so we will do Polar Express, holiday traditions, and a Christmas lapbook over the next week and 1/2. I am kind of stuck with the PS schedule since the older boys are in. After DS (6th) graduates I will NOT be doing Sept-June schooling!:glare:

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Last night we took the kids to dinner, got hot chocolate, and did one of those drive through Christmas light parks. Today, I am leaving kids with MIL and finishing up my shopping. Tomorrow we will hit the books again, but I will try to do a few smaller fun things through the week. Plus, we need to shop for our angel tree gifts.


Next week, we will go bake cookies with MIL and prepare the house for Christmas Eve guests along one subject per day. My younger kids are at that point where they seem to forget everything if we take off more than a weekend.

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We had the surprising experience of waking up to SNOW this a.m. -- all over the rooftops, cars, bushes, trees. Just beautiful.


So the kids took a snow break and I joined them! :lol:


We played in the snow and then watched Miracle on 34th Street -- really fun to watch the colorized version.


Have fun everyone!



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Getting, putting up and decorating our tree!

Baking gingerbread cookies.


A field trip to see an fabulous exhibit of Impressionist paintings from the Museum d'Orsay in Paris. FIL is watching DS for me. :)


A homeschool mommies Christmas coffee at a friend's home! My DH is so good about taking care of the kids so that I can do girl things in the evenings a few times a month!

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Today we went caroling at a local nursing home with some fellow homeschoolers.


We're currently enjoying a nightly reading of "Jotham's Journey", which is a wonderful advent read aloud. The kids beg me to read more every night!


I have some cookie dough ready to bake, so we'll decorate cookies tomorrow.


I'm looking forward to making some homemade spiced Christmas Ornaments with my boys. I found the recipe in the "History of the Holidays" activity guide that Homeschool In the Woods has recently published.


We love watching Christmas movies together


We'll do some shopping and gift wrapping, too.


On Sunday, we plan to go to a live nativity that our church has put together

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We do whatever is on our Christmas countdown chain each day. Today we decorated gingerbread trees (easier than houses). Tomorrow we read more Christmas stories. Wednesday we make hot cocoa and *FRESH* gingerbread and eat it outside on the front porch while all wrapped up in blankets. Thursday is DD's Christmas program at her school, and Friday is the second round of Christmas movie night. Saturday and Sunday is cookie baking/decorating. Next Monday we're going to a thing called WinterFest that features an ice skating rink, rides, food, etc. I forget what comes after that lol


All I know is that it's going to be a very busy time between now and Christmas!

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The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe lapbook and literature study. A Christmas Carol literature study. Paper snowflakes and gingerbread man garland, tons of Christmas cookies and carols, Christmas around the world unit study, science of snow, popcorn garlands. Snow day today so we made snow angels, had a snowball epic battle (in my son's words), came inside to read with cocoa, popcorn and a fire. Love days like this.

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Well, today we cleaned the whole house and did all the laundry so that we don't have to worry about it the rest of the week. We did listen to Christmas music while we worked. The dc played all afternoon in our first snow of the season. (don't get too excited...its Tennessee snow:tongue_smilie:)

Right now they are RE-decorating the tree.


Tomorrow we will decorate ginger bread cookies, make some custom Christmas cards for family and watch the Nutcracker on Netflix.


Wednesday we will make our gingerbread house (we use rice crispies treat mix instead of gingerbread), make Christmas cards, care bags and pack up coats\hats\scarves\gloves that we don't wear anymore and take them to our local domestic violence shelter. In the evening we will watch The Christmas Carol.


Thursday we are planning on starting our Christmas bird feeding tree. We put a tree in the backyard and string popcorn and cover pinecones with peanut butter and birdseed and hang them on the tree. We will keep this filled the whole winter. Dd7 has her Girl Scout Christmas party this evening so we have goodies to bake for this.


Friday we are going to go through all of our old blankets and towels and take them down to PAWS. Then we are going to come back home put on our jammies heat up some hot chocolate with whipped cream and watch all of the Christmas kid movies...who know Rudolph, Frosty, Santa Clause is Coming to Town...love those! Oh, and dd11 has her Girl Scout Christmas party in the evening.


Saturday and Sunday are dh's days...I don't know what he has planned. I know he wanted to take one evening and drive around to look at lights and probably watch It's a Wonderful Life another night. All I know is that after this week I will be sleeping in Sat. and Sun. There is nothing quite as nice as waking up at 9 to the smell of dh's famous French Toast. :D

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Still having school until Fri but today was a snow day because we woke up to snow! We were gifted with tickets as a family to see The Lion King on tomorrow night. I have a bible study fellowship Christmas brunch, taking the kids to see the Nutcracker, making cards, wrapping gifts, baking cookies, decorating ginger bread people, reading lots of Christmas books, and watching lots of Chrismas movies. I just love this time of year!

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