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Yes, it's SF again...SF Macy's fires Santa for Joking w/ Adult Visitors

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LOL. Uh, I'm not sure what I think. My first reaction is just what does an adult expect to have said to them if they sit in another adult's lap?


Seriously, I'm still trying to figure out who was the naughtiest? The adult who sat in Santa's lap or Santa.


The fact that the guy doesn't tell jokes to the kids and has been Santa for decades should hold a little weight.


But what do I know? My kids have never sat in Santa's lap because they know he's just some old guy in a red suit.

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I agree and it could have been much worse. The comments seem pretty mild to me.




I'm a complete prude and I thought the comments were mild. :001_rolleyes: A simple "you offended someone, tone down the jokes" would have been appropriate.

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What? First, why are adults visiting Santa? Second, are these people from this century or the last? I can't believe he got fired for that. I'm very conservative on what is appropriate, but that would not have bothered me in the least.


I'm so tired of the verbal police being everywhere. Let people say what they want, even if someone else doesn't like it.

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Personally I found his comment disgusting but only because he used "naughty boys and girls". Considering he's Santa it brings up images of children, not adults.


If I didn't know him and he said that to me I would wonder what he was saying to the kids. This couple didn't have the benefit of the article or knowing his personality.


I remember when I was a senior in high school a group of my friends sat on Santa's lap and he made a comment to us which made me feel a bit icky.


I still think a warning would have sufficed for this guy in San Francisco instead of firing him.

Edited by kwiech
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Just to clarify, I think it's the second comment that was complained about:


"Then, if they ask why Santa is so jolly, I joke that it's because I know where all the naughty boys and girls live."



I agree that he shouldn't have been fired, especially after twenty years as santa and no complaints about saying anything untoward to children. But I could also see how the above comments could be, well, icky.




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Personally I found his comment disgusting but only because he used "naughty boys and girls". Considering he's Santa it brings up images of children, not adults.



That's where I would've pinpointed any offense in his responses..the first one about adults not being naughty was tame. But I'm a bit oversensitive to innuendos about kids.


But definitely NOT something that was worthy of being fired over, especially if it was the only complaint ever given for him in all those years. A warning would've been enough.

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