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Anyone's kids being a SNOT today?

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How sad for you all. My precious little one is being an absolute angel and working diligently.


Every fifteen minutes I say, "Remember, we can't go get the Christmas tree and start decorating until you're done with school." Works like a charm. ;)


Now, if someone could please give me some motivational advice for all the other days of the year, I'm all :bigear:!!

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Mine are all absolute terrors today. :glare: Grandma just left yesterday after having ds10 in France for two weeks over Thanksgiving and then visiting for a few more days after bringing him back. It's either the excitement or I need to send that child away with grandma all the time, things are so much worse than usual today ...


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My son is totally coming down with something. It doesn't help that he played in the garage last night with dad an hour and a half past bedtime. I wouldn't have let that happen had I known he was getting sick.

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(raising hand now)


Telling myself over and over..."I love this kid..really I do"


Dd's snottiness has to deal with decorating the aluminum Christmas tree.

Because Dd has failed to listen/follow instructions today the tree has topppled over twice.

On the last topple I reminded her the tree, color wheel and red glass ornaments belongs to Maman.

The tree was a birthday gift from Dh and Dd.

I can choose to share or not to share.

She is aware if her attitude does not change I will choose not to share the tree, the red glass ornaments or the color wheel.

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