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How would you rate your stress levels?

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Let's do talk about stress. I started a thread earlier this afternoon about how to deal with stress, but it didn't go very far. I don't know how to rate my stress level. Yesterday was such a bad day that today I have what I call a stress hangover. The dull, throbbing ache in my head that just doesn't go away.

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I'm not really stressed very often. I would say about a 4 now that I am not doing online classes at night, and therefore don't have any papers due. Spending time with my kids at home is really enjoyable most of the time. Homeschool consists mostly of read alouds, so we cuddle a lot on the couch, reading all day. We're good. I also have warm hands :tongue_smilie:

Oh yeah, I posted on that other thread. I eat lots of chocolate, though I don't really recommend it. I'm just a little addicted. :) I do notice that I go for the chocolate every time when I am having a stressful day though.

Edited by hmsmith
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Not very.

DH and I have a very relaxed lifestyle. He loves his work but has plenty of free time. We have enough money. Enough, not lots. We value our time a lot and are not prepared to give it up for more money. We live nicely.


I got pretty stressed a month or so ago when I took on a new part time job. Ugh. I was so not designed to do bookwork! It stressed me out- the business I was working for was in constant stress. I quit. It wasn't worth it. I am learning to live on less money.


We are both meditators and have been all our adult lives. I do yoga, and my exercise is walking in nature. I get up early in the mornings before everyone else and have alone time. I have more in the evenings because dh works evenings. I do work part time but its from home, cooking.


But we are very conscious of living like this, of minimising stress in our lives, and very wary of taking on things that will bring stress into our lives. Its always a balance though and stress does happen- of course it is a natural part of life (especially with teens!)- but we do consciously minimise unecessary, habitual stress.

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I am a pretty tense person and so even when I am relaxed (4) I can move instantly up to a 10-12 if something puts my day out of whack (last minute project due for a client, notice of houseguests and my house is a mess, etc.). I like to be able to plan for things, and when those plans go awry, so do I :tongue_smilie:



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Mine starts out at 2 or 3 and escalates nearly all day long until dinner when it is at it's high point--probably an 8 or 9 most days. Then hubby takes over after dinner and I get a hot bath (and maybe a hot toddy) and it goes back down. Til the next day... Something about a good old fashioned dinner with my kids makes me want to cry. The food is never what they like ("Eww mom. That looks gross. Is that all there is to eat?"), they squabble, the baby yammers and cries and someone inevitably spills or breaks something. And ds routinely tells dh that school was "No fun at all" no matter what we did that day.... Dinner just makes me feel like the reigning Queen of Family Failure. Hence the hot toddy. Which I still haven't managed to get. Bye. :D

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