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Do you feel you have someone WISE in your life?

Do you feel you have someone wise in your life?  

  1. 1. Do you feel you have someone wise in your life?

    • Yes, plenty of wise people are in my life.
    • Yes, one or two wise people are in my life.
    • Perhaps there is someone wise, it's hard to know.
    • No, there is no one wise in my life.
    • Obligatory Other

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I have been thinking lately about growing wiser:


1. I would like to be wise®.

2. I need to be wise®.

3. I feel the lack of wise® people in my life.

4. I feel both the need and the lack deeply, profoundly.


I think my parents are wiser than I am -- and we are close -- so that is a blessing. I think my husband is wise (at times), especially when he brings me tea or coffee. :D We are close, too ;) -- so that is a blessing. :001_wub:


Sometimes my children say things that I think must come from another world. The other day, when I had mentioned to my husband that we would run out of grocery money before we ran out of month, one of my not-quite-four-year-old daughters said, "Mommy, we are not really from earth, we belong to heaven. And we are just living here. You don't have to pack a picnic and take any food to heaven, because Jesus has PLENTY of it up there. In fact, Jesus is cooking for us now." :crying: Blew me away.


So. How do you find wisdom? How do you find wise people, and how do you absorb wisdom from them?

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my husband is very wise, and I have many friends wise in different ways.:001_smile:


ETA: My oldest son has a lot of wisdom. Hopefully one day he'll return to it. :glare:


I absorb it by REALLY listening to what they say. When something truly hits me, it just impacts me in a manner which makes me absorb it. Shockingly, people find wisdom in me. Shhhhhhhhhhhhh. ;)

Edited by Denisemomof4
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I think wisdom is a two-way street. I think we can find some wisdom anywhere around us, we just have to be receptive to it. Perhaps even on the look-out for it. IMO, wisdom isn't just something someone exudes; we bear equal responsibility to see the wisdom in the people and experiences around us.


I don't think any one person in my family is Wise (capital W), but I think collectively my Family (capital F) is wise (small w). None of us are perfect, but we truly believe the others have our best intentions at heart. We listen to their concerns, advice, etc with that in mind -- even if we disagree with it, and ultimately ignore it. It gives perspective. Perspective invites wisdom.


Your story illustrates that; your child's perspective gave you an insight. They were wise words she spoke! I think being open to others' perspectives and giving them genuine consideration is one key to absorbing wisdom around you. This means people we normally write off, such as kids :) It's an exercise like any other, and will prove a challenge at first but will become second-nature before long.


I find deeper wisdom (and challenges) by reading the words of profound thinkers. Sometimes more academic, such as Kant, Kierkagaard, etc. Many times much more accessible, like Emerson, Thich Nhat Hanh, etc. I'm Buddhist and find lots of wisdom in studying my spirituality; I also find wisdom in the words of others of different faiths. My children are Catholic, and there are some amazingly wise works of their faith.

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Sometimes my children say things that I think must come from another world. The other day, when I had mentioned to my husband that we would run out of grocery money before we ran out of month, one of my not-quite-four-year-old daughters said, "Mommy, we are not really from earth, we belong to heaven. And we are just living here. You don't have to pack a picnic and take any food to heaven, because Jesus has PLENTY of it up there. In fact, Jesus is cooking for us now." :crying: Blew me away.


Very cute. On Thanksgiving day when we were on our way to FIL & MIL's house, dd7 realized that she had left her doll at home (apparently she had intended to bring it). She said, "Who's going to feed my baby?" In a calm voice, dd5 said, "God will feed her." Dd7: "How can God do that?" Dd5 (calmly): "God will take care of her." And that was that. :)

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I have two very wise friends. One is my dear friend's husband and the other is the director of the local soup kitchen I volunteer for (I was on the board for years). Hmmm..both male and in their 50's.


OP, I love your question and your thoughts. I often think about this and wish for the same wisdom. For now, I love being around these humble men who would never consider themselves "wise men" but rather simple, quiet men who go rather unnoticed by most people.

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I So. How do you find wisdom? How do you find wise people, and how do you absorb wisdom from them?


According to Proberbs (written by Solomon, the "wisest" man) the beginning of wisdom is fear of the Lord, trembling at the power of His Word. I did a great study of wisdom a few years ago, I wish I could find all the material. But you know, it's all in Proverbs. Just chew on it. Take a verse and chew on it. Ask Him to help you understand. He WILL give you wisdom if you ask.


I've always had the opinion that anyone can have knowledge, but wisdom is seeing things through God's eyes.

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My mother-in-law is somebody I consider wise. She's lived all over the world, and she's so respectful of (and curious about) other faiths and cultures while being quietly committed to her own. I marvel at her ability to get beyond differences and difficulties, and I'm trying to use her example to know when to let things go versus when to take a stand.


And she makes a killer applesauce cake and can still whup all three of her sons at billiards, but I don't suppose that's really evidence of wisdom. Just awesomeness. :)

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I have many people in my life who are mature Christians. I feel that they are very wise. They have learned to have God's way of thinking instead of man's way of thinking - at least much of the time. They are also very relaxed people who don't get their panties in a bunch and who are great fun to be with too.


According to Proberbs (written by Solomon, the "wisest" man) the beginning of wisdom is fear of the Lord, trembling at the power of His Word. I did a great study of wisdom a few years ago, I wish I could find all the material. But you know, it's all in Proverbs. Just chew on it. Take a verse and chew on it. Ask Him to help you understand. He WILL give you wisdom if you ask.


I've always had the opinion that anyone can have knowledge, but wisdom is seeing things through God's eyes.

Spoken by one of the wise ppl I was thinking of ;)

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So. How do you find wisdom? How do you find wise people, and how do you absorb wisdom from them?


I guess I found wisdom by searching for it.

There is wisdom everywhere...but it takes maturity to actually absorb it.

Maturity. I think thats the key. Then you can learn wisdom, receive it, recognise it, and eventually pass it on.

Words are cheap though. Its about how we live.

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