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Toddler Toothpaste Dilemma

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So, we've been going through the toddler toothpaste remarkably fast. And it's not exactly cheap.


I thought maybe one of the older kids was using it. When I asked, of course everyone said no. I bought a new tube. I just opened it the other day, and it's almost gone again! I had even relocated it where I thought no one could see it or reach it.


So does this stuff evaporate at a high rate or am I being lied to? I'm kind of thinking that someone is lying about not using their little brother's toothpaste, but I thought I would ask here first.


Also, is there something else I can use? He seems to like his toothpaste too much. There's more sucking the toothpaste off the brush than tooth scrubbing.

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The same thing happens here, so I just don't keep it where they can find it. I only bring it out when I am there to help my 3 year old brush her teeth. It's surprising how long a tube lasts now!


I thought someone else was using it. I really wanted to be wrong. I didn't want to believe they would lie to me after all the discussions we've had about lying! I know exactly which child it was too!


I thought I had the toothpaste well hidden. I guess not. I'll hide it more thoroughly and see if the situation improves.


Thank you!

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Is it possible the 3yo is eating it?



No, it's put away up where he can't see or reach it. One of us is always with him when he brushes his teeth, and we put the paste on for him. There's no way he could have gotten hold of it without making enough noise to be heard or breaking his neck trying to get it.


I think my child with a lying problem has stuck again.

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My toddler uses toddler toothpaste, and he recently went through two tubes waaay too quickly. Then one day I snuck up on the bathroom and found my two older children eating it straight from the tube! :lol: Apparently the stuff tastes like candy! Needless to say, I keep it where they don't have access to it anymore.

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Seriously what is the deal with toddlers and toothpaste!!!

In the one shared bathroom (girls') I've had to put the brushes and toothpaste way out of little toddler's reach. My older girls often forget and I'll find lil one roaming around with a tube of toothpaste hanging out of her mouth, or better, someone else's toothbrush bleck. It's a pain, but in the end the only way to keep it out of her reach is for me to check on it.

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Guest mrsjamiesouth

I switched to a flouride free toothpaste, it is a larger tube and generally cheaper. Tom's of Maine has had lots coupons in the paper recently.

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If they are eating it, or you are just concerned they are eating it, make sure it is flouride free. My dentist friend would tell you a tube of flouride toothpaste could make a child really, really sick. It is NOT for eating.


If I was concerned someone was secretly 'tasting' it I would let it be known that flouride toothpaste can be dangerous if ingested in large amounts.


And isn't it often sweetened with xylitol? Eat just a tad too much of that and you get terrible gas and the runs. Maybe just see if anyone has been running to the bathroom more often?

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If you mean the Orajel flouride-free toothpaste, I discovered that I had to keep it standing upright or nothing but air would come out and it seemed completely empty. Simply keeping it upright keeps it coming for a very long time!!



Aha! The tube almost always feels empty, even the brand new one I opened the other day. I put it away standing up, but I almost always find it laying down. All it would take to knock it over is the closing of the cabinet.


So it's possible that it just "seems" empty due to not standing up. It's also possible that my daughter has been tasting it. She does tend to have a sweet tooth, and has recently developed a habit of lying.


I'm moving the toothpaste to a new hiding spot, one where it shouldn't fall over and see how it goes.


I'm also looking into getting a new flouride free toothpaste that isn't labeled "toddler" because the "toddler" label tends to add to the price and have sweeter more appealing flavors for sucking the paste off (or stealing the toothpaste) rather than brushing.


Thank you all very much. :001_smile:

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