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Uh-oh. . . prednisone?

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I am on prednisone for this croup I have. I was just reading up on it and found that it is an adrenal suppressant if used for more than 7 days. My adrenals are compromised already and I'm taking stuff to boost my adrenals. The Dr. knew this. What now? Do you know anything about prednisone? I just looked at the prescription bottle and I'm only supposed to take it for 5 days. So does that mean I'm ok or am I playing Russian roulette here?

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Gosh, Jean, I don't know about your particular circumstances, considering you've been working on adrenal issues for a while now. But, breathing is not optional. My kids have done that short course of prednisone before, it really does make all the difference in their airway recovery. I'm thinking that by not taking it, you may not recuperate nearly as fast, and your overall condition (perhaps including lower blood oxygen levels) might impact your adrenals in a negative way as well.


Guess what I'm saying is, maybe it's really just 6 one way, half a dozen the other...?


I really hope you feel better soon.

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Are you worried because of your THyroid? I am hypothyroid and have Asthma. I end up on prednisone at least once (dose pack) or twice a year. For that short of a period of time it does not hurt.


It will be fine if taken over a five day period with you decreasing it. You may feel more tired but I am guessing since you are so sick you will feel that way anyway.


I personally just got over a two week MEGA virus that left me with hallucinations from high fever and unable to see in one eye (the viral pink eye was that bad and I still have sight problems). I thought I was dying. I ended up on prednisone and the ER DR gave me 60 MG over 4 days without decreasing. I started seeing spiders everywhere on that high of a dose ... my doctor said this is not uncommon with some people. So don't stress if you start seeing things. Just call your doctor.


Drink lots of water while on it and after to flush all the water weight you will gain out.


I hope it helps you get better quickly!

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i have to take prednisone for months when i'm pregnant.... over that length of time it fries just about everything.....


but for the blister pack that lasts only a few days and tapers all the way, my experience is that i've been fine each time. of course, ymmv


:grouphug: breathe well


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I'm with your dh. I have had to take prednisone before, and I hate it, too. But I heard you the other day! You need to breathe! You need to laugh!


And stop googling medical stuff. You know better than that! You're going to make yourself crazy worried!


:lol: You always get me to laugh. :lol: (But that started me coughing. . .)

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And it wasn't a random website - it was the Mayo Clinic's web site! :lol:


Oh, of course! Overacheiveing even on websearches... :laugh:


But seriously, :grouphug::grouphug:


Take the medicine, get better! My daughter wants to see your daughter at the gym next week! She was disappointed to miss her today even though I had warned her ahead of time.


(And lest you feel guilty about being sick :rolleyes: It was team picture day, so maybe easer for your daughter to miss than see all the girls in their uniforms and fancy hair.)


Feel better! (that's an order, and perhaps I should sleep, since I seem to be getting inordinately silly... )

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This is why I LOVE the internet. I am having the same problem. I have acute bronchitis that started after having a mild flu over Halloween and this cough will NOT go away. It was productive, but not so much anymore and is less frequent. I'm still short of breath and coughing though.


Please go get tested for pertussis (whooping cough). We are in the midst of an outbreak here, and two of my kids were diagnosed with it on Thursday. A cough that doesn't go away, especially with shortness of breath, is very suspicious for pertussis.

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I think it will be fine IMHO. It is also ok if it is not a tapering dose since you are taking it only for a short period of time. Short burst of prednisone are ok. It is the long term prednisone that is more problematic but it can still be a life saver even then. My ds and I have had to take short bursts of prednisone and from the research I did, it appears to be safe. My doctors also concurred.


I hope you feel better soon:grouphug:

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Some people take steroids for years. I think they're the ones who suffer the terrible effects we read about. I was always anti-steroid after watching people I know deteriorate while on them for auto-immune diseases, but when son got a particularly virulent case of poison ivy this summer, his ped put him on prednisone for ten days. It cleared it up and there were no ill effects that I could detect. As others have said, breathing is not optional! ;)

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I jus mention this because I also have fibromyalgia. I had a prescription starting at 20 mg that built and the then tapered. Almost immediately, it caused my muscles to lock up to such a degree that they had me stop it cold at about the half way through the course which they don't usually do. It you noticed you muscles tightening up or muscle pain then I would report that to your dr. right away.

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I asked this second Dr. about pertussis and he said that it wasn't pertussis. He did not test me for it though.


The first Dr. tested me for stuff but I do not know the extent of the test. He did not say that I have pertussis.


Dh who hears me coughing everyday and has listened to my lungs but has not tested me, says that I do not have pertussis.


But - even if they are wrong, the antibiotic that I am on is one of the major treatments for pertussis. I'm covered.

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I've had croup and have asthma. Prednisone is a wonder drug... but if you are dramatically better after a day or two, you could call your regular doctor about decreasing the dose. I have had to take it for croup, but never had to take it for the full five days.


I'm glad you went in to the Urgent Care. Adult croup is HORRIBLE!

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It's a relatively low dose, and the adrenal suppresion is really only a risk if you are taking it for a prolonged amount of time at high dosages. I would continue to take the medication, and just follow-up with your primary dr who is aware of the adrenal issues on Monday to see what their thoughts are.

Unfortunately, if inhalers or nebulizers will not correct your breathing, the only other option to reduce inflamation is the Prednisone. It's a crappy drug, but it does do many great things too!

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I have asthma and allergies and get put on prednisone at least once or twice a year. It's one of those medicines I have a love/hate relationship with. I love how much better it makes me feel - I hate the side effects.


Even though you do have a low dose, I would still have to taper at the end - down to 5 mg. If I don't taper, my whole body aches all over, especially my thighs and knees. Be sure to call your doctor if you get the aches the day after your last dose - he can give you a couple more days worth to taper off.


I hope you feel better soon. :grouphug:

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I wanted to check in and ask how the Prednisone is going for you Jean in Newcastle. Is it working? Any bad side effects?


My cough has got on my LAST nerve, so I'm going to bite the bullet and start taking it in the morning..... but, I just wanted to check :)

Gao Meixue,

I don't know if you saw my previous post, but in case you didn't, I wanted to encourage you to go get tested for whooping cough (pertussis). We are having an outbreak and 2 of my kids have it. A cough that doesn't go away, especially with shortness of breath, is very suspicious for pertussis.

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My last day of prednisone is tomorrow. I don't think that I've had any bad side effects. Something is giving me diarrhea but dh (an RN) thinks it is more likely that is from the antibiotic. I am breathing well even though I still have some bad coughing spells. I still have to sleep sitting up in the armchair or I go into a cough that will not stop. The Dr. gave me enough prednisone for another 5 days but he told me to take a week's break between courses.

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