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Please pray for Jean in Newcastle

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Yes. He's staying home tomorrow too. He never stays home but I am totally unable to take care of myself let alone the kids. Though Monday when he did go to work my kids were such troopers at taking care of me.


I'm hoping he will get my neighbor off my back. She knows exactly how sick I am and calls me every day wanting me to do "just a quick favor". I can barely talk so trying to explain to her has worn me out and just wasn't getting across.


Praying for your quick recovery, Jean, and that your neighbor takes a vacation from bugging you! You don't have to answer the phone, you know. ;)

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Praying for your quick recovery, Jean, and that your neighbor takes a vacation from bugging you! You don't have to answer the phone, you know. ;)


I haven't been answering the phone but she just happened to call while my dh was taking my ds to taekwando and I thought it might be him trying to get a hold of me. I don't have caller ID.

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I hope you feel better soon. Your post about magnesium deficiency seems to have solved my dd's mystery breathing and sleeping issues.


I am so glad, Angie.:)








Thank you to all of you who have been praying. I am making some small improvements. But my dh is staying home again today. I'm still not at the point where I can take care of myself. I did call my neighbor this morning and told her "Perhaps you didn't understand just how sick I am." Then I told her just how sick. I did tell her that normally I don't mind doing small favors but right now I'm just not able to do so.

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My update for the day. Some symptoms are much better:


My breathing is fine and has been for over a day.

So far today there has been no fever. Of course this may change as it gets to evening but this is a good sign.

My muscle pain and cramping (I assume it was cramping because it went in waves) is gone. It was so severe that I wasn't able to sleep due to the pain for the first 2 days.


Some are the same or worse:


My coughing is worse. I think this is because my nose is now running. I have not been able to sleep at all today even though I am so tired because every time my eyes start to close, I get jerked away by the coughing.

I'm fatigued.

I have a killer headache.

I can talk - sort of. I've been talking too much though so now it's sort of a croak. I'll shut up now in real life.


So really, I'm not doing so badly even though I'm not out dancing jigs or anything.

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I'm on the board more today since I can't do much else while coughing.


My dh has been great. He's cleaned the kitchen, paid all the bills (he thought the bank's online bill paying really neat), cleaned the bathrooms and cooked meals. But - he has been overwhelmed by the laundry. All this coughing is making me (ahem) go through more underpants than normal. So I was pawing through the clean but unfolded laundry looking for some. He told me he'd take care of it. He did - he went out and bought me some more. When I asked why he didn't just do some more laundry, he looked at me like I had two heads! I'm having the kids work on the laundry.

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I'm on the board more today since I can't do much else while coughing.


My dh has been great. He's cleaned the kitchen, paid all the bills (he thought the bank's online bill paying really neat), cleaned the bathrooms and cooked meals. But - he has been overwhelmed by the laundry. All this coughing is making me (ahem) go through more underpants than normal. So I was pawing through the clean but unfolded laundry looking for some. He told me he'd take care of it. He did - he went out and bought me some more. When I asked why he didn't just do some more laundry, he looked at me like I had two heads! I'm having the kids work on the laundry.


Oh Jean! This made me laugh out loud!!! Of course he'd buy you more underwear instead of doing laundry! My dh would too!

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That is funny!


Hope you continue to be on the mend.




I'm on the board more today since I can't do much else while coughing.


My dh has been great. He's cleaned the kitchen, paid all the bills (he thought the bank's online bill paying really neat), cleaned the bathrooms and cooked meals. But - he has been overwhelmed by the laundry. All this coughing is making me (ahem) go through more underpants than normal. So I was pawing through the clean but unfolded laundry looking for some. He told me he'd take care of it. He did - he went out and bought me some more. When I asked why he didn't just do some more laundry, he looked at me like I had two heads! I'm having the kids work on the laundry.

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Another one giggling... I'm right there with you, though. This year, if I get a bad cough, I am considering my first purchase of "depends". And I will actually ask about a lift for my interior fluid holder (bladder) at my next physical. I heard about a sling that they put in to hold it up. After 7 children I can either start purchasing depends for coughing and even exercising... or I can check into surgical options... sigh.


Hooray for your dh!!!!! That's great how he is taking care of you!

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Jean asks for prayer for the problems she has listed below. I am only the conduit and I can prove SHE asked.:D Although she required a voluntary conduit this time, at least she asked directly for help that she needs! Right, Jean?


My coughing is worse. I think this is because my nose is now running. I have not been able to sleep at all today even though I am so tired because every time my eyes start to close, I get jerked away by the coughing.

I'm fatigued.

I have a killer headache.


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Jean asks for prayer for the problems she has listed below. I am only the conduit and I can prove SHE asked.:D Although she required a voluntary conduit this time, at least she asked directly for help that she needs! Right, Jean?


You know that I feel like a wimp and a whiner for asking, right? But yea - prayers would be nice.:)


As I told RC personally, I just threw up again from coughing so hard. And my fever's back. C'est la vie.

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You are NOT a wimp and a whiner. :grouphug:


I'm glad you felt a little bit better today. I have really been worried about you. I don't waste my time being worried about whining wimps. :001_smile:


You know that I feel like a wimp and a whiner for asking, right? But yea - prayers would be nice.:)


As I told RC personally, I just threw up again from coughing so hard. And my fever's back. C'est la vie.

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aaaaw, Jean, your husband is being so sweet (laundry story TOO FUNNY!!!:lol:), and I'm glad you're breathing better, but that cough truly sounds horrible. The cough-induced headaches are HORRIBLE. I'm sorry you're so sick!!! VERY relieved to hear you're breathing better, but I pray that cough quiets down..... and SOON. They can really linger. I pray yours doesn't.


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Yes. He's staying home tomorrow too. He never stays home but I am totally unable to take care of myself let alone the kids. Though Monday when he did go to work my kids were such troopers at taking care of me.


I'm hoping he will get my neighbor off my back. She knows exactly how sick I am and calls me every day wanting me to do "just a quick favor". I can barely talk so trying to explain to her has worn me out and just wasn't getting across.

It's amazing how these things work to greater good. I'm thinking your dh is going to have a whole new respect for you and all you do, not to mention the abundance of warm fuzzies you must be having for him right now :D


I'm praying for you Jean. I pray in sporadic spurts throughout the day, so you'll be lifted up at least once or twice every day until you're completely mended.


And... I laughed out loud at the laundrey story :lol:

You are NOT a wimp and a whiner. :grouphug:


I'm glad you felt a little bit better today. I have really been worried about you. I don't waste my time being worried about whining wimps. :001_smile:

:iagree: Really, if I were you (Jean) I'd be scared to death.

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If you can stand me tacking on another prayer request to this thread: please pray that I can sleep lieing down really soon. It's not just for comfort. Sitting up all night (and day) is causing a lot of stress on certain joints. I'm feeling raw in some spots too and hope that I'm not going to develop something like bed sores. I can and do move around but end up sitting because I have so little energy.

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If you can stand me tacking on another prayer request to this thread: please pray that I can sleep lieing down really soon. It's not just for comfort. Sitting up all night (and day) is causing a lot of stress on certain joints. I'm feeling raw in some spots too and hope that I'm not going to develop something like bed sores. I can and do move around but end up sitting because I have so little energy.



Is there anyway you could do some creative pillow stacking to change the angle of your body and which joints are bearing the most of your weight?

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