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Please HELP ME if you know/are close to a doctor!!

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Please if anyone here is married to/or close to a medical doctor, HELP ME!!!!


My sister is a single mom to a 2 1/2 year old. She started to feel sick on Wednesday. Began throwing up wednesday night. Thursday, again, throwing up, stomach pain and diahrea.


Friday, she was so weak and still throwing up that she went to the ER. They said there was blood in her urine, her white blood cell count was high, and she was dehydrated.


They started an IV and gave her anti-nausea meds. She had a CT scan to check her gall bladder, stomach and kidneys. She has kidney stones in her kidneys but is not currently passing any( we already knew she had them). Her gall bladder was fine.


She ended up being released with the diagnosis of a stomach ulcer and the flu.


That night she slept some. Early in the morning she practically collapsed on the floor of my other sisters room and said she needed to go back to the ER. She was throwing up still.


She went back to the ER and was put on more IV fluids and meds. They took an Xray to check for an obstruction. There was none.


She was at full dosage of 2 different anti-nausea meds, and she was still throwing up.


She then started to develop what looked like hives all over. I have photos if you need to see them. In front of our eyes, pink blotches would appear, stay for 3-5 minutes and then fade away.


Her blood pressure was 160's/99.


They decided to admit her.


She was seen by a doctor upstairs and he has tried to say that she is allergic to something she ate 4/5 days ago and that is what is wrong!!! Ummmmm...I don't think so!!!! She started getting hives after being given medicine by the hospital! She has had NO food since Wednesday.


She is on DAY 5 with no food and constant throwing up despite being on full dose of meds.


The doctor is still trying to say it is an allergy to a food she ate. That doesn't make ANY sense.


Please....can you help me? Something is not right. Either they are to stubborn to look into something further or idk???


Background: We believe my sister is suffering from some sort of auto-immune disease. We all think she may have lupus. She had some tests done and they came back inconclusive. That was a couple years ago. She never had any further testing done. She develops these cystic sores over her chin/nose area that will last for a week. They will come out of no where or if she is in the sun for a period of time. She has also out of the blue, develop a swollen lip. It will swell 2x its size.

Edited by Luvmy3kids
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I'm not a Dr. but I've had lots of experience with being a medical advocate for my children (especially my ds10 who was a preemie and misdiagnosed for a year with an intestinal stricture that I KNEW he had but Dr's refused to believe it).


1. Write down exactly which meds the hospital gave her to have as future reference


2. Find out exactly which tests they have done on her including blood tests and results. Liver function? Stool Cultures? Blood Cultures?


3. Was she recently exposed to any sort of mold/asbestos/etc?


4. Has she recently been camping or spent any time at a river/stream/etc?


5. What sort of x rays have they done? Have they done a small bowel follow through or an upper GI? Colonoscopy?


6. Has she had blood in her stool or has her stool been dark (black?)


7. Fever?


An X ray of her belly may/may not show an smaller stricture but a small stricture can cause chronic vomiting. They NEED to get to the bottom of this now! If she was my sister, I would take her back to the ER, call her Dr. on the way and let them know you are going in. Then upon arrival, inform them of the severity of the problem (is there another larger hospital you can take her to?) Be assertive but not rude. Ask them what tests they did last time she was in. Tell them the anti nausea meds are not working. Ask for a GI CONSULT. Talk to a GI specialist and ask if they can do a colonoscopy/endoscopy to check for strictures, Crohn's, U/C, etc.


Please keep us posted. It could be anything but it sounds like she needs further work ups to see what's going on. :grouphug:

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I'm not a Dr. but I've had lots of experience with being a medical advocate for my children (especially my ds10 who was a preemie and misdiagnosed for a year with an intestinal stricture that I KNEW he had but Dr's refused to believe it).


1. Write down exactly which meds the hospital gave her to have as future reference


2. Find out exactly which tests they have done on her including blood tests and results. Liver function? Stool Cultures? Blood Cultures?


3. Was she recently exposed to any sort of mold/asbestos/etc?


4. Has she recently been camping or spent any time at a river/stream/etc?


5. What sort of x rays have they done? Have they done a small bowel follow through or an upper GI? Colonoscopy?


6. Has she had blood in her stool or has her stool been dark (black?)


7. Fever?


An X ray of her belly may/may not show an smaller stricture but a small stricture can cause chronic vomiting. They NEED to get to the bottom of this now! If she was my sister, I would take her back to the ER, call her Dr. on the way and let them know you are going in. Then upon arrival, inform them of the severity of the problem (is there another larger hospital you can take her to?) Be assertive but not rude. Ask them what tests they did last time she was in. Tell them the anti nausea meds are not working. Ask for a GI CONSULT. Talk to a GI specialist and ask if they can do a colonoscopy/endoscopy to check for strictures, Crohn's, U/C, etc.


Please keep us posted. It could be anything but it sounds like she needs further work ups to see what's going on. :grouphug:



Thank you!!!


I will definately request all her meds, etc.


She has not been camping, etc.


She used to work in an office with mold, about 3 months ago. She refused to go back there until he moved office or it was fixed. He moved offices.


I will DEFINATELY ask about the bowel test. Thank you for that suggestion!


She had No fever.


I will ask about the stool. i believe she had just diahrea.



She is still in the hospital right now. They admitted her yesterday afternoon. She literally can not keep down any water/liquid.



Thank you soooo much!!

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Is she taking any medications? Or is it possible that she consumed anything that would stay in her bloodstream for 4-5 days? Because the rash does sound like an allergic reaction. This is a difficult situation because it is hard to tell if the rash is a symptom of the orginal illness that brought her to the hospital in the first place or if it is a reaction to something they gave her in the hospital. She can ask for a copy of her record to see what all the gave her.

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I would ask for infectious disease specialist and a gastroenterologist (sp?) to see her. She should be receiving adequate IV fluids if she is still with nausea/vomiting about 75cc/hour to 125 cc/hour from what I recall as ordered of course by a doctor. The rash could be allergy related or infectious disease related or something else:(. If she feels worse, she should insist on a doctor being called even if it is the middle of the night. Zofran was the only anti-nausea drug that worked for my mom.


If her condition worsens, a critical care doctor would also be good as well as a transfer to a higher level of care floor. Also second opinions are always a good thing.


Edited by priscilla
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I don't know what anti-nausea meds she is being given, but I broke out into hives all over my body when I was on Reglan (something that also has other long term negative effects...current class action suit is being advertised). I had to be put on Prednisone.



She was given Zofran and Reglan. She only developed the hives after the second ER trip. She was given Reglan on that visit. So maybe it is the Reglan?

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Is she taking any medications? Or is it possible that she consumed anything that would stay in her bloodstream for 4-5 days? Because the rash does sound like an allergic reaction. This is a difficult situation because it is hard to tell if the rash is a symptom of the orginal illness that brought her to the hospital in the first place or if it is a reaction to something they gave her in the hospital. She can ask for a copy of her record to see what all the gave her.



She is pretty incapacitated right now. I know she has been given Zofran and reglan. The 2nd ER trip, she was given Reglan. That is when the hives appeared.

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I would ask for infectious disease specialist and a gastroenterologist (sp?) to see her. She should be receiving adequate IV fluids if she is still with nausea/vomiting about 75cc/hour to 125 cc/hour from what I recall as ordered of course by a doctor. The rash could be allergy related or infectious disease related or something else:(. If she feels worse, she should insist on a doctor being called even if it is the middle of the night. Zofran was the only anti-nausea drug that worked for my mom.


If her condition worsens, a critical care doctor would also be good as well as a transfer to a higher level of care floor. Also second opinions are always a good thing.





Thanks! She was at max dose for Zofran and then they gave her Reglan. Neither one is helping her. I am going to request the scan/scope that someone suggested. She is on continuous IV fluid and meds right now :confused:


I think we will decide tomorrow if we are going to transfer her somewhere else.


Did I mention she has no insurance??

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I would tell them to stop the Reglan immediately. It sounds like that's the likely source of the hives at least. There's a stomach virus going around, so that may well be what she had to begin with. If she can't keep any liquids down, I would think that it would be preferable to not even have her try liquids right now to give her a break. With the IV fluids she should be okay with hydration. Then maybe they wouldn't have to give her any anti nausea meds and can see if any of the recent symptoms clear up. If it's just a stomach virus, her fever should come down and she should start to feel better soon. This is all just my thinking and by no means medical advice. It's just my thoughts on this.


I hope that it turns out to be "just" a virus and she's doing better soon. :grouphug:

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The fact that she had/has? NO fever makes it seem less likely that it's viral/bacterial.


This may sound totally off base but does she live with anyone or know anyone who wishes her harm? I don't mean to sound paranoid (maybe it's from watching too many "Diagnosis Unknown") but could she be dealing with a poison?


She should be NPO (no food or liquid by mouth) until this is resolved. Ask if she has Pancreatitis. They need to be drawing labs at least once a day while she's in the hospital.


DEMAND a GI consult immediately. Does she have Medi-care (state insurance)?

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I just got off the phone with her nurse.


My sister was starting to get a fever today. 100.? It is now 98.9


Her blood pressure is high and she is now on BP Meds!!!!


She is on Reglan. I said to him that "what if she is allergic to that?" he of course is :confused:. He said she gets about 2 hours relief, if that.


he had to give her a sedative, atavan (??).


She is still throwing up bile and dry heaving.



The doctor still thinks she is allergic to something she ate 5 days ago!!!!


I am so fuming right now!


I am so scared that something worse is wrong and they are wasting time!!!

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When my dd throws up continuously, we give her 1 tsp oral rehydration solution every 5 minutes, around the clock, whether she has vomited or not. It helps minimize the damage of the "dry heaves" to her throat by giving her something to throw up, and keeps her hydrated.


If the doc feels it is a reaction to something she ate, ask him (nicely) to explain how he arrived at this conclusion - what did he rule out and why. I'd be asking for a second opinion at this point.

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If I were you, I would either head down there or call and ask to speak with the Dr. directly. It sounds like she needs more expert care. The bile sounds like an obstruction. Does she have pain besides the nausea? The low grade fever could be because of the dehydration.


This makes ME mad :( I'm so sorry you're going through this. Get that Dr off of her case and ask for a second opinion (preferably from a GI)

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I would worry that she'll develop a Stevens-Johnson reaction and you do NOT want that, so I would make sure they give her no more of this med and that they attempt to give her something to counter-act a reaction to it just in case....



This was my concern regarding an allergy symptom that showed up after she was given meds at the hospital.

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Sometimes an adult can have intussusception that is missed on an x-ray, because part of the intestine can telescope in and out on itself. This isn't a condition that usually happens to adults, so doctors don't tend to look for it anyway, and may not see it because it might be where it belongs one minute, then back where it doesn't belong the next. This is very, very uncommon, but I thought I'd mention it, just in case they don't figure out the problem soon. You never know. Hopefully it's a virus and will pass soon. :grouphug: I agree with the others that it seems like the rash might be a reaction to the Reglan.

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Thank you to everyone!!


I just spoke to our family doctor on the phone for a half hour. My sister and I have gone to this practice since we were little kids. Anyway, I spoke to the doctor and told him everything. He feels she is having a reaction to the Reglan also. Tomorrow, they will be speaking to the doctor at the hospital and we will probably have her transferred if nothing can be accomplished there.


I will keep everyone posted.


Also, if there is any other advice or anything, please let me know.



Edited by Luvmy3kids
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Urely they've checked her appendix?


FWIW, my ds had a HORRIBLE stomach virus for ten straight days last spring--it was the worst thing I have ever experienced! He lost like 5lbs in 5 days, which is a LOT on a 30lb 2.5year old. I was scared out of my mind. The doc ended up checking him for parasites about the 8th day in & 2 days later it was a gone--just a virus. It wasn't something that got progressively worse, them progressively better though--he was sick as a dog (constant vomiting & diarrhea) for ten days straight. I just thank God he was still nursing or he wouldve definately been in the hospital for fluids. I would nurse him just so he'd have something to throw up. :(


I pray your sister gets relief soon! This is all too eerily similar to a situation going on IRL here with one of my friends' husband--he had an "appendicitis"--they remoed his appendix last Monday & he is stll in the hospital with what may or may not be a bowel obstruction. Clear fluids only and wait & see. Is your sis going #2 at all? Are they checking her for bowel sounds regularly?


(((hugs))) & prayers for your family!!! :grouphug:

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I'm not sure where they got the stomach ulcer part....did you mean gastritis?


If you don't trust the doc, encourage a consultant. A "second view" can often see the other docs blind spot.


Can you visit? Sometimes you can find a good nurse who can clue you in a little (i.e. if the doc is infamously bad).


Is it clearly hives? A rash can come from a virus. Google "viral exanthem" and look at those rashes. Can derm see her? There are some durned smart dermatologists who have given me very good leads.


Did she have high blood pressure before? What you typed is, pardon, a bit chaotic, and I know it is hard without a strong medical background, but I'm getting a little alarm bell about blood in urine and hypertension and possible autoimmune disease. Lots of auto immune diseases affect the kidney. No lung involvement?


Here's hoping this is all a nasty bug and it blows over. :grouphug:

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The fact that she had/has? NO fever makes it seem less likely that it's viral/bacterial.


This may sound totally off base but does she live with anyone or know anyone who wishes her harm? I don't mean to sound paranoid (maybe it's from watching too many "Diagnosis Unknown") but could she be dealing with a poison?


She should be NPO (no food or liquid by mouth) until this is resolved. Ask if she has Pancreatitis. They need to be drawing labs at least once a day while she's in the hospital.


DEMAND a GI consult immediately. Does she have Medi-care (state insurance)?


These are all great suggestions. My mom had pancreatitis and it took the doctors 3 hospital visits to figure it out. She also had many of the same symptoms your sister has.



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Did she have high blood pressure before? What you typed is, pardon, a bit chaotic, and I know it is hard without a strong medical background, but I'm getting a little alarm bell about blood in urine and hypertension and possible autoimmune disease. Lots of auto immune diseases affect the kidney. No lung involvement?


Here's hoping this is all a nasty bug and it blows over. :grouphug:


Yes, the high blood pressure stuck out to me as well. Why, oh why, would they simply add BP meds and call it good? There's got to be an underlying reason for increased BP (and the blood, for that matter). Definately get a different doctor in there, or get her to a different hospital. :grouphug:

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This may be off-base - I'm no expert - but I was watching a show a while back about various people who had unexplained symptoms. Has she been tested for parasites? I know you said she hasn't been camping, etc. but those things can be picked up in lots of places (undercooked meat, contaminated water...) Maybe she should be checked for cryptosporidium and the like.


Hope she gets well soon!

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Please .....

She ended up being released with the diagnosis of a stomach ulcer and the flu.


She was seen by a doctor upstairs and he has tried to say that she is allergic to something she ate 4/5 days ago and that is what is wrong!!! Ummmmm...I don't think so!!!! .......

She is on DAY 5 with no food and constant throwing up despite being on full dose of meds.

The doctor is still trying to say it is an allergy to a food she ate. That doesn't make ANY sense...........


You describe a person with gastroenteritis (food poisoning), but then say she was diagnosed with an ulcer and flu. Are you sure you understood ulcer and flu correctly? I ask b/c you say the doctor said she's "allergic to something she ate 4 days ago" ---- this sounds like the way a doctor would describe gastroenteritis (food poison) as you can be sick for DAYS afterwards, but a doctor wouldn't likely say an acute reaction is from a medication taken several days earlier --- true of food, not of medications in most cases.


So, the rest of this post is based on MY ASSUMPTION that this could be gastroenteritis (which may not be the case obviously). Wanted to insert that disclaimer.


While Zofran is a miracle worker for helping with nausea/vomitting, Zofran is the worst thing to give people with gastroenteritis (yes, it helps with nausea/vomitting, but it's NOTORIOUSLY horrible for causing delayed intestinal emptying (severe constipation). If (and it's an IF) she has food poisoning, then her body can only rid itself of the germ/bacteria in one of two ways (upchuck/poop). And, if you stop the pooping (Zofran), then it'll purge by vomitting.


Did they do a stool sample?

What did she eat 4 - 24 hours before she got sick?


The hives could be medication related.


As for the background info, she needs to see an internist and get to the bottom of whatever that is.


My sister got food poisoning from Copeland's YEARS ago (in 2000 ish). What you're describing is almost identical what happened with her. They cultured her bloody stools and found shigella (dysentary). It was the sickest I've EVER seen anyone (and that's saying something as I was a nurse before SAHM-hood).


When I had my own food poisoning this past February (thanks Filet o Fish), I declined the Zofran to avoid constipation as I wanted the bacteria to exit out asap -- and it came out from both ends (:glare:). Though relief of my nausea/vomitting was tempting, I knew it was best to forego it.


Dehydration is serious so don't let them send her home until this is fully resolved. She needs IV fluids if she's gone this long without holding down fluids.

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That is a worry and I haven't had much luck with doctors being good detectives. :grouphug: I just wanted to reassure you that she can get through this okay. I had chronic bloody diarrhea along with severe nausea and lost 40 lbs while pregnant. I survived. (Yes, it was an autoimmune disease. I have the skin problems too!)


Any type of food poisoning is greatly reduced by taking carob powder. Look up treatment of diarrhea with it and you'll get some information. If this is an ongoing thing and she can hold down some liquids, jello is very nourishing.

Edited by Lovedtodeath
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Hi everyone! I am so sorry i couldn't reply earlier. We have been so stressed with everything plus just our normal everday life.


First off, I just want to thank everyone for the advice, thoughts, and prayers!


Here is what happened:


Monday, I showed up at the hospital and my sister was sitting up in bed. She had not thrown up or dry heaved for about 5-6 hours at that point.


The night before, she was given a sedative to help her sleep and she had to be put on blood pressure meds.


I was only there for about an hour when the nurse walked in and said she was being released:confused::confused::confused:! I am thinking wth??!! I was livid that she was being released, but what could I do?


I had to take my sister home. She was still very weak and nauseous.


Everyday so far, she has been very weak. She still needs to take the anti-nausea med or she feels like she will throw up. She has been able to keep simple foods down. Yogurt, jello, soup, etc.


She went to the allergist yesterday. He told her flat out she was NOT having a reaction/allergy to something she ate. Remember, the doctor (on Saturday) was 100% sure she was having, not food poisoning, but an allergy to something she ate last Wednesday. The doctor is an id*ot!


Her blood pressure is very high. 160's/90's. She was sent home with no blood pressure meds, even though she was on them in the hospital. She has been having her eyes completely black out where she can't see. This happens off and on.


Tomorrow at 11, she is going to our family doctor. We will see what he says.


All we know is that she was completely misdiagnosed and hopefully we will know more tomorrow.

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Her blood pressure is very high. 160's/90's. She was sent home with no blood pressure meds, even though she was on them in the hospital. She has been having her eyes completely black out where she can't see. This happens off and on.

It is ridiculous that they sent her home! Hopefully (and probably) the family doctor will be more helpful.:grouphug:
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It sounds to me like she needs a good hospital. Hopefully your family doctor will give her good medical advice and start doing what needs to be done to find out what they need to do. Well that was a convoluted way to say that the doctor she had was totally incompetent and getting out of that hospital may be the best thing that happened. Praying for her and you too. :grouphug:

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Immune reactions need to be treated with antihistamine. That's it and you have to ride it out. An adult could ride out issues for months possibly with internal damage. Be very careful and call an immunologist. I can't stand anti nausea drugs, I have reactions too. Consider asking your grandparents about viral immune reactions if possible.

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I agree with the others who have posted that your poor sister was in a terrible hospital with clueless doctors. I hope she is admitted to a better hospital where they will be able to diagnose and treat her properly.


Please update us whenever you can -- you must be so worried!





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Just throwing this out there. But did they do a CT or MRI of her brain?


The increase in BP and the blacking out in her eyes would have me very concerned. I also hope she is checking her BP at home.


I would not rule out a neurologist consult.


The hives could be related to something neurological as well.



I also think she should be tested for Lyme Disease.


I would research the best hospital you have near you. A teaching one would be preferable.


I hope you find some answers. And I hinestly cannot believe they discharged her. I would be livid as well.



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