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How do you handle all your recipes? I've got papers everywhere!

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Here's a good older thread:



Here's what I posted on that thread:

I have two 3-ring binders with tabbed dividers. I have computer paper inserted into page protectors. This allows me to remove a page protector, tape it to my cabinet, and then put it back. The computer paper allows me to tape various recipes to one page. I can usually fit at least six on one page, more if they are little ones from magazines. It also allows the recipes to be varying sizes. I have no desire to write out something I printed from www.allrecipes (where I get most of mine).


One binder contains main and side dishes. The other binder contains breakfast foods, desserts, breads, fruit things, beverages, etc. I just add more paper and protectors where I need to. For example, when I've filled up a page (front and back) with chicken recipes, I start a new page. All of my cake recipes are in one section, pies in another and so on.


Also, I keep often-used recipes tape to the inside of three of my cabinets. I just remove it, tape it to the outside of the cabinet when making, and then return it to the inside.


Cabinet # 1: muffins, breads, pancake, waffle recipes.


Cabinet # 2: desserts


Cabinet # 3: sauces, soups, conversions, etc.

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Ok, so it seems that you're all doing something similar...I'll have to do this, too. I have a binder with recipes kept similar to Dawn, but it was done 13 years ago, and all the recipes are muddled up. Since then I've put about 20 recipes into each page protector (so it's acting like a bag to carry it), and now I've got 50(?) loose pages at the front of my binder...ugh, not good! Thanks!

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I have a big binder with clear sheet protectors, I just slip the recipe in. I can take out a plastic protected recipe and cook or bake without the worry of getting batter or gunk on the original. Just wipe em clean and pop it back into the binder.


This system is much better than my previous one. They were crammed into my cookbook and always getting lost.

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I have a three ring binder. I put new, never tried recipes in the front or back pocket of the binder. Recipes that we like go into page protectors - Index card sized or smaller go into photo pockets. Printouts are put on old fashioned cling photo album pages (the type you are never supposed to use for photos.)

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I also went to a binder with page protectors. I typed out all the recipes I used that were on 3 x 5 cards because most of my new recipes come from online. I keep three binders--one for main dish/sides, one breakfast and breads, and one for sweets.


I also keep my most frequently used recipes on index cards taped to the inside of the cabinet where I stand to prepare. I don't remove them--just open the door.

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I have mine in photo books/binders; the hardcover 4x6 ones with 2 to a page. I bought them at Walmart or Walgreens already loaded with pages for about $3 or $4 each. You can also buy more filler pages (or just another binder and remove the pages because they are so inexpensive). When I print a recipe out, I choose the 4x6 card size if I can, and even if I have to fold it to fit, the back side shows through the photo holder. If I can't print them that way, I just copy them onto index cards. I did have to buy tabs so I could separate pastas from beans from desserts, etc.


My biggest problem is actually putting them into the slots instead of just shoving them inside the cover to "get to later". But that's my own laziness.:tongue_smilie:

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I have a separate binder for holiday meals. Divided into Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas. I will sometimes put the date, menu and guests we had that year. It has been so helpful to grab that binder and plan our favorite dishes for that holiday. The Christmas section also has several Christmas cookies I have made for the season.


I also use page protectors. How did we ever live without them?

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Mine are currently in a binder with page protectors. They're sorted by category.


But I'm going digital.


In an attempt to organize my weekly menu planning, I'm in the process of putting everything into Excel (either by typing it out, or pasting a scanned copy). It works really well for me to just bring up the recipe on the laptop while cooking.


I'm playing with (and learning to use) macros and want to come up with a way of choosing the recipes for the week and printing out the shopping list in one go.

At the moment, I just copy and paste the ingredients list. I've put the type of ingredient (i.e. dairy, dry goods, etc) in a 2nd column and sort by type for the shopping list. This already saves me having to write the shopping list by hand every week.

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One more thing I'll mention, is that when I was retyping in all of my recipes I realized that large-sized, bold print would be best. It's easier on my aging eyes and also much easier to see when the book is propped up somewhere. I type in the recipe and then enlarge the font size to as big as I can get it on the page--usually around 20 pt.

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I keep a binder full of page protectors on the kitchen counter. When I get a recipe from a magazine or print one up online, if I make it and like it I slip it into one of the page protectors in the binder.

:iagree: I have three 3" binders full. And then I eventually had to organize them:glare:

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