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Please pray for my best friend!!!

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My best friend is 16 years old and was involved in a terrible car accident! She wasn't doing anything wrong, it was the other driver, he was drunk and driving and crashed right into her car. She tried to swerve out of the way, but he still slammed into the the driver's side, and both cars slammed right into a pole.


It was a mess, and she is so young, just got her driver's license, and was a junior in high school. She wasn't ready for the impact, and the doctor's said she has a 20% chance of making it. They aren't accepting visitors besides family, and I am so worried about her right now, I can't concentrate so much on school right now.


Only a 20% chance, I hope she makes it through...


Please pray for her and her family!

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Thank you all so much! She is in a coma right now and the doctor's are trying their best to keep her alive. Her parents said her outlook doesn't look so well, and the doctor's said she is getting worse by the hour. They have to do emergency surgery on her right away if she is to have a higher chance of survival.


But there are high risks, because her heart is so weak, she may die during surgery. She has a 50/50 chance right now, and they are taking her in to operate in 10 minutes. It's so risky, she may not make it through because her heart is so weak right now.


The doctor's said they could use some prayers for the surgery they are about to perform on her, that made me cry when her parents said that. Thank you for all of the prayers for my friend, her family and me.


Please keep praying!

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