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Teachers' Lounge! 9-13-2010

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What's for lunch? What else is going on today?


My lunch is a turkey and cheese sandwich with spicy brown mustard, accompanied by one tomato and Pepsi Max! :)


The morning was a little rough as my little guy (6yo) absolutely did NOT want to go to school (ps). It was hard for me to really be convincing in telling him, "You have to go" when I want to homeschool the kids again and he keeps asking to be homeschooled! We do have a plan in place for this!


On other topics, the plan after lunch is doing part of my Weekly Home Blessing.


What are you up to today?:bigear:

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Hummus on pita bread here.


School is going fine. We've had a productive morning. We still have the 8yo spelling and history for all left to do.


Daughter is reading ahead in Beowulf because she is LOVING it.


Son is working on his math.


We'll take a lunch break in another 30 minutes (it's only 11:30 here).

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Busy morning here. Ds has tutoring from 8:45-9:45. Dh stayed home with slepping dd while I dropped off ds (dh usually does it on the way to work) and then I drive 20 minutes to the fairgrounds to enter his baked goods in the fair. Fortunately I was the first in line :D. Drove back to pick up dd3 so dh can go to work late, pick up ds, drop off clothes at the consignment store and return home.


Then it is about 10:30 and I begin lunch - homemade chicken nuggets. At 11 I learn my ds has not begn school work even though I asked him to so. His reason why? He decided that he needed a break today after cooking all weekend! Yes, I lost my cool on that one.:banghead: Shortly after this I discover that at some point while I was cooking my dd3 had squeezed out an entire bottle of lotion on the loveseat and rubbed it in. I am not even sure if I know how to begin getting that out, although I have tried wiping lots up. :glare:


Finally get ds to work after lunch only to find out he is watching the DVDs (we are using BJU DVDs for some subjects) but has decided that the workbook pages are, in his words, overrated. That left me wanting to act like this smilie: :cursing:


Meanwhile my dd3 has unzipped a beanbag and spread tiny little styrofoam balls all over the living room. :smash:


We are leaving in 15 minutes to take dd3 to her speech therapy. If I can find the clean clothing that she just took off. During the hour of her therapy I am going to find the biggest Dr Pepper I can and hope it is some kind of magic elixir...

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Early lunch of ham sandwiches, cheetos (I know bad) and water. I think I need something with caffeine ;) We had a very busy weekend and I have felt sluggish all day.


Got a late start on schooling today but got a couple things done around the house.:D We don't have to go anywhere today so we can work later on school so all is good.

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I'm at the office instead of working at home today.

Having leftover, homemade beef-a-roni with organic sauce, goat cheese and rice noodles - don't you love cooking around allergies?


We did dd5's reading before I left. She proudly read a pyramid today.


I laid everyone's work out on the table before I left and have no idea if they have done it. They have new physics kits to work on, the usual math, new logic books and a poetry book. I try to keep it simple on the day's hubby is in charge.


The office is nice and quiet during lunch because all the guys go out to eat. I get an hour of peace and quiet. I love Mondays.

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I am having a well-deserved cup of Lady Grey right now!


The good - B got 100% on his math quiz, H finished an essay on Prussia (Chapter 7, SOTW 4), S and I had a nice chat about The Social Contract and dinner (chili) is simmering away, making the whole apartment smell delicious!


The bad - B is STILL doing schoolwork - thankfully, it is his last assignment for the day. He thinks that I should sit right next to him so he won't get distracted :glare:. I think that he needs to take more responsibility for himself!


The ugly - I can't find our copy of Bull Run anywhere....I moved all the books for this semester to a certain shelf back in June. WHY is it not there? And I noticed that every pair of jeans my oldest owns (well, three!) are on the floor in the girls room. Grumble grumble grumble.


As soon as B is done I think I am going to lie on the couch and watch 30m of Star Wars 6 with him - in French.

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We had my version of moochoo (I know that's spelled wrong!)---leftover steak, rice, and bok choy stirfried with some hoison sauce wrapped up in tortillas. Yummy.


I walked to my garden, watered, picked a cucumber, and some beans during my lunch break.


We're done with school except for science. Which we will do in a few minutes.


Then I'm headed to a friend's garden and to pick up my dd at school and head to the library.


The days gone fine, but of course it started TOO early!;)

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I just got back from a long day out. I am director of a co-op in our area, and we start back meeting next week. I spent most of the morning and early afternoon at the church where we will be meeting. It is a new location this year. I had to go in and take our storage cabinet and get that set up. I stayed a long time for parents to come by and see the building, get a feel for the schedule, and turn in applications/fees to me.


I'm about to go back out in just a little while. We bought a new car this weekend (WooHoo!), an Altima. We've got to take the title for the trade and pick up the new car. :auto:

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Nothing much going on here. We are just finishing up for the day. Oldest is helping me paint what use to be an old kitchen table. I must say he is doing a fantastic job. When the table is all done it will be my new sewing table. School work went along as well as it can go for a Monday. I ran to the store for some things for dinner and now its time for a small break. I hope everyone else is having a smooth day.:001_smile:

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I'm having a boxed lunch right now (chicken salad wrap and an apple--I'll skip the chips an cookie) while my husband finishes photographing our second golf tournament of the day. Hunter is driving him around the course and will have a similar lunch when they return to the clubhouse with images for me to print.


Schoolwork is light on days like this. He does a lot of reading, plays geography games and studies his Latin vocabulary and grammar rules on my iPod Touch, and will do his math and English once we get home.


The weather is nice, the golf course is beautiful, and every one is happy to be working.

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We had a pretty good day. I am going to have to tweak some things. DD10 is just not independant enough so that I can get much work done with DS6. I really need on just a couple of things to be able to cover the lesson and tell her to go do it. Mostly math and grammar I guess. Most everything else we do together, but I do need time with the little guy!


Overall we started by 9 and got almost everything done. Lunch of tuna salad on whole wheat, and BBQ chips for the kids. I started the Zone today so I had a gigantic salad with some tuna on it. Then we went out for a walk/bike ride and it's so hot here that we got home completely wiped out!


My house need some attention. Somebody kick me off the 'puter so I will straighten my house before dh gets home!!

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I had leftover Meatloaf (I also hid kale, carrots and onions in it (LOVE my food processor!)), so got a secret portion of veggies!


Then I had 3 of those Kashi TLC dark chocolate oatmeal cookies. I buy those when the PMS is too much to bear! :lol:


Today was rough because both boys had to get cavities filled this morning. We did a little school work before hand and math when we got home, but I let them off easy.

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Kids and dh had tuna melts/pb&j and apples. I'm having chicken salad with homemade oat crackers and peaches. The kids and dh would have loved some of those Cheetos!


Dh had the boys out working all morning, picking up branches left by the guy who trimmed a bunch of trees here. They were less than enthusiastic when I informed them they still had to start school after lunch. Poor guys. But they did sing their hymn with gusto.

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It's 3 pm here now. Our first day of school is officially over! It went surprisingly smoothly. I was able to exercise and keep to the healthy routines I had set up over the summer. I was able to work with both kids on what they needed. Ds really loved working with me on Latin this year (we're doing it together). He got such a kick out of quizzing me on my conjugations. Since I have studied Latin since 10th grade it was hard! (but also surprisingly fun).


Lunch was yogurt for dd8 who is suffering from food poisoning. Dh, ds13 and I had hum bow (steamed buns with pork) and a salad.

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