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Who else has "Mockingjay" pre-ordered?

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I'd never heard of this series before but the premise sounds interesting. Will have to take a look at my library's copy of the first book to see if it's something I want to read.


ETA: Just found out there are currently 72 holds on The Hunger Games so that means I'll have to check it out at B&N.

Edited by Crimson Wife
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My Amazon order shipped Friday and (ducking) it says it will arrive tomorrow. :001_smile:












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Please fix your verb tenses or I am going to have to arrest you on some kind of time travel violation! :D :tongue_smilie: :lol:


LOL! Can you tell my kids were talking to me as I was trying to type that? I was totally distracted LOL! No time traveling involved. :tongue_smilie:

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My 17yo had to leave the house at 9am this morning to pick up Mockingjay for my 12yo. Mockingjay is my 12yo's school for today.


I would have picked it up for her, but I was teaching an actual class with one kid who is not mine this morning starting at 9:30, and I wasn't sure I would get back to the house before they got here.

Edited by AngieW in Texas
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Yes!! I just checked at the library and I am #34 out of 64 books available to check out. I wonder how long it will take my library to get me the book on my hold shelf? I can't wait!


ETA: Argh! Now I will be obsessively checking my account all day!:glare::lol:

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Got mine! :D


but my daughter has snatched it. :glare:


Same here. But that's okay because I'm finishing up the 2nd one again so I can just swing right into the third - I remember being severely ticked that I was left hanging at the end of that one. By the time dd has warmed it up, I should be ready!

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I'm a bit embarrassed, but I can hardly wait for next Tuesday. These books are like crack. I'm immune to Harry Potter, Twilight and any other popular series you can name (though I did refuse to let DD the Elder get her hands on the third in the Sea of Trolls trilogy so we could read it together)... but I was up until 3 last night finishing Catching Fire. <sigh>


Me! Mine shipped from Amazon yesterday. Can't wait!

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Bought it yesterday evening and had it done by 2:30am this morning. I wanted to slow down and make it last but I couldn't. I won't say anymore as I'm sure some of you are still reading it.
Yup. Like crack.


The only thing I'll say is that more than once I feared Collins was headed for an easy out, but my fears proved entirely unjustified. I'll head over to the Mockingjay thread after I have more sleep or a gallon of coffee. :closedeyes:

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