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Can you figure out which room belongs to each of my kids?

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I am going to say it belongs to the 17yo but only because there is a Japanimation poster on the wall and your siggy says that she is studying Japanese. :001_smile:


I am glad to know that my girls aren't the only ones whose rooms look like a tornado went through them. :D

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That's so interesting, I was totally going to guess the OLDEST child. It has been my experience (my sister, my kids, my dh's family) that the younger ones tend to be the pleasers and therefore make an attempt to clean their rooms.


Dh is always after my dd to pick up her room. I try to be more laid back, I just want the trash picked up, and the clothes off the floor. So dd goes off to a friend's house yesterday, with plans to spend the night and come back here WITH HER FRIEND. Dh is upset about the condition of her room, so HE cleaned it up before she came home. I pointed out to him that she might at least be embarrassed enough to pick it up next time, that he was taking away that motivation, but he really wanted to do it instead. :001_huh:

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So you all with 17yos are telling me all the headway DH and I've made with dsd12 to keep her room clean will disappear before 5yrs?!?!:scared: Why do we even bother?:banghead:


I'll make you feel better. My ds, now 18, has the cleanest/neatest room of all my children. He cleans, dusts, and vacuums it every week without being told. I don't know what happened, but somewhere between 16-18 he decided to keep his room clean.


My dd, 16, also keeps her room tidy for the most part. Ds, 14, still needs work, but can get his area clean when he wants to do so. Ds, 12, still needs work. Dd, 10, her room is a disaster zone most ALL of the time, as is my youngest child's area, ds, 9. I keep hoping they will all grow out of the messy room stage.

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Guest Cindie2dds
Absolutely correct. The first three photos are my 17yo's room.


In the next set, my 12yo's room is first (she's the lego nut) and then my 14yo's room.


That's what my room looked like when I was 17. Although I was required to help clean the rest of the house. The common area had to be clean, none of my junk. My mom just closed my door. When I left for college, I did a 180 and my room was very neat after that. I was actually allowed to move back in while I was going to the local University. There is hope! :D

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It would belong to a very grounded child of any age in my house. :toetap05:


:cheers2: <-- For you... I'd sure need one or two! lol



Me too, ours have to have everything off the floor at night. I can't stand a mess and told them when they have their own house, they can keep it as they wish, for now, they have to do as I wish. Beds are made everyday too.

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Yep, that would have been my room at 17 and my DD's room at 17. I didn't really have a clean room until I had my own apartment. :(


Even at almost 21, my DD's room will look like that some days. If it bothers me too much, I close the door. But I know WHY it's like that. She does the same thing I did at that age...run from one activity to the next, from work to home to her social life. While she's home she drops one outfit on the floor and changes into another, drops a backpack and picks up a purse, etc. A few days of that and it's a total mess.


BUT, she can clean it up. That's where the years of training finally pay off. For instance, she's going out with a young man this afternoon and he's coming home with her for supper. That room looks like something out of a magazine right now...just on the off chance he might walk past the open door. :lol:


Something I try to remind myself is that my kids have their WHOLE LIFE in one little room. I have the rest of the house, the pantry, the attic, walk-in closet, etc. to spread out my life and my stuff. They have to fit all their interests into one room, and it's going to be messy at times.

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