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When does the ps near you start this year?


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Ours starts August 30, which seems to fall in between most schools elsewhere. We school year-round and started our new history and science in June, so the main reason I care about the official start date is for our not-back-to-school park day/picnic. :D I think we might get to have two this year!

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Our local schools start on the 30th for elementary, 6th, and 9th grades, and the 31st for everyone else. Kinda makes sense to me, with the 6th and 9th graders being in a new school and moving around to classes, it must be nice for them to get a day in before the whole school is packed.


Not soon enough for me! I'm ready to take DD to the park and other play areas without being overrun by unsupervised, badly behaved children!

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...we have a really crazy situation in our district. We start on 9/7 with a half day in the morning. Then a full day on 9/8, but then have 9/9 and 9/10 off for Ramadan. There's a sizable Muslim population in our town so they shut down those days so they don't count towards attendance for funding purposes (most parents wouldn't have their kids go to school on those days if school was open).

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MN public schools are not allowed to start before Labor Day anymore.
Our state passed a similar law a few years ago, but they allowed individual districts to file a petition for an earlier start date. So our local school starts August 23rd. Like all of the other schools in this area.
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We start on August 11. They schedule it so that the school year will be half over by Christmas break. We are done with school before Memorial Day.



I hadn't even thought about that, but I like the sound of it. We are starting on Aug. 23rd and I went back and looked over the calendar. With a few small adjustments we can be halfway through the year by Christmas break too! Yay! Thank you.

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Guest CarolineUK

Thursday, 2 September - the schools here didn't stop for the summer break until 23 July though, much too late I think, summer feels almost over already.

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