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My kids broke a stained glass window at church.

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My son (the pastor's kid) ran away from his teacher at our last church. We couldn't find him for 20 minutes (it was a really big campus) and the teacher was completely undone.


At our current church he flipped off his sister while standing on stage after church. He didn't understand what it meant (told his dad that he thought it meant that he was mad :)), but it was only our 3rd week pastoring the church.



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I'm so sorry. It kind of sounds like something my kids would have managed to do. We better not ever get our kids together for a playdate - their combined power would end up burning the church down or something. :glare:

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My son (the pastor's kid) ran away from his teacher at our last church. We couldn't find him for 20 minutes (it was a really big campus) and the teacher was completely undone.


At our current church he flipped off his sister while standing on stage after church. He didn't understand what it meant (told his dad that he thought it meant that he was mad :)), but it was only our 3rd week pastoring the church.




I'm so sorry. It kind of sounds like something my kids would have managed to do. We better not ever get our kids together for a playdate - their combined power would end up burning the church down or something. :glare:




These things happen. I remember my friend DE dropped a hymnal from the very high balcony at our church when I was in 6th grade. She was in truuuuubbbblllleeee. (She did it on purpose.) The blessing was no one was hit. That would've HURT!

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Ugh! (I'm dying to know how it happened, but because I'm well mannered :rolleyes:, I won't ask - will just offer big :grouphug:)


DS12 and DD14 were playing some kind of tag with their friends. DS cornered her in a nook and she bent over to try and get away from him and :lol::lol::lol:







her butt busted through the glass.

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DS12 and DD14 were playing some kind of tag with their friends. DS cornered her in a nook and she bent over to try and get away from him and :lol::lol::lol:







her butt busted through the glass.


NO!!!! Don't kill me, but that is AWESOME!!! That is going to be the stuff of legends around your home. The grandkids are going to know that story!!!

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Well, mine set off the fire alarm at church once, does that help any?


Yes, it does.:tongue_smilie:






At our current church he flipped off his sister while standing on stage after church. He didn't understand what it meant (told his dad that he thought it meant that he was mad ), but it was only our 3rd week pastoring the church.


Oh! Yep. Kids.

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DS12 and DD14 were playing some kind of tag with their friends. DS cornered her in a nook and she bent over to try and get away from him and :lol::lol::lol:



her butt busted through the glass.


Um, I hope I don't offend you, but that's THE FUNNIEST THING I've heard in a really long time! Now that I've collected myself, I must say that after this whole ordeal is over, it will be the topic of Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners for years to come!

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DS12 and DD14 were playing some kind of tag with their friends. DS cornered her in a nook and she bent over to try and get away from him and :lol::lol::lol:







her butt busted through the glass.


That is a riot! :lol: I wanted to offer my condolences to you...but, really, after reading how it happened I think your DD needs them more! She will go down in church lore as the girl whose bottom broke the window! :grouphug:

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Awww! :grouphug: My parents know just how you feel. My brother busted a huge hole in the wall at church one time. It was in the youth area so they just covered it with a couple of posters for the longest time.


Our church organist's husband taught some type of martial arts and decided he would do a class for the youth group. One of the girls threw my brother and he hit the wall, causing the hole. My brother is a really big guy, too.

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Oh no! :grouphug: Hopefully it's easily fixable!


I threw up in church once. On Good Friday. During Communion. We were sitting in the front pew. I was, hmm...somewhere between 9 and 12.


I might be able to top that.....my water broke, and I don't mean a polite leak, but a gush. And about 12 hours later I had the daughter of my dreams. It was crazy because with my 2 boys prior they broke my water at the hospital during labor and that time I hadn't even had the first contraction. Total suprise and total mortification.

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When I was about 12 I caught my hair on fire in the middle of a prayer during our candlelight Christmas service. My dad was the new pastor and it was our FIRST Sunday at the church. We laugh about it now, but my mom was so mad when it happened. I was laughing and couldn't blow it out (I had long hair and the ends caught on fire). Finally she realized what was going on, and we can all laugh about it now. Although the rear through the window is hilarious!

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