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Did anyone else watch Lark Rise to Candleford?

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I just finished season 2 on Netflix (and anxiously awaiting Season 3 due out this fall!). I was browsing by actor to see if I could find anything similar and made a startling discover: Julia Sawalha who plays Dorcas Lane is the same actress that played Lydia Bennett in the 1995 Pride and Prejudice! NOW I know why she reminded me of someone over and over again while I watched Lark Rise but wow, she looks very different!

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I just finished season 2 on Netflix (and anxiously awaiting Season 3 due out this fall!). I was browsing by actor to see if I could find anything similar and made a startling discover: Julia Sawalha who plays Dorcas Lane is the same actress that played Lydia Bennett in the 1995 Pride and Prejudice! NOW I know why she reminded me of someone over and over again while I watched Lark Rise but wow, she looks very different!


We watched it a few months ago and liked it. Dh found out they are filming more seasons right now so we should get to see more.

I did not know that "Dorcas" was Mrs. Bennett. The mark of a true actress is to be able to assume such differing roles.

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I love Lark Rise to Candleford! I actually found out about it in 2008 and watched it on Youtube when I lived in Samoa. It's a wonderful series.


Yes ~ I was amazed to see Julia Sawalha as "Dorcas," the same actress who played the youngest Bennett sister.


I read a few months ago that the BBC was only planning to do one more season (only 6 more episodes!) due to financial issues. I wish there was a way they could continue after that.

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Yes ~ I was amazed to see Julia Sawalha as "Dorcas," the same actress who played the youngest Bennett sister.


I didn't even recognize her as the same actress! I knew her as Jessie in Cranford.


Lark Rise to Candleford is my favorite show in the whole entire world, forever and ever, amen.


I have enjoyed it SO much. I got the recommendation for it here. I think when Season 3 is out, I'm going to buy the whole set. I could watch it over and over.


Has anyone read the book?

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My 14yo dd and I just finished watching season 2. We've enjoyed the series even though I think a few episodes were kinda hokey.


I wish Mrs. Arliss had been in season 2 a little more. She irritated me in season 1 but I had grown to like her. And poor Alf! he can't catch a break in his love life, can he?


I am planning on buying season 3 when it comes out. It is a shame about the BBC only doing one more season.


Has anyone read the book? The reviews on Amazon were mixed. Most reviewers said that the book doesn't have as much of a storyline and I was wondering if it would be worth reading after seeing the series?

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  • 2 months later...
Has anyone read the book? The reviews on Amazon were mixed. Most reviewers said that the book doesn't have as much of a storyline and I was wondering if it would be worth reading after seeing the series?


The book is wonderful in a very different sort of way. The show adds a lot that isn't in the book, but the book is really, really lovely. I read the books prior to watching the show, however, so that may have influenced my feelings. Flora Thompson's other books are quite worthwhile as well.


In fact, I have an extra copy of "The Illustrated Lark Rise to Candleford" (the first book of the trilogy) and "The Illustrated Still Glides the Stream" by Flora Thompson. If anyone would like one or both books, PM me & I'll be happy to send it/them to you.

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I didn't like it. I just couldn't get over the Dawn French character: I've lived in a country where people worked physically hard and only had just enough to eat, and none of them looked like her. I know that the character borrows money and enjoys her food and drink, but it just lacked verisimilitude to me. I've read the first book, and there wasn't a lot of spare food about in the village.



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Is this what my family happened upon Saturday night on PBS? We liked it. We hardly ever turn on the t.v. because of content anymore, and the amount of commercials, but this night we were all tired and tuned into PBS.


Hyperventilating! It was on PBS and I *MISSED* it? AAAAAAAHHHHHHH


ETA: Nope, not listed in the PBS schedule. Must have been something else.

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I did hear that PBS had picked it up, although I haven't been able to figure out when it airs.


I do love this show, although I have to agree about Dawn French's character. And I'm sorry, but no matter how poor you were, you would not have been running around in just a corset. It was just too improper.


My favorite were the Fisher Bloom days! I actually think I liked Season 2 better than Season 3.

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I adore Lark Rise!!!!


I've been watching it on PBS for quite some time. It was getting all mixed up time-line wise so I got seasons one and 2 from Netflix and watched season 3 as it came on PBS. I will be very, very sad to see it go if BBC is cutting it.


I love all the characters..Queenie, Twister, Emma Timmins, Alf, Minnie. They are so well written and drawn out.


Dawn French's character might have been a little off, but she is a superb actress and if you really watch her scenes, she brings so much life to that character. She's a brilliant comedic actress and I would have liked to see more.


Did you see the episode when the flu comes to Lark Rise? Heart wrenching.

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PBS is almost done with Season 3. It's been airing Saturday evenings at 7 pm. I heard they are filming Season 4. Can't wait!


Who's your favourite character?


Minnie is my favourite!! :)


My local affiliate is not running it, and I can't find anything on the PBS website when I search for it. Is it perhaps running on BBC instead?


I like Dorcas Lane :)

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I live in Georgia, but have been watching it on South Carolina's SCETV. I haven't checked to see if GPB is airing it. I guess not all public TV stations are airing it. :( that's too bad. Season 3 is out on DVD though. My DD got tired of waiting for new episodes, so used her own $ to buy all 3 seasons because she loves it so much.

Edited by langfam
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The book is wonderful in a very different sort of way. The show adds a lot that isn't in the book, but the book is really, really lovely. I read the books prior to watching the show, however, so that may have influenced my feelings. Flora Thompson's other books are quite worthwhile as well.


In fact, I have an extra copy of "The Illustrated Lark Rise to Candleford" (the first book of the trilogy) and "The Illustrated Still Glides the Stream" by Flora Thompson. If anyone would like one or both books, PM me & I'll be happy to send it/them to you.



KristineinKS is so generous! She sent me both books and wouldn't let me pay shipping or anything (although I'm trying to get her to change her mind on that!).


The books are beautifully illustrated and I am thrilled with them.


Thank you, Kristine!! You are a sweetie pie! :hurray:

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I didn't like it. I just couldn't get over the Dawn French character: I've lived in a country where people worked physically hard and only had just enough to eat, and none of them looked like her. I know that the character borrows money and enjoys her food and drink, but it just lacked verisimilitude to me. I've read the first book, and there wasn't a lot of spare food about in the village.




Exactly. Fortunately, she gets shipped off to gaol, and the show gets much more "believable" after that.


There are several episodes in series three (which you can watch on YouTube) that are just delightful. Mr. Brown and Miss Margaret are just a hoot. Minnie & Alf are adorable, too. Really, I can't stand the character "Our" Laura's accent and "acting" face. Whenever she gets in front of the camera, I cringe. Ironically, I think she's the weakest link.

Edited by Nicole M
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Hyperventilating! It was on PBS and I *MISSED* it? AAAAAAAHHHHHHH


ETA: Nope, not listed in the PBS schedule. Must have been something else.


Actually, it was on PBS here. It's on again tonite. We don't have cable, so few channels to choose from.


I rented the back episodes from the library. :)

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I just got season 2, disc 1 from Netflix last night. I finished season 1 a couple of months ago, but we took a Netflix break. I'm so happy to start up again. :)


BTW - I agree with those who just can't stand the Dawn French character. And I usually like Dawn French - anybody who can get Richard Armitage to marry her is OK in my book!

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