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OMG So awesome!!!

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We just watched a tornado across the street from our house headed our way! Right about the time we were thinking it might be smarter to watch from in the house it went up in the sky, then we watched the cloud go over our house and a few miles away watched it drop back down again!!!!! Then came the hail. Started pea sized then got bigger and bigger until it was golf ball sized. No broken windows, we do have MANY tree limbs down (3 really big ones!) So awesome! Luckily we live in Rancher land so I dont think (hope) any homes were damaged!!!!

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I'm sure it was awesome.


Do you routinely take that approach with tornadoes? I'm guessing you live where you see a lot of them to have that type of attitude toward them. I know that affects thoughts and we all take risks we think are reasonable. I wouldn't. Having lived through one where many others weren't as fortunate I know all it takes is a tree limb flying not to mention lightening risks (the roof?). I take them entirely seriously.

Edited by sbgrace
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LOL I can not explain it but everytime the tornado sirens go off I first get the kids in the bathroom (no basement here) then go outside and take pix of the sky!! (I have pix on my facebook page now LOL)


We were about to go inside though because it got EXTREMELY windy here (my hair was up in the air swirling LOL) How do I post pix on here? I can put some on........

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When I was a kid, the fire department used to park right in front of our house to watch for tornadoes. My dad would go out to talk with them, so we just sat on the front steps and watched the clouds swirling over the corn fields. I honestly thought I was safe because the fire department was there! Nothing bad could happen, right? Later, when we moved into the city, we always had to go down into the basement, and it took me a couple of years to figure out why.

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I think my DS would like to be adopted by your family so he could have a mom who let him anywhere near a tornado.:lol: I have never even been through a tornado that touched down near us, but every time a warning comes, I am in the basement and don't let my kids leave the southwest corner of the basement even for a second.


My one experience with a tornado involved us being at Lowes 2 years ago buying a picnic table and DH trying to strap it onto our roof with the wind blowing like crazy (we were about a mile or so away from a tornado that went through so just got crazy wind--we had no idea at the time). When we got home, we found our tree uprooted and leaning on our garage. No damage was done, but the wind took it out.

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We just watched a tornado across the street from our house headed our way! Right about the time we were thinking it might be smarter to watch from in the house it went up in the sky, then we watched the cloud go over our house and a few miles away watched it drop back down again!!!!! Then came the hail. Started pea sized then got bigger and bigger until it was golf ball sized. No broken windows, we do have MANY tree limbs down (3 really big ones!) So awesome! Luckily we live in Rancher land so I dont think (hope) any homes were damaged!!!!


It is actually better to watch for a tornado than to hide out in fear. You can see them coming....you can HEAR them coming. As long as you have a plan you're good!

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Fun! Kinda.


I grew up in prime hurricane land. We would routinely go out during hurricanes. Hurricane Andrew was particularly fun.;)


HOWEVER, tornadoes scare the ever-loving bejesus out of me. (Note where I live. Not cool.) I will assume those storms are headed my way. Awesome:glare:.

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Fun! Kinda.


I grew up in prime hurricane land. We would routinely go out during hurricanes. Hurricane Andrew was particularly fun.;)


HOWEVER, tornadoes scare the ever-loving bejesus out of me. (Note where I live. Not cool.) I will assume those storms are headed my way. Awesome:glare:.



Did they go your way? I know they were headed to Custer, SD after here but I dont know if they stayed going east, or went south your way... let me know!

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Plan, what plan? It sounds to me like she just missed a ride to Oz. :001_smile:


I fervently hope I am never anywhere near a tornado or an earthquake.



I was joking with my mother in law who is here visiting from Michigan saying maybe we will get a ride to her house and they wouldnt have to drive back! :D My 12 year old said as long as our van came with us because it would be a long drive home! :lol: Gotta love rational thinking :D

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Good grief! While it would be amazing to see I would have been cowering in my basement with the kids. We are now living in tornado alley area here in Alberta and the kids want to start doing tornado drills along with continueing our fire drills because theya re so freaked out at the thought of one hitting near us. I am DEFINITELY not a storm chaser/watcher. We drove through a terrifying storm a week ago that I could have seen as being a precusor to a tornado and we were freaked out because we were ont eh highway with no real shelter to hide in.

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I spent a great deal of my life in tornado alley. I have seen so many out the window, across the field, etc when I was growing up that we were a little blase' about them. We went inside when they got close but we didn't have a basement. I have never seen a basement in the south. I was once driving through Nebraska and could honestly see at least five different ones, some on both sides of the highway. My brother once got hit in the head with a brick because he was outside when one hit our house. He was already a few fries short of a Happy Meal, hence the being outside while the rest of us were in the bathroom. We only lost a few shingles but this was in OK just shortly before it totally wiped out that one town a little south of OKC. We currently live in TN and we occassionaly get tornados but once again there is no safe place in our house. Every room has an exterior wall or is on the top story. I guess the safest place would be the stairwell.


I have also lived through hurricanes, typhoons, earthquakes and the mother of all snowstorms. The only thing I haven't seen is a sunami.

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