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Multiple C-Section Question

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I'm expecting my fifth child next month. I haven't been able to enjoy this pregnancy because I'm so scared of the delivery. This will be my fifth c-section, unless I can convince my OB to let me attempt a VBAC. I'm really scared that something will go wrong, and I won't survive the surgery. I was this way a little with my fourth, but not to this extreme. To make matters worse, my mom is in tears every time I talk to her about this pregnancy because she is more worried than I am. Do you personally know anyone who has had five or more c-sections? I'm in need of positive outcomes so that I can relax a little. Thanks.

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I don't know anyone who has had 5 c-sections (I had two-my first and last boys) but I'm sorry you are so worried.

Can you talk to your Doc about your specific concerns? Maybe it would help to know he has a plan to prevent complications?


I think I'd cut down on the phone calls to mom...she really shouldn't be adding to your fears now!

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I understand your fears, and I'm sorry you are feeling that way.:grouphug:


I personally know someone who's had 8 c-sections in 11 years, and is pg with #9 (another schedule c-section). She's had the same OB for all of them and her OB has no issues with this whatsoever even though her last 5 have all been born one year apart.


I also know of someone else who's had 6 c-sections and then a couple VBACs.

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I understand your fears, and I'm sorry you are feeling that way.:grouphug:


I personally know someone who's had 8 c-sections in 11 years, and is pg with #9 (another schedule c-section). She's had the same OB for all of them and her OB has no issues with this whatsoever even though her last 5 have all been born one year apart.


I also know of someone else who's had 6 c-sections and then a couple VBACs.


I have had three and I have asked my doctors the question "How many c-sections are "allowed"? Each Dr. has said when they do a c-section they look at the condition of your uterus and that helps (obviously there is no gauruntee) them determine if your uterus is healthy enough to sustain another pregnancy.

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I have had five c-sections. To be precise it was a c-section, vbac with major complications, four more c-sections. I know it is scary. I would consider speaking with your dr about the concerns. I didn't find the fifth anymore difficult than the first. I recovered quickly and was able to enjoy my new baby.

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I don't know anyone who has had 5 c-sections (I had two-my first and last boys) but I'm sorry you are so worried.

Can you talk to your Doc about your specific concerns? Maybe it would help to know he has a plan to prevent complications?


I think I'd cut down on the phone calls to mom...she really shouldn't be adding to your fears now!


Thank you. I am planning on talking to my OB to discuss a possible VBAC, since he is supportive of VBACs on a case by case basis. I will mention my fears and hopefully he will be able to ease my concerns.

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I know someone who had 9 and everything was great with them. Try to enjoy your baby and not worry about what most likely won't happen! (This coming from someone who has has 2 andthought shed die both times, Lol!)


Wow, nine! What a lucky woman to be blessed with so many children. Thank you for sharing.

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I've had three in 3.5 years. While my doctor was in there (:001_smile:)I asked him how my uterus looked. He said I could have at least two more.


I know this is hard advice to take, but, if you can at all help it, try not to worry! Your worrying cannot fix anything and it terrorizes you : (

I hope you can start to enjoy the little one♥

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A friend of mine has had 5 C-sections.


For what it's worth, I was weirded out when I was pregnant with number 5. I think I'd read too much Reader's Digest. Then I had to have an emergency D&C after delivery and was freaking out over the anesthesia. I bawled like a baby when I woke up because I thought I wasn't going to make it through.


:grouphug: Sorry you're feeling anxious.

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Where's Colleen? I know she's had 5, and she survived :D I've had 4 myself. The OB did tell me after the last one that if I had more I would most likely have to have a vertical incision due to adhesions, but other than that she didn't discourage me.

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I have had 6 c-sections with absolutely no complications. I can relate to the nervousness. Before some of mine, I would be up the night before vomiting because I was so nervous. Talk to your doctor about your concerns. At this point, after 4 c-sections, I doubt your risk would be lower with a vbac and I am pretty sure your doctor will not let you try but it never hurts to ask. C-sections are not pleasant and there is risk, but there is risk to a v@ginal birth, too, so try not to dwell on the risks. I think most women have some fears about child birth whatever the delivery method. My coping mechanism during pregnancy was to try not to think about the delivery, but about the beautiful baby that was going to come from it. I am a worrier and can really get carried away if I let myself, so if I found myself thinking about the delivery, I would try and redirect my mind to something else.

I know it is hard to not be anxious, especially with all those raging pregnancy hormones;), but just keep your eye on the prize and before you know it, you will have beautiful baby. Feel free to PM if you want to chat about anything.



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I think if you choose a c-section it will be fine. That said, if YOU want a VBAC, contact your local ICAN chapter asap, a recent study said that vbac's after multiple c-sections is not much riskier than after only one c-section.



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