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Is 8filltheheart coming back???


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I know this isn't curriculum related, but Karen never visited the general forum. I know that many of you (like me) have appreciated her wisdom and experience on this forum. Her last post (which has been deleted since the thread was removed) mentioned how frustrated she was that some people (I won't name names) make others feel that they're wrong if they don't agree, (and tend to bully the others with less experience) which is why she left the general forum. She hasn't posted since that thread, and I'm hoping she hasn't left for good. Has anyone heard from her? Should we beg her to come back? :confused:

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:grouphug: and "ditto". I LOVE her posts and have gleaned so much from her wisdom. Sniff sniff . . . I hope and pray she comes back. I will beg . . . shamelessly!!!! Praying for grace and strength in the midst of family challenges for you 8filltheheart!!!!!

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8filltheheart has some family concerns at the moment. I think that she would greatly appreciate your positive thoughts and prayers.



Oh my, I'm so sorry to hear that. :sad: I'll be keeping her in my thoughts, and hoping everything is resolved in a positive way very soon.



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