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Help us name our puppy!

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Do you like people names for pets, or names more traditionally considered pet names?


Dh and I have noticed that it's become more common for pets to have people names than it was in our childhood.


So, which do you prefer for a puppy: Patrick or Pirate? He's got beagle and Australian shepherd colorings, beagleish face, but he's big with a Lab-looking body. We're split down the middle on the name. Dh and I like Pirate, our Spongebob fans like Patrick (his current name), our youngest likes Spongebob and pirates so he can't decide, and our dd thinks both names are equally dumb.



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I go either way, really. Of the two, I love Pirate, it has such personality! We named our dog Emma, a people name- but I let dh pick the name, hoping he'd bond more with her -and that is what he picked.


I always wanted to name a beagle- bagel.


enjoy your puppy!

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I vote for Pirate.


But knowing me I would call the dog something entirely different even though I loved its name.


Our cats name is Ginger but I call her Snappy (aka Ginger Snappy). I had a dog named Alex and called him Lumpy. My other dog was Ernie and I called him Cupcake. Weird I know.

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Well, I'm thinking back on animals I've had and we have not consistent regarding the names (Sophie, Ozzy, 8-ball, Molly, Cookie, Josie).


However, between Patrick and Pirate, I'd definitely choose the latter.


I will tell you that we had one hold out (different people) for our two two names for our little rescue girl. We kept looking for names until we found one we all could agree upon. It ended up not being either top two names. BTW, it's a people name (Josie).

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Pets I've had...







Pebbles (as in, Cocoa Pebbles, the cereal? lol. We got the cat and dog together)


That (Two sisters who looked identical, started as This One and That One and eventually went to This and That. lol)

Kitty-Kitty (hey, I was 4 when I named her!)



SOOO, I guess I'm a mix of pet names, people names, and not even names! :D


Out of Patrick and Pirate I really like Pirate. It's cute, and has loads of personality.

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My vote is for Pirate - i love that name for a dog!!


We tend to pick out names for our dogs depending on their breed. We looked up English names for our Yorkshire Terrier and decided on Oliver. (When he's in trouble, my DH call him by his unofficial middle name too - Oliver Fitzgerald. Ha:)). Our rottweiler needed a stronger name so we went with Koda. Our sweet, lazy lab is named Mattie (named by our son when he was 3).

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Over the years, we've had a mix of people and pet names: Ginger (dog), Indy, Jax, Lilly, Fluffy, Pepsi, and Gable (all cats).


I'm not really partial to one or the other, but in your case I LOVE the name Pirate for a dog. I've never been fond of the name Patrick though.

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Historically, I prefer people names for animals, but lately I've developed a fondness for word names. So I'm voting Pirate. Our dogs are Oliver, Lucy, and Gable--oddly, we only named Oliver ourselves, even though I LOVE naming stuff. Lucy and Gable came with good names, so we kept them. Pi (as in 3.14) is the name I'm keeping in mind for the next dog, whenever that may be.

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Forgive me for asking, but is the dog's name important to your dh and you? It seems like something small you could let the kids decide, kwim? Pirate is cute, but so is Patrick. I think I might be more inclined to let my kids decide than a bunch of folks on a homeschool forum. Of course, I'm a Spongebob fan, too, so there ya' go. :001_smile:

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Forgive me for asking, but is the dog's name important to your dh and you? It seems like something small you could let the kids decide, kwim? Pirate is cute, but so is Patrick. I think I might be more inclined to let my kids decide than a bunch of folks on a homeschool forum. Of course, I'm a Spongebob fan, too, so there ya' go. :001_smile:


Oh heavens--you all aren't making the decision! :D I was using the word "help" very loosely. It's really mostly idle curiousity prompted by our family discussion about people names for pets. Because the dog is a family pet, naming him is a family decision, and I certainly don't see that dh and I should have any less input than the kids. :) Right now it's mostly in fun, and it's a good exercise in compromise and creativity. He is a dream dog, so he must have the perfect name, you know.


He may well end up with the name "Pirate Patrick"....



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I love people names for pets.


We have:

Dogs: Cassie, Odie (not so much a people name, but that was his name when we adopted him), Charlotte

Cats: Quincy, Murray, Oscar, Oliver

Goats: Nellie, Lucy


I love the name Patrick, but of course, that's my husband's name!

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Thank you all for your replies! It was fun to read your pet names and your thoughts. :)


Patrick was knocked completely out of the running when I realized that my aversion to the name stemmed from the fact that it was the given name of an ex-boyfriend, a not-so-nice one. (He went by Rick and it took me a while to remember that his parents called him Patrick. LOL)


So, Pirate it is!


...unless the kids come up with a better suggestion between now and tomorrow when we start calling him Patrick Pirate to help him learn his new name.





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We've got people names here: Holly (Christmas present), and Domi (after a hockey player).


So I vote for Patrick. :) How about a compromise of 'Paddy'? Sounds kind of pirate-y and could also be a nickname of Patrick.




You named a dog after Tie Domi!?!?!?


I love it!

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