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I have to tell someone...

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I started back on weight watchers last Saturday. In my first week back on I lost 6.6 lbs. I'm thrilled beyond words. :001_smile: This was just getting my food right and not exercising. This week I'm adding 30 minutes of exercise in. I can't wait until next Saturday.


Thanks bunches for listening!

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Tammy! I am so proud of you & happy for you!


I lost 25 lbs. on WW last year. Then I let the stress I was feeling over DS starting high school overwhelm me & started emotionally overeating again. I gained it back. :glare: (ANd it was only a fraction of what I needed to lose.)


Keep up the awesome work!

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That's awesome!



I'm starting up again on Monday. I took off while we were away for a few weeks and haven't managed to get back on track yet... And thanks for the reminder about Dottie's site. I haven't been on there in over a year.

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