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Heartbreak from the USPS...

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Over a month ago, I had carefully packed up an entire curriculum package (almost $600 worth) to return for a refund. My sweet husband mailed it media since it was very heavy. He thought he was getting insurance, but got delivery confirmation instead. I have been watching at USPS online all month, and it's status had not changed all month. Today I got a letter from the Post Office in Iowa, stating that the package was damaged and the contents were unaccounted for. They want me to send them an itemized list of all the contents, as well as a picture of the contents (:confused:), too. They may find some of the books, but of course make no promises. So, I am out all that money. There goes my school year purchases I was waiting to buy. I am absolutely heartbroken.

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I just want to cry for you! I save for months to be able to buy my school books - and then only a few books at a time (usually used from other homeschoolers)! I would be devastated if this happened.


What are you looking for?




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To everyone...your kind words made me cry and feel better, too! :) I just can't believe it. I used a very nice heavy-duty box, lots of bubble wrap and paper, and a ton of heavy packing tape. How on earth could this have happened? I am just stunned. Just wanted to thank you all for your kindness. I was actually shipping back a lovely Heart of Dakota package that I had recently bought at a convention...in pristine condition. It was a beautiful set of books, but was just going to be too difficult for my younger dd. I was going to use this refund to get my 16dd her 12th grade things. I don't know how I can do it now. A book at a time, I guess. I will just pray and remember to be thankful for what I do have. Thanks again for the encouragements.

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OH NO!!! and here I am whining about my $120 purchase that is lost. Can I just say...spread the word that MEDIA MAIL stinks. So many items damaged and lost it is totally not worth it.


And if I had any books you needed I would so send them to you, but it is my first year and I dont have any. I pray you find a way to get yours!!!

Edited by kwickimom
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Would you be willing to post a list of what you need for your 16 yo?


I have a couple of high school programs I ended up not using (Stobaugh's British Lit, for example). I am sure others of us might be able to come up with some things you are looking for.



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First, I am sorry the box was lost. I received a empty box once /:001_huh: Still wondering why they even bothered delivering it.


I had a long discussion with the post office about treatment of boxes being shipped USPS. Even if you send it parcel post or priority if the box is heavy you always have the chance that the box might come open. They explained to me that big machines pick the packages up and then they are dropped into big bins(huge). This can sometimes cause very heavy packages to come apart.


I always wrap my books in plastic and tape up very well with your return/ shipping address then place it in the box with and pack it tightly . I always make sure books have no wiggle room and the box has a complete round of tape both length and width. If they can find some sort of identity the item it might find its way to the destination. Even if you are selling used books it is always a good idea to have some sort of receipt because they are not going to give a refund without some proof of what is in the box.


I have worked with the USPS to try and find books before, but you must do it quickly because they send them off to auction off every month. They do this because they have so many items it would take a lot of storage just to store them. They donate any clothes items to a charity.


If you do have a delivery tracking number try to track it between locations. Call the location it was last scanned at and then backtrack.


I will pray that you are able to locate your books.



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That just stinks!!!!


I have had three large packages lost in media mail in the last 9 months. I am currently in a pending claim for a lost package. And it is no chocolate cupcake trying to get them to follow through, even with insurance! Like others have said, post what you need, and maybe we can all help--one book at a time! Although I probably don't have anything you need, but I would be willing to even purchase a used one for you!


And I'm sure you are having a hard time not being snarky with your dh--well I would anyway, because I'm so low on the sanctification spectrum!


Anyway, hugs to you!

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Guest Cindie2dds

:grouphug: Please post what you need.... You never know what we might have that would be a blessing to you! So sorry that happened to you. I've heard of a lot of media mail nightmares recently.

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Ladies, you continue to bless me with all your comments! Thank you so much. I cried for hours last night, every time a new wave of memory hit me...did I tape it enough (apparently not), were all the books and tapes emptied and will never be located (probably)...on and on. I also admit being so exhausted that I was not as kind to my dh as I should have been. He is being pretty hard on himself today, and that makes me feel badly for my lack of grace. After all, it is just money and not our health that was lost. So after 1 or 2 hours of restless sleep, I got up and typed up an inventory list of all the books that were in my box. I made copies of the USPS claims form that I had filled out. I tore catalog pages out that had pictures of the books. To redeem himself ;) my dh took all those things to the local PO this morning and talked with them. They said that on Monday, perhaps our Postmaster can call and see if she can do anything to find the books (22 of them, and several CD sets! Oh my.) So the claims process has started, and now I just have to pray that any of the books can be found and returned to me. As far as what I am needing to buy...we had planned to use the rather obscure Worldviews of the Western World vol 3 by Cornerstone Curriculum. Maybe someone can recommend another program that would be equally as challenging?? She's already read everything from every level of SL. She wanted to finish her high school with something besides TOG after doing vols. 1-3. I am open to suggestions, since WVWW is very expensive. Maybe this is a lesson I am supposed to learn. So, I am open to any ideas. Thankfully, I have dd's math and English already. So, please give me ideas!! Thanks again for your kindnesses~

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