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Anyone want to share their plans for the 4th of July?

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here we are having my dh's family up for a big family cookout. We buy the food and they buy the fireworks. There will be at least 17 of us here. We are planning on shooting guns too!


Here is my preliminary menu (everything is made from scratch!)




Grilled Chicken

Pulled Pork BBQ


Potato Salad

Garden Salad

Chips with Homemade Salsa

Yeast Rolls

Deviled Eggs

Baked Beans


Chocolate Pie

Chocolate Chip Cookies



I need another dessert idea...something cool and refreshing and easy. We used to do homemade ice cream but my freezer broke so that is not an option.


All this food will likely feed everyone on Friday and my family will eat leftovers all weekend. I'll be cooking most of Thursday and Friday!


eta: This is the only day of the year we eat like this! I don't even make a big fuss and cook this much on Thanksgiving and Christmas!

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We've invited our tiny congregation(probably 50-60 people) to come to our house for a barbeque after church. We have a very large place, and a huge grassy area, so we're doing a giant slip n'slide. It'll probably end up about 15'x30'.


We're doing a really simple menu:

hot dogs


chili, cheese, onions


potato salad

green salad


fresh lemonade

root beer floats for dessert


The 4th of July is my favorite holiday, so I'm really looking forward to the party! :party::cheers2::party:

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We live in the DC area and there is lots to chose from. On the 3nd, we will go to the rehearsal for the Captiol 4th. It's still pretty crowded but not as bad as the actual day. You only have to get there 2 hours early compared to 8-10 hours if you go on the 4th. On the 4th, we will go and to the Washington Monument area and watch the fireworks. They were fabulous last year.

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We have an annual event at our place. The crowd is different every year, but it always winds up being about the same size - 30-40 people. We provide the brats/buns/spicy mustard, bottled water and a giant cooler of lemonade, and fireworks, and our guests bring their own side dishes and preferred drinks. We set up our kiddie pool and slip 'n' slide and let the kids wear their suits (and sunscreen and bug spray) and everyone runs around for a while, then we eat and talk and drink and do the daytime fireworks till it gets dark (about 9-ish). Then we haul everything out to the back yard and shoot off the big stuff.


Last year we found out that all the neighbors love to watch our show, too. When we shot off the 'finale,' we heard cheering and 'thank you' shouted from several places nearby. (No, we do not invite the neighbors since we don't know them very well.)


This year, if the colt is off being trained like I think he's supposed to be and the mud isn't too bad, we may incorporate blackberry picking into the party. DH also loves hooking up the trailer to the lawn mower and giving the kids rides. It's always a lot of fun.

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80 mile bike ride through Glacier National Park. When the cat's away...:001_smile:


I was going to get drunk and shoot guns, but then remembered I don't drink and I don't have a gun.


:lol:We love Glacier and are pretty impressed with anyone planning an 80 mile bike ride through there. Have a fantastic trip!

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We don't have any family close by. If we did, it would be a big get-together with lots of food too! We will be going to the nearby stadium again. It's free to get in. There is a baseball game (MLB rookie league - we love baseball!), cheap hot dogs, activities for the kids and then the big fireworks show.

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We're having DH's cousin and her family over. We get along really well with them and they have three girls that my girls love playing with. We'll probably have hamburgers and hotdogs, maybe play some games, swim, etc. They will be leaving right before dark because they have to drive about half an hour to get back home. But afterwards, our little family may go and see the local fireworks. We'll see though....or just watch the fireworks that people set off around our neighborhood. We'll see.

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