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Prayers, Support Please

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I have a 2 hr assessment on Thursday for the CRPS program. I dread it. First, the sinking feeling that there' going to be nothing that they can do for me that hasn't already been done in the other programs I've completed, and being 2 yrs into CRPS. Second, its a 2 hr appt, 1 hr with PT, 1 hr with OT. I'm going to be in severe pain, no way around it.


Just thinking about it has me on the edge of tears. I hate knowing that I'm going to be in such pain, and having no choice in it, I *have* to go, cooperate, let them hurt me. I'm so tired of this stuff, letting ppl torque my arm around, hmming and hawing, making decisions that again, I have no say in.


If there was *any* hope, that would be one thing. Knowing in advance, even by admission of the booking clerk that there's little chance they can offer me anything I haven't done...its pain without reason.


If you wouldn't mind praying that I get through this without completely breaking down, I'd appreciate it. Last time I went for testing, I ended up passed out in my upstairs hall, discovered by Diva, who though I was dead. I'm so scared of something like that happening again. :crying:

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Let me ask you this: if there is nothing they can offer you, do you have to do the evaluation? I'm guessing that you do or you wouldn't be doing it. Is this something that is required so that they will continue to let you have the medication you need? Or is this a new program that you want to try because they might be able to do something?


I'm so sorry, Sweetie. I hate that you have to go through this. Is there anyone who can come over and be with you when you get home, in case you are incapacitated?

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Oh Imp, I am so sorry you have to go through this. I just said a prayer and I will keep remembering you. Can you take any kind of pain med before going that will help take the edge off?


I prayed for Diva too. That's so scary.


You are in my thoughts and prayers.


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I *have* to go, or my case manager says I'm 'non-compliant', and cuts off all funding. I have no options.


Thank you all so much. I feel like I'm crumbling, about to break apart under all this. Just when I think there's an end in sight, something more comes up, another hoop.

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Let me ask you this: if there is nothing they can offer you, do you have to do the evaluation? I'm guessing that you do or you wouldn't be doing it. Is this something that is required so that they will continue to let you have the medication you need? Or is this a new program that you want to try because they might be able to do something?


I'm so sorry, Sweetie. I hate that you have to go through this. Is there anyone who can come over and be with you when you get home, in case you are incapacitated?

My husband is coming home to be with the children while I'm at the appt, and I have a trusted cab driver taking me to and from the appt. He's seen me after assessments, and is very careful with me, even calling Wolf on his cell to get him to meet us as we pull in, to help me into the house. This is a new program they want me assessed for, so they can then go over everything and decide if its any use or not.

I'll be praying for you as well. Maybe you should just walk in screaming. :)

I do that, and they say I'm faking everything.

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I am praying for you!


I'm so sorry you have to go through this. You would think that with all of medicine's sophistication that they'd be able to assess your pain level through simple monitors of heart rate and all, so they can be assured that you're not "faking it". It's bad enough that you have the constant pain, but even worse when someone is trying to prove that you aren't in pain.


Praying that they can streamline their evaluation process for you and not put you through such agony, or that some good can come from it all.



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I am praying for you!


I'm so sorry you have to go through this. You would think that with all of medicine's sophistication that they'd be able to assess your pain level through simple monitors of heart rate and all' date=' so they can be assured that you're not "faking it". It's bad enough that you have the constant pain, but even worse when someone is trying to prove that you aren't in pain.


Praying that they can streamline their evaluation process for you and not put you through such agony, or that some good can come from it all.



I've been on the heart rate monitors. All my exams have come back unfit for any level of work...but she keeps trying. None of my Drs support the 7 wk pain clinic, yet she keeps threatening me with it. My pain specialist is the best in the province, but she doesn't like the meds I'm on...and she's not a medical professional. How she gets to make these decisions is beyond me.

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