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Doing the happy dance!

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I lost 9 pounds in about 12 days;


This did not involve a nasty stomach bug or hours of exercise either. I cut out white food. (white flour, white sugar, potatoes, pasta, white rice...etc.)


I don't plan on eating like this my entire life but I never have trouble maintaining either!


It was way easier than I expected.

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I have been surprised too at how easily and quickly I have lost weight in the past without exercising, by cutting out nearly all sugar and eating only tiny portions of our regular meals.


I need to gather my fortitude and do it again though...:tongue_smilie:

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Awesome!!! You give me hope!!


I've been off the sugar, flour, carbs for 3 weeks and I'm afraid of the scale. Things are fitting a lot better but I'm paranoid that the scale will depress me so I'm going to stay off for another week. But I love hearing a success story like yours! :)

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Um, so if you don't mind me asking - what do you actually eat? did you sub whole wheat and whole grain or just drop the carbs altogether?


I don't eat meat, though I will have eggs & fish. I'm lactose intolerant. If I drop carbs, all that's left is fruit & veg & nuts & sprouts + some eggs & fish. I guess I could survive on that......:confused:

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Here's my plan....3 servings of fruits veggies and proteins per day with 2 servings of whole grains and a healthy fat too (I've been doing almonds). I just have to be really careful that I follow what exactly is a serving. On days that I am really active, I can add in an extra serving of veggies and fruits without causing any trouble.

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Well, I don't drink coffee, but I imagine you could add it in as long as it wasn't loaded with sugar and stuff.


That's ok; I figured it out when I woke up this AM. I'll just use *chocolate* creamer. Then it's not white. :D


Only a non-coffee drinker would suggest drinking it w/out the "sugar & stuff." Yes, some drink it black & like it, but we generally respect those differences w/out question. For those of us who like the stuff, it's part & parcel w/ coffee. W/out the stuff, it's like saying, "I like Mary, but she'll have to leave her arms at home."


Because w/out the stuff it's purely medicinal. If you add a little cream & sugar, it's like this soothing voice that says, "I know. I'm sorry. It's *not* fair." :lol: More important, actually, than Mary's arms. ;)


But I'm having black coffee this AM w/ honey. Because of you. This is the equivalent of running naked through the streets for most people, so a) know you're influential & b) it better work. :lol:


But now my ocd self has a million questions: what about yogurt (plain)? Butter?

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That's ok; I figured it out when I woke up this AM. I'll just use *chocolate* creamer. Then it's not white. :D


Only a non-coffee drinker would suggest drinking it w/out the "sugar & stuff." Yes, some drink it black & like it, but we generally respect those differences w/out question. For those of us who like the stuff, it's part & parcel w/ coffee. W/out the stuff, it's like saying, "I like Mary, but she'll have to leave her arms at home."


Because w/out the stuff it's purely medicinal. If you add a little cream & sugar, it's like this soothing voice that says, "I know. I'm sorry. It's *not* fair." :lol: More important, actually, than Mary's arms. ;)


But I'm having black coffee this AM w/ honey. Because of you. This is the equivalent of running naked through the streets for most people, so a) know you're influential & b) it better work. :lol:


But now my ocd self has a million questions: what about yogurt (plain)? Butter?



As for yogurt, I count dairy products like milk (anything w/out sugar, sorry ice cream may have milk, but the sugar knocks it off the ok list) as proteins. Butter, well, mostly I have been leaving it off stuff, but I will use a tiny bit (like a tsp.) on my steamed broccoli.



I really hope this works out for you. It took about 3 days before my scale even bumped, but then it was like 3 lbs at a time! You can do it!


I adapted this from First for Women Magazine, the May 24 issue with Denise Austin on the cover.

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As for yogurt, I count dairy products like milk (anything w/out sugar, sorry ice cream may have milk, but the sugar knocks it off the ok list) as proteins. Butter, well, mostly I have been leaving it off stuff, but I will use a tiny bit (like a tsp.) on my steamed broccoli.


Really? So milk is ok? I figured that & sugar were the main things to omit. But I did figure plain yogurt was ok. It's too nasty to be bad for you. Hehehe. I made a green smoothie for b'fast, & while I've been putting sugar on mine (not on the kids'), I went back to honey today & upped the spinach. Not as good, but still good. Unfortunately, though, dh bought a "cool" blender w/ a spout. The spout cap (belly button) was not on well today. It shot itself out at me, & the ONE DAY in 2 wks that I've gotten dressed (in a DRESS no less--2yo picked out my clothes), I got covered in snot-colored goo.


But that's not all. After I'd changed & cleaned up the mess? I went to stir it, the spoon got stuck on a strawberry, & pretty soon, I was covered in smoothie. Again.


If only someone had been here to see it.


I just looked at the super-wonder-figure undergarments size chart the other day, & if I lose 20lb (or 15 if the 5 that just showed up are really imaginary), I go down a whole size on their chart.


There's a family event in 20 days that...*sigh*...it would be so nice if anything fit for it. :001_smile:


Btw, the coffee was terrible. But coffee w/ creamer used to be terrible, & either way, I won't get a caffein headache now. And I'm even exercising. Who knew it was *you* I've been waiting for? :D

Edited by Aubrey
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But what about coffee? one wonders, in a Pooh sort of voice.


I did this last year, before getting pregnant, and I'm a coffee drinker. I just cut my 2 tsp of sugar in the coffee down to one. I also decided that if I had a 2nd cup of coffee, it would just have to be unsweetened. After a few weeks I got used to it. I was so pleased about the weight loss I decided it was worth getting used to the taste of coffee with less or no sugar.

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Really? So milk is ok? I figured that & sugar were the main things to omit. But I did figure plain yogurt was ok. It's too nasty to be bad for you. Hehehe. I made a green smoothie for b'fast, & while I've been putting sugar on mine (not on the kids'), I went back to honey today & upped the spinach. Not as good, but still good. Unfortunately, though, dh bought a "cool" blender w/ a spout. The spout cap (belly button) was not on well today. It shot itself out at me, & the ONE DAY in 2 wks that I've gotten dressed (in a DRESS no less--2yo picked out my clothes), I got covered in snot-colored goo.


But that's not all. After I'd changed & cleaned up the mess? I went to stir it, the spoon got stuck on a strawberry, & pretty soon, I was covered in smoothie. Again.


If only someone had been here to see it.


I just looked at the super-wonder-figure undergarments size chart the other day, & if I lose 20lb (or 15 if the 5 that just showed up are really imaginary), I go down a whole size on their chart.


There's a family event in 20 days that...*sigh*...it would be so nice if anything fit for it. :001_smile:


Btw, the coffee was terrible. But coffee w/ creamer used to be terrible, & either way, I won't get a caffein headache now. And I'm even exercising. Who knew it was *you* I've been waiting for? :D



Aubrey you are fabulous! I am so impressed. I would have loved to have seen the green smoothie explosion. The eating plan from the magazine claims a loss of 27 lbs in 3 weeks. So maybe there is hope for your family event!


Wouldn't it be great is people came to you there and said "Oh Wow! You look FABULOUS!"


I ordered myself a new dress yesterday! Can't wait till it gets here! I guess I got rid of my skinny clothes in the past few years.

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Why not?


and congratulations by the way.


because I bake KILLER yeast rolls!


Actually, I probably will end up editing my food choices after my 3 weeks are up. Last night I ate a fast food burger. (ok, so I splurged, but no fries!) and I felt absolutely disgusting, like a bloated washed up whale. It was the biggest single meal I've consumed in over a week and it was so fatty that I was just "yuck" the whole evening. I had no idea that fast food was SO gross till I skipped fatty things for a whole week.

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Aubrey you are fabulous! I am so impressed. I would have loved to have seen the green smoothie explosion. The eating plan from the magazine claims a loss of 27 lbs in 3 weeks. So maybe there is hope for your family event!


Wouldn't it be great is people came to you there and said "Oh Wow! You look FABULOUS!"


I ordered myself a new dress yesterday! Can't wait till it gets here! I guess I got rid of my skinny clothes in the past few years.


Yeah, I lost a lot of wt after #3 was born & got rid of my fat clothes, thinking I'd *never* get that big again. Wasn't small yet, but getting close to reasonable.


Then, WHAM! I was pg again before baby was 6mos old, & it was a very different pg. I should have given birth to a...6th grader, I think. :lol:


What's really funny? I was too stressed to get wedding pics made when dh & I married, & until about a yr ago, I was still holding out hope of getting those done. Which obviously requires wearing the dress. Right before the wedding, I'd *just* dipped down to a size...3, I think. I know I wasn't more than a 5. Ah, the single-digit days. :tongue_smilie:

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So here are some typical meals


Boiled egg , Peaches



6 slices Oscar Meyer Deli Selects Chicken Lunchmeat, 1 cup steamed Broccoli, Applesauce



Almonds, Apple Slices



Grilled Chicken (careful of portion size; 1 protein is the size of a deck of cards) Green Beans, Carrots





1 cup high fiber whole wheat cereal (I like Fiber one flakes) 1 cup lowfat milk



Boiled Egg, Banana, Carrots






Large Salad topped with some kind of meat and cheese; (I very sparingly use some ranch dressing, but that really is cheating a bit)


My milk products count as one of my proteins.

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But I'm having black coffee this AM w/ honey. Because of you. This is the equivalent of running naked through the streets for most people, so a) know you're influential & b) it better work.


Bleh, I wouldn't bother (not the running naked - that sounds kind of fun) but really - honey has the same or more calories as sugar. I'd dump the sweetener altogether (or reduce it by half) & keep the cream. Sprinkle a bit of cocoa on top. Not worth polluting a good cup of coffee with honey.


Honey in tea - yes. In coffee - absolutely not.


:cheers2: (that's a low fat cappuccino btw)

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Yeah, I lost a lot of wt after #3 was born & got rid of my fat clothes, thinking I'd *never* get that big again. Wasn't small yet, but getting close to reasonable.


Then, WHAM! I was pg again before baby was 6mos old, & it was a very different pg. I should have given birth to a...6th grader, I think. :lol:


What's really funny? I was too stressed to get wedding pics made when dh & I married, & until about a yr ago, I was still holding out hope of getting those done. Which obviously requires wearing the dress. Right before the wedding, I'd *just* dipped down to a size...3, I think. I know I wasn't more than a 5. Ah, the single-digit days. :tongue_smilie:


I miss single digit days too. I remember being so self conscious about how "bad" I looked in high school! If I had known how BAD things can get after 4 kids....


Aubrey I love your blog. Peeked at your profile and we have some stuff in common!


I too love chalk pastels and Michael Card...I got some prismacolors for Mother's day!

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Bleh, I wouldn't bother (not the running naked - that sounds kind of fun) but really - honey has the same or more calories as sugar. I'd dump the sweetener altogether (or reduce it by half) & keep the cream. Sprinkle a bit of cocoa on top. Not worth polluting a good cup of coffee with honey.


Honey in tea - yes. In coffee - absolutely not.


:cheers2: (that's a low fat cappuccino btw)


I wouldn't *love* it, but I could go w/out the sugar, if I kept the creamer.


I'm w/ you on the honey, except I like milk in my tea, too! The idea, though, was to stave off the caffeine headaches while making coffee more of an enemy than a friend. Enemies can be weaned; friends, when it comes to hard days & long afternoons, become crutches.


So in an hr, when my littles are pulling tp off the holder, ds has soaked dd w/ the hose while watering the garden, & I look around at the laundry & dishes, the coffee pot will be slurring like a drunkard: "Hhhoney...hehehe." And I'll look for something else. Then I'll be down to a cup & a half a day. :D

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I miss single digit days too. I remember being so self conscious about how "bad" I looked in high school! If I had known how BAD things can get after 4 kids....


Aubrey I love your blog. Peeked at your profile and we have some stuff in common!


I too love chalk pastels and Michael Card...I got some prismacolors for Mother's day!


Thank you! I've been really in the mood for potato printing lately. What's up with THAT? :lol:


Michael Card is my hero. Dh & I write music in the same style & adore him. Then we found out that he's got 4dc (like us) that he & dw hs (like us) & he went to seminary (like dh) because he wanted to preache (like dh) & has never seen music as his primary ministry (duh).


If we could just move in w/ him & his wife & copy them, we'd quit seminary & count it as a move up. But, really. I already know what he'd say. Read your Bible. Over. And over. And over.


So I figure it's cheaper to just read my Bible. :lol: Less annoying for MC, too.


Anyway, we went to a concert he did a while back, & he was playing music from every book of the Bible, but he skipped Leviticus. He thought it was very funny that he couldn't find a song in Leviticus.


What did I do? Went straight home & wrote songs from Leviticus. :lol: If dh would just record them, I'd send them to MC. :001_wub:

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Last night I ate a fast food burger. (ok, so I splurged, but no fries!) and I felt absolutely disgusting, like a bloated washed up whale. It was the biggest single meal I've consumed in over a week and it was so fatty that I was just "yuck" the whole evening. I had no idea that fast food was SO gross till I skipped fatty things for a whole week.


I submit for your consideration the possibility that the fat was not the problem. :001_smile: Fast food burgers have a lot of refined carbs: white bread buns and sugar in the ketchup, etc. A Big Mac has 44 net grams of carbs. When I'm eating the way I know I should, that's about the amount of carbohydrate I consume in an entire DAY. To have that all in one sitting? :ack2: The reaction you described, feeling bloated, yep that's classic carb reaction for my body.

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I submit for your consideration the possibility that the fat was not the problem. :001_smile: Fast food burgers have a lot of refined carbs: white bread buns and sugar in the ketchup, etc. A Big Mac has 44 net grams of carbs. When I'm eating the way I know I should, that's about the amount of carbohydrate I consume in an entire DAY. To have that all in one sitting? :ack2: The reaction you described, feeling bloated, yep that's classic carb reaction for my body.



That could be it. It tasted pretty good going down, but I think next time I will simply halve the burger or buy a Jr. Meal.

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Anyway, we went to a concert he did a while back, & he was playing music from every book of the Bible, but he skipped Leviticus. He thought it was very funny that he couldn't find a song in Leviticus.


What did I do? Went straight home & wrote songs from Leviticus. :lol: If dh would just record them, I'd send them to MC. :001_wub:





I'm not much of a songwriter, but Leviticus.....hmmm.....some interesting titles come to mind.

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I can NOT live w/out my coffee! My DC would never survive if I didn't have at least 1 cup in me before they wake up.;)

When I went on South Beach I just used artificial sweetner and sugar free vanilla creamer. I lost 15 lbs in first 2 weeks!!

I still need to loose 5 more to reach my goal weight but have fell off the wagon lately but at least I am not gaining:)

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That could be it. It tasted pretty good going down, but I think next time I will simply halve the burger or buy a Jr. Meal.


That's a good idea. If it's a nicer burger place (where you get a plate instead of a paper wrapper!) it's easy to just order it without the bun. And that would let you know if it's the carbs your body is reacting to. Of course, eating a fast food burger without the bun is not an easy matter. :D

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