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Grossness at the library or "Why I may chop off my hand"...

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My mom and I went to the public library tonight and I think that the experience even tops my scale of nastiness. We were picking out books for my eight year old son, who was not with us (thankfully), when we found and my mom may have touched... a USED CONDOM!!!! It was ON THE SHELF...BETWEEN BOOKS!!!! I am getting angrier about it by the minute! What kind of pervert (a) uses a condom in the library, (b) uses it in the children's section, © puts it between the freakin' books!?!


I need to go bathe in Clorox.

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Okay, so maybe, just maybe, he didn't actually use it in the library. And maybe it wasn't really used (uh, in that way) at all. Maybe it was just a mayo-smeared balloon. You know, as an April Fool's prank.


Still, I'd be bathing in Clorox, too.



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I'm so sorry. That is just awful. Thank goodness your kids weren't there. Icky, icky, poo, poo.


Did you tell the librarian? I would let the children's section know to watch out. Also, they may have cameras.



Perhaps it was a prank and someone noticed someone laughing and causing some commotion in there.


Ladies, its a sick, sick world we live in. :ack2::ack2::ack2::ack2::ack2::ack2::ack2::ack2:

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I found one in my front yard last summer, but at least I could get a pair of heavy duty gloves and some paper towels before I had to get rid of the thing. :eek: Can you say v-o-m-i-t?! But, you win. I'm so sorry, but you definitely win.






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I hate to say it but I don't think this is uncommon as we would like to think. Our local Burger King once had a wonderful playplace. One day when I was at McDonalds with some other moms from my dd first grade class we got on the subject of 'what ever happened to the play place at Burger King, one day it was there the next it was gone. Well, one of the moms there had a friend who had taken her young son to Burger King on a play date, he came out of the play place and handed his mom a used condom!!! :ack2: Now how gross is that!!! To this day they have not put a new playplace in and the poor little boy had to put up with being tested for STD's for a year! What a world we live in!

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I worked at my campus library for four years. These type of gross discoveries aren't uncommon. Granted campus is not exactly public but....The amount of questionable activity and the unsuspecting victims there was larger than I ever could have predicted. Some people... :tongue_smilie::tongue_smilie::tongue_smilie: I hope you told library staff about it. How foul!

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I'm with you...I'd be ANGRY!!! I know there are people out there who don't consider children precious or care about maintaining their innocence and safety, but that is just disgusting.


I read a story a couple of days ago about some athlete at a college who mast******* in the school library, in plain view of a woman he had tried to pick up.


I'd ask what is the matter with people but I don't think I want to know the answer.


In other news, :ack2:

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I would be contacting the library and whatever governing body oversees it (In WI, this is often the city.) to see that the area is thoroughly disinfected. It needs to be closed while this is done! The ... uh ... item ... needed to be turned over to authorities to determine if it really was *that* or if someone put a similar substance in there as a prank.


And yes, cameras and a high alert watch for pedophiles.


This is heartbreaking. :(

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Oh Heather, why oh why did I ever read that post???

I am so skeeved out right now, I can't tell you.

I already have a thing about library books, because you never know where they've er, um, been. (There is a reason that some people call their bathroom a "library.")

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Oh Heather, why oh why did I ever read that post???

I am so skeeved out right now, I can't tell you.

I already have a thing about library books, because you never know where they've er, um, been. (There is a reason that some people call their bathroom a "library.")


I am just not sure today whether I will be able to go back! And frankly, that may just break my budget!

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felt a hot then cold splash on the backs of my feet. You guessed it. I glared and walked off to wash feet and he was gone when I got back.


A friend works at a library and says peepers are common, waiting for a woman to squat down to get a book on the bottom shelf and peep through from the next aisle.

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felt a hot then cold splash on the backs of my feet. You guessed it. I glared and walked off to wash feet and he was gone when I got back.


A friend works at a library and says peepers are common, waiting for a woman to squat down to get a book on the bottom shelf and peep through from the next aisle.


Oh gag!! That is worse. I didn't think anything could be, but that is worse!

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felt a hot then cold splash on the backs of my feet. You guessed it. I glared and walked off to wash feet and he was gone when I got back.


A friend works at a library and says peepers are common, waiting for a woman to squat down to get a book on the bottom shelf and peep through from the next aisle.


Oh.My.God. shudder

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librarian got gloves and a tissue


So, I'm kind of hoping that the fact that they keep gloves handy is not indicative of anything... (like previous instances of this???). I really, really hope that's just standard 'first aid kit' fare, kwim?


Ick. Uck. <shudder>

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Its true, a lot of weird things go on in libraries. Part of the issue of course is that they are not private and open long hours. We had many a heated discussion in library school about what to do in such situations. I have attempted to forget such stories. Some people do not hold the library as any sort of special institution, from not droping the volume on their cell phones or taking a call where it won't disturb other patrons to extremes beyond even this incident. Although libraries are certainly public spaces I do wish people would sometimes remember that they are not simply indoor parks or an extension of your own back yard/living room.


That being said--I will once again attempt to put volume control on my own children before we go out and try to remember to use my inside voice when they misbehave in public.;)

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