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Anyone struggle with Depression?

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I have struggled with this on and off for years. It is like I can see an open pit ahead of me and I am helpless to move around it. Then I fall in it and struggle to get out sometimes for months at a time. Different things can set it off, stress, unanticipated changes, fatigue....anyway, I feel like I am approaching that open pit again...pray that I can avoid it this time. I think alot of it has to do with dh's stressful work load right now and I am not dealing well with it...it's been going on 3 weeks now and I'll be glad when things get back to normal. I feel bad for whining to him because he has enough on his plate. He doesn't need to be worrying about me too.

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Exercise and light help. Enough sleep is vital. Planning what I want and need to accomplish, writing it down, and then doing it really makes me feel better. It also is good when I recognise that no one can/will help make things better but me (with God's help). No use expecting anyone else to fix it. :grouphug:

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It certainly isn't any fun, is it? I've shared my struggles on this board and while I feel I am doing much better now, I still struggle daily. Second the Vit. D and exercise and sunshine. I would also add it might be helpful to find a good counselor and talk to a psychiatrist about anti-depressants. I'm not one to push meds, b/c I hate taking them myself. But, sometimes we have to do what is best for us AND our family, kwim? Seeing a therapist made a tremendous difference for me. Having somebody "safe" to unload on every week was such a blessing. Are you making enough time for yourself? Time alone and time with friends is also a huge thing for me. I am a "people" person and I tend to get very depressed when I haven't been around my friends enough (once a week usually does the trick).

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I am also struggling with depression right now. Nobody irl knows this, I tend to smile and pretend everything is peachy, but I have felt for years that I'm barely holding it all together. Finally a few months ago I talked to my doctor about it and decided to try an anti-depressant. It's been about 5 weeks now...I certainly notice that I am not as emotional and feel a little more able to handle little stresses...but I am so exhausted. all. the. time...which isn't helping me any!


I firmly believe that sunshine and exercise will make a difference, but I'm too tired to get my rear out and take a walk, so I feel stuck in a cycle of gloom & doom or something.


Hugs to you. I hope finding that you are not alone helps you manage just a little bit better.

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I want to know how your husbands handle this one. Mine feels like he wants to fix me, and when he can't he gets very frustrated...that all he does, and provides is not enough to make me feel happy. He has been helpful in the past, once he gets past his frustration because he is a good listener, once I can make him stop trying to throw out solutions :) But I don't want him to feel it is all on him. I worry that he will resent this over time, feel like I am all "needy" and pathetic.

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I've struggled with depression off and on for almost 12 years.


During those times I've taken anti-depressants and/or sought counseling.


My most recent bout started a little over a year ago and I tried to fight it for several months. But when it got to the point that I couldn't get myself to do the things I knew would help me (eating right and exercising) I went back on the meds.


If after you have tried exercise, sun, vitamins, and eating right you still feel depressed, don't feel ashamed about seeing someone and/or maybe taking an anti-depressant. You don't have to be on them forever and they may be what you need to get started taking care of yourself and feeling better.


Good luck.

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Yes another sufferer here as well. I have been off and on meds for many years but now that my MS diagnosis has come in I know I will most likely be on them for the rest of my life. It is horrible to see that hole and know that you should walk around it but know you are going in anyway. Praying that you don't fall too far and can get some help either in the form of meds, vitamins, rest, doctors, or a combo of all of them.

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Never officially diagnosed, but yes. Lots of sunshine and excercise help. I never want people to worry about me, so I'm very good at pretending things are fine.



At 33 I have suffered for years and for the most part have kept it secret. Which isnt always good, but I'm dealing with it at my own pace. Sunshine & Exercise definately help! ;)

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I have struggled with this on and off for years. It is like I can see an open pit ahead of me and I am helpless to move around it. Then I fall in it and struggle to get out sometimes for months at a time. Different things can set it off, stress, unanticipated changes, fatigue....anyway, I feel like I am approaching that open pit again...pray that I can avoid it this time. I think alot of it has to do with dh's stressful work load right now and I am not dealing well with it...it's been going on 3 weeks now and I'll be glad when things get back to normal. I feel bad for whining to him because he has enough on his plate. He doesn't need to be worrying about me too.
I will pray for you! Going to DH with your troubles is not whining. That is part of being a couple, the ability to lean on each other. It sounds as though you are both under inordinate stress. I completely empathize, as we are there too.
But I don't want him to feel it is all on him. I worry that he will resent this over time, feel like I am all quot;needy" and pathetic.

You are not needy or pathetic. You are human! We all struggle with life along the way and handle things as well as possible. It is so overwhelming to be a female some days with all the requirements placed upon us... it is no great surprise that anxiety and/or depression emerge!

THIS IS SO ME! And the killer is that I KNOW it is bad for me to hold it all in, but I feel powerless to open up and ask for help.
Same here. I wish there were a place to go where it is safe to be completely real. You need to find an outlet for your own sake, but I completely empathize with your situation in not wanting to vent with DH inasmuch as he may be tapped out too! It is also hard to open up to anyone else for help when you are the glue that holds it all together. I decided years ago that I am not allowed (in the minds of others) to have a problem because I am supposed to support everyone else through their crises.... thus DH hears my troubles. Right now I cannot bear to bring things to him because of all that he is currently confronted with. I do understand, though, having BTDT for most of my life, you need an outlet!
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No but I have PMDD. Talk about CRAZY the week before my period!! I swing from happy to sad to REALLY mad at little stuff. Yell, scream, rant.....I hate it. Prozac really levels me out and I plan on getting back on it once T weans.


It was such a relief when I got this diagnosis. What a difference just knowing I wasn't going crazy. I was the same way and would get to the point where I just wanted to throw things too. You're not alone.

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I do suffer with it, I have taken meds for it but the weight gain got to be ridiculous so I got off the meds and took 5-htp for a while. It worked for a while, but then it sort of swung the other way and was making me feel worse.:glare: So, no more of that. I also feel like I am barely keeping it all together on most days. I haven't had to just go get in bed and cover up for a while though so I'm better than I have been before. I sort of try to grin and bear it, I have a very hard time putting my feelings into words, so it's difficult to share with my friends and family what I am going through. Anywhoo... you're not alone.:grouphug:

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Thanks for all your words of encouragement. It helps so much to know that I am not alone, that I am not failing my kids by homeschooling them when I feel like I'm falling apart. I am planning on picking up some vitamins. I believe I'll hold off on visiting a professional for another week or two. Just want to ensure that I am not all PMS or something cyclic.


You all have been more encouragement than you know.

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I've struggled with this my whole life. Like many others here, I've always tried to hide it too.


Right now, I am taking 5-HTP. It does take the edge off. I am now considering going to see a doctor.


My prayers are with you. I hope you can avoid that hole, or, at least climb out again quickly.


:grouphug: Denise

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I know someone who was diagnosed with mild depression and the psychiatrist recommended this because he didn't feel prescriptions were necessary:




I also have taken 5-htp for sleep issues. I researched it quite a bit before I started to take it (I take it with valerian and magnesium and sleep like a baby!) and found that it's widely used in Europe or the UK to treat depression. It supposedly works as well as prescription meds. What I learned is that stress depletes the body of serotonin. When serotonin levels are low, depression and/or insomnia set in. 5-htp increases serotonin levels just as antidepressants do. It's certainly worth a try!

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After losing my mom to cancer 1 year and then my baby sister a little under 2 years later I felt very depressed. Tried meds which help me tremendously but didn't like the side effects.


I also found that my diet also affected my moods (caffeine, chocolate, sweets) all were triggers.


When I eliminate these I feel good. I found an herbal supplement called estrotone combined with a daily dose of fish oil and a rosemary tablet (for concentration) daily has helped tremendously. I can tell when I don't take them on a regular basis as I can't accomplish the things use to and I slide back into feeling sad & moody.


I think in this day and age there are plenty of people depressed (economy, lack of job, etc.) so you are not alone.

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