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Favorite books-turned-into-movies?

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I have strong feelings about movies needing to be a true representation of the book. While I have yet to see one that is actually accurate on all points, the following are really well done IMHO:


Pride and Prejudice--the one with Colin Firth, NOT the horrid one with Kiera Knightly <shudder>


Jane Eyre, starring Timothy Dalton


A Room with a View, starring Helena Bonham Carter--This is one of the very rare movies that is actually better than the book (and true to the book as well).

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The Wizard of Oz. The book and the movie are quite different, but I like both of them.


Patriot Games and Clear and Present Danger. Ditto.


Mary Poppins. Ditto.


Scarlet Pimpernel. My favorite screen adaptation is the 80s TV movie with Anthony Andrews and Jane Seymour.


Anne of Green Gables with Megan Follows. Some of y'all are too young to remember that it was originally a four-part PBS series. Anne of Avonlea was not bad; the last one was dreadful.


LOTR. I have read the covers off three paperback sets.:D I cannot tolerate the movies, even though they are beautiful eye candy.


Chronicles of Narnia. I am satisfied with the most recent adaptations.

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Roxanne (as an adaptation of Cyrano de Bergerac)

Apocalypse Now (as an adaptation of Heart of Darkness)


Both movies are very updated versions of the old stories & I think both did a very good job of capturing the essence of the story, the characters, etc....




I like the Harry Potter movies too (though I haven't read the books yet myself).

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Being There, with Peter Sellers, was better than the novella

Blade Runner -- I'm a huge PKD fan, but Blade Runner is about as perfect a movie as you can get

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The Notebook is the closest representation of a book I've ever seen.


Yep, that's what I was going to say. The movie is exactly like the book. :)


Anyone read Little Dorrit and seen the movie? I've seen the movie and really liked it, but haven't had time to get into the book. I'm wondering how close they are...


Remember Just Like Heaven with Reese Witherspoon? I liked the movie okay, but the book was horrible. The book has a different title... If Only it Were True... usually a book is better than the movie, but this is one of those times when it wasn't.

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Pride and Prejudice--the one with Colin Firth, NOT the horrid one with Kiera Knightly <shudder>


:iagree: Horrid doesn't even begin to describe the butchering that took place.


Anyone read Little Dorrit and seen the movie? I've seen the movie and really liked it, but haven't had time to get into the book. I'm wondering how close they are...


I read it because I saw the PBS adaptation. It's actually the only Dicken's novel I've been able to read all the way through. I thought the movie was better, but I don't enjoy Dickens. At. All. However, the movie was very very close to the book. The book did clarify a few things for me though. I've tried to get through Bleak House for the exact same reason and well. . . it's just too BLEAK!


Nobody's mentioned my beloved Wives and Daughters. The book and the movie are so good! I think the only real reason I like the movie better is because the book is unfinished, but the movie went ahead and put the ending on that Gaskell intended.

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Nanny McPhee! One of the few where I thought the movie was worlds better than the book (which it resembled only slightly)...


I had never heard of the book, so after I saw the movie I found and bought a book that had all three Nanny McPhee books in it. They were ok, but I did like the movie better.

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