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I'm so disappointed with my MacBook

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Dh bought me a MacBook for Christmas and we have plans to get me the 27" iMac when Apple has their Back-to-School sale. It's my teacher bonus for this coming year. :D I'd heard such great things about Mac and for the first few weeks, I was in love. I love how intuitive it is, how most things, like my printer that usually takes hours to download a driver for on Windows, was simply plug and play. Now, it's a whole different story. :(


My Mac is crashing once per week.- better than the PC, but not great. It's stalling out on a few programs and Safari has shut down more times than I care to admit. It also doesn't print PDF files and never has. I've figured a way around that, but it's still a problem that is not fixed- just more of a temp. bandaid thing until I can spend quality time trouble shooting my computer. :glare:


Now, my printer seems to disappear now and then. The computer has moments when it won't recognize the printer and nothing prints... even after multiple reboots of both printer and computer. It pretends to print but nothing is being sent to the printer. :glare:


I'm not sure what's going on. I don't have many programs on the MacBook- I mostly use it for internet and school files. I'm good with computers but not a hard user of them. I don't believe I have a virus. It's acting like I would expect a PC to, but my last laptop (PC) lasted a good 6 months before it started giving me grief.


I guess this is just a vent. I was really looking forward to the 27" iMac in the fall, but sadly dh thinks that since Mac hasn't been much better for us, we're probably better off not spending that much money. :(


I wanted to keep loving my Mac. I just don't know what happened. :confused:

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If you have a mac store nearby, take it in. My dd was having a few problems with hers and she took it in to a local store. They were more then helpful. They fixed the problem and uploaded all current software. We bought the extended care plan so this didn't cost us anything!

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ditto the others....you are certainly still under warranty. My dh (smart man) got an extra year extended warranty when we got our imac 2+ years ago, so when my hard drive took a dive this spring I took it to the mac store and they were great. Because I hadn't backed up my hard drive, I had to pay $150 for data retrieval, but everything else was free. Take it in.

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You should not be Having these problems. Two thoughts:


1) Go to the Apple menu (far upper left of the screen) and use the pull down menu to select Software Update and run the updater.





2) Call Apple Care and let an expert talk you through a solution. Apple customer service is excellent and they ought to be able to get you a solution, so you can love your Mac.



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This kind of thing is pretty rare, but something is going on. If the store is far away, call them and they will walk you through a few things that may have it back up to speed in no time.





It is little comfort to be told these things are extremely rare when you are the one with the problem, but is is rare.


The good thing is that when there is an issue, the support at Apple knows what it is, and/or will patently take you through some questions and diagnostics and will resolve the issue.


Because they design and manufacture the machines and write the software they know how to deal with any problems, and as a company they have the will to do so.


It's a pain to have to go through glitches with any computer. I'm sorry you are the one with a problem. See what you think of how Apple responds to a customer when there is the rare problem. I thinks they will win you back. And once you get used to your fault-free Mac, you'll have no second thoughts.



Steve (sent via his iPad)

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It is little comfort to be told these things are extremely rare when you are the one with the problem, but is is rare.


The good thing is that when there is an issue, the support at Apple knows what it is, and/or will patently take you through some questions and diagnostics and will resolve the issue.


Because they design and manufacture the machines and write the software they know how to deal with any problems, and as a company they have the will to do so.


It's a pain to have to go through glitches with any computer. I'm sorry you are the one with a problem. See what you think of how Apple responds to a customer when there is the rare problem. I thinks they will win you back. And once you get used to your fault-free Mac, you'll have no second thoughts.



Steve (sent via his iPad)



:lol::lol: I guess I should be regretting my decision not to have dh get me an iPad for Mother's Day? :tongue_smilie:


I called the Apple store and the lady was less than helpful. I'll trust you guys on the their central customer service and try there instead.



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:lol::lol: I guess I should be regretting my decision not to have dh get me an iPad for Mother's Day? :tongue_smilie:


I called the Apple store and the lady was less than helpful. I'll trust you guys on the their central customer service and try there instead.




The retail stores ( unless you get to a genius bar) are not the place to get tech support. It won't happen. Apple makes sure they don't operate that way as a company decision. They DO HOWEVER, maintain a superb customer support service. And they will help you, and do so with patience, courtesy, and competence.


Steve (who will let you know the iPad is insanely great!)

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I've been using Macs for over 20 years. I also do computer consulting professionally and was a network analyst until I retired to stay home with the kids. Having worked with literally hundreds of Macs, believe me when I say what you are experiencing is very unusual. Also, the tech support when you call Apple (go to the website and initiate a support ticket if you prefer) is excellent. They have the highest support rating in the industry for good reason. When I, or a client, have a hardware issue, they have never failed to diagnose and repair it with all speed and while making me feel important and cared for. It is quite amazing.


I hope you have the same experience very soon!

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If you can't take it in, call Apple and they'll send you a shipping box to send it to them for repair. Call them right away and get this taken care of. This is NOT normal for macs. I've had a macbook for 2 years, my ex has had Apple laptops for the past 15 years and has never had this happen. Looks like your Apple is a Lemon. ;)


It's frustrating, but they do stand behind their products and will fix it.

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I've had macs since... 1988? I've lost count how many. I've had one lemon. They gave me a new one. Stuff happens when you make millions of machines. If it isn't a software glitch (as in, the software hasn't been being regularly updated), it is entirely possible you just got the one in a million. Call customer support and they'll fix the problem.




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I want a Mac. Wawawawaw.


My friend who has Macs (and who keeps raving about them to me) told me that when something ocasionally goes wrong or is not 100% up to scratch...they literally send a courier to his house to get it, and then return it replaced or fixed by courier. This is Australia, and a major city, but still...thats good customer service!

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I have had macs for over 20 years and never have had problems like you are describing.


I would definitely take it in for repair. They probably can mail it back to you when it is fixed.


My Apple store has amazing customer service and the 1 time I needed to go in for a repair they were so helpful.

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Thanks for the replies. This gives me hope, but the nearest Apple store is well over an hour away and it'll be quite the ordeal to bring it in. I specifically bought a Mac to avoid these sorts of issues. :(


That just stinks. I've been using Macs for years and years - never a problem.


Make a day of it. Go without the kids, get a manicure, buy a good cup of coffee, and go to the Apple Store. You will love your Mac. I promise.


SpyCar - did we always know your name is Steve????

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