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What do we do with the Chickens or Can Homesteaders take Vacations

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When we lived in Texas, our neighbor asked us to tend their chickens for a couple of days while they went for a little trip. (They were actually gone for 3 weeks, but who's counting lol.) We were excited, got to learn all about roosters...:tongue_smilie:...and raccoons...:tongue_smilie:...but still had fun. So ask a nearby neighbor. Have a nice, restful vacation, away from the chickies!

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We're fortunate that we have neighbors and family available to help. But, I also know there are pet sitters in the area that offer care for livestock as well. That might be an option-- I'd check with other people in your area who have chickens/goats to get recommendations. You might wind up working out a trade situation. HTH

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We ask friends to care for the chickens. It's the same as vacationing when you own cats or dogs or other pets. A friend comes over in the morning to let the chickens (and cats) out and in the evening to shut them up and check food and water. She gets to keep the eggs, so she's more than willing to help!


If you've got a teenager or responsible preteen living nearby, they might enjoy making a little $, think $2-3 a day.



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You have to pay people, yes. lol Sometimes your mother will do it...mostly she doesn't want to, but she will fill in here and there. Sometimes we leave the dogs in the barn so they can have friends, and amuse the chickens and cats. We have someone come to let them out twice a day, and while the dogs are running around, they feed the chickens. Sometimes we take the dogs, sometimes a really good friend will take them. We travel often, sometimes for a couple of weeks, sometimes just for a couple of days. The dogs do not like to be boarded, so we have not done that in a long time. Chickens are really simple to care for.


You do have to think about the animals. And you do mostly have to pay someone. ;) Travel is one reason we don't have goats. I am not sure goats are that much harder than dogs, but most people get dogs, but might be freaked out by a goat. My mother would not come feed goats. ;)

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I've taken care of others' chickens when they've been out of town - my friend was in Singapore for 6 weeks in the middle of the winter! I had to trudge through snow to get to the pen. It's actually what convinced me we could handle owning fowl - they're so easy to take care of. Just tossed more food and water at them and collected the eggs.


We have two guineas now, but haven't been out of town since we got them. I'm sure we could find someone to take care of them.

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I've taken care of others' chickens when they've been out of town - my friend was in Singapore for 6 weeks in the middle of the winter! I had to trudge through snow to get to the pen. It's actually what convinced me we could handle owning fowl - they're so easy to take care of. Just tossed more food and water at them and collected the eggs.


We have two guineas now, but haven't been out of town since we got them. I'm sure we could find someone to take care of them.


I agree! Since helping the boys with the ducks, I'm ready for chickens!!! But, they aren't technically allowed here. They were so darn easy to care for and the eggs were great!!

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I pay a neighborhood kid to care for our critters. And if it is summer and you have a pond w/adequate water your goats should take care of themselves (assuming they are non-milking). Check with your local 4-h club or ffa club to find a kid that might be interested.

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We only just got the chicks today, but we have all the other animals and have had to pay for animal-sitting services every time we've gone out of town for ages. At this point I'm lucky that one of my friends is still single and doesn't mind housesitting for free (well, we make sure the fridge is stocked and once the chickens start laying, she'd get the eggs), but she's been with her current boyfriend for nearly three years and I imagine the day is closing in when I have to shell out the dough again. Gotta find me a good college student...

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It shouldn't be too difficult to find someone to help with chickens while you're away. I had a friend who was very active in wild bird rehab. Finding someone to care for her owls, hawks and vultures if she needed to be away... now that was a challenge!

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We trade vacation chores with neighbors and there's never been a need for any sort of extra $$. We've taken trips as long as two months. They take shorter trips, but more frequently. The animals don't seem to care to be honest. We're not just talking chickens either, but ponies/horses, dogs, cats, chickens, plants, mail, paper, general house checking, and one neighbor has beef cows, another has sheep and goats. We know how to do their chores (on a basic level) and they know how to do ours.

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IME, chickens are easier to find petsitters for than anything else, since they come with free eggs! They're as easy as cats; you just need someone to come by every other day. We have 3 dogs and 2 cats on top of our chickens, and we've never had a problem finding a housesitter; we pay someone to stay, but if we only had the chickens I'm pretty sure we could work out a trade easily.

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My mom asks her farmer neighbor to come check on the animals. And whatever eggs they collect are theirs to take for free (as payment). They normally just load up the feeders and watering tubs (sometimes adding an extra tub if they think it's needed) If it's more than just a long day trip or a quick overnight, I normally go up and stay at the house to care for the sheep, dogs, goat, and chickens.

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