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Do you drink soda?

Do you drink soda?  

  1. 1. Do you drink soda?

    • Yes I do
    • No I dont
    • other-- you have to explain how there is an other to this question!

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I totally gave up drinking soda's in January and haven't gone back since. I had a 4 soda a day habit. Also gave up chips and anything with corn syrup and corn in it at the same time. Dropped 12 pounds so far. Did it for health reasons. Don't miss it at all and my body is thanking me.

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Yes, but we don't call it "soda" here ~ it's pop! ;)


..and the pop that I drink most often: diet pepsi.


I never used to until I had to take unisom for nausea during my last pregnancy. I hate coffee and tea, so waking myself up from taking a sleeping pill every night turned into a diet pepsi addiction. I drink 2 cans a day. I keep thinking I need to cut it out completely to save money, but it's so. dang. hard. I miss it.


I had to quit all caffeine 20 years ago because of ovarian cysts.


What is the connection between caffeine and ovarian cysts? Now you've got me curious. Off to do an internet search...

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I was going to vote "no", but then I realized that I will drink soda if it's all there is to drink at a party, say, so there's my "other." :D Kind of "only under duress."


I never buy it to have in the house, nor would it ever occur to me to order any with a meal


:iagree: That's my "other" also.

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Never! When I was little and asked my mom if I could try it, she mixed it with cold coffee (secretly, of course). Well, I thought it was disgusting. I tried a few sips in college when I was trying to stay up to study for an exam, but I still thought it tasted disgusting! I wanted to do the same to my kids (mix it with cold coffee), but they asked my husband and he gave them the real thing.


If only she had done something similar with chocolate....

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Yes. I buy the Coke that is made with cane sugar but will drink regular Coke if I am at a restaurant.


I buy Hansen's sodas too.


I also drink a lot of other things but I drink some form of a carbonated beverage at lease every other day.

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This is how we are too. I will drink it out some, but we don't keep it at home.


So, yes, I drink it, but it isn't something I do daily.




Occasionally. Sometimes when we go out to eat I will have a soda. But usuallly I drink water. We never have soda in the house.
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I drink maybe three cans of soda (or the equivalent) in a month. For a long time, until about last July, I drank about five cans a week. Carbonation makes my mouth feel washed out. When I was a kid soda was what we had at every meal. I still have an issue with the lingering sense of food in my mouth. Basically, I can't stand it. I carry around my toothbrush and toothpaste as well as xylitol gum. I brush my teeth after every meal and snack at home. When I want something sweet to wash the food taste away, I drink a Fuze Slenderize. When I'm feeling indulgent, I drink a VitaminWater. Mostly I drink water.




Neurotically yours,

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No, unless I've had a stomach virus. I always keep a few Whole Foods Mkt ginger ale's in are other fridge just in case. I love water, but it just doesn't taste good when you have been sick.


Ack! I forgot about this. We do the same. I have a few bottles of real-ginger ginger ale I get at the health food store that I keep in the pantry... works like a charm for upset tummies. I should have voted "other"... we drink it for medicinal purposes only. :D

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Yes....said as I take a drink of my Mt. Dew. :lol:


I go though spells where I will only drink water then all a sudden I switch to all Cokes (as they are all called around here). Coke, coke zero, mt.dew, diet mt. dew are my favorites. The one I cannot stand is Dr. Pepper of any kind.

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I voted "other".


My explanation: No, in general my immediate family does not drink sodas. However, maybe twice a year, we break down and have root beer floats. And one time during my recent pregnancy I had a Coke with a "Big Boy" type burger.


Oh, and I keep gingerale in the house for the occassional upset stomach.

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