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Remember Memphis?

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The horse I didn't think I could sell because I was so attached to her? Well, she is no more. She died at the trainer's on Wednesday. For the first time since I was ten years old I don't own a Quarter horse.


I don't even think I can qualify as a Remudamom anymore. Four horses is a pretty **** small remuda.

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She wasn't old. She would have turned six this month. We don't know what happened. Trainer says he rode her and put her up panting. ($%^#*(&???) Ten minutes later she's dead. I went out to see her body, just to make sure they weren't pulling a fast one on me (she was a nice horse, worth some $$).


Vet went out to do a pm, and said her lungs and throat were full of blood. He's bamboozled. I'm just sick.

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